I just :h that dress....in fact that whole site has a lot of luvverly dresses.
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Army Thread Thursday 16th January
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
JackieClaire;1613961 wrote: I just :h that dress....in fact that whole site has a lot of luvverly dresses.
It does indeed!
mollyka;1613964 wrote: Just lookin at it there again --- would it not be possible for a dressmaker to take it up a bit in the middle - under the belty thing?
Ye know? Not looking for any sympathy here btw. Just thinking how much I really miss me own Mum or a sister- just to show it to and get opinions from. My Mum used to love seeing any new rags I'd bought- she would eye them up as to whether she could wear them or not!:H
Will try get a pic and e-mail it to yis for yer honest opinions.... only prob is am home alone and couldn't really ask me neighbour to come take a pic of me- tink his girlfriend would keel me!
I volunteer as a recruit for ye to practice some acupuncture on too Jacks!
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
satz123;1613978 wrote: :yay: a picinkele:
Dress is FAB !!!
Jacks what's the craic with acupuncture ? Where did that come fromIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
Was watching ICA Bootcamp- hilarious !
Totally OTT but a laugh - and the Dub won naturally :H
For non-irish :
ICA = Irish Country Women's Association - basically a load of 'ol biddies - stuck in the 50's.
Trying to teach young wans 'stuff'
Funny but one of them said that their generation is most likely the last to be able to take up a hem and that simple sewing will die out - she is prolly right - judging by real DD and now adopted Sweetiepie:H
She put it quite well:
"We are in the departure lounge and you are in arrivals - this talent will go with us - but we're not really to fly out just yet" :H
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
mollyka;1614004 wrote: Never sewed anything in my life -- even when the kids were little they used to go straight to daddy if a button fell off or a zip was broken - and me the daughter of a woman who made everyone's wedding dresses and suits and trousers and all sorts of shite --- think it may have been my rebellion:H
Gonna get an early night luvvies -- feel very sleep deprived after last night --- and wouldn't mind being sleepless tonight cos there's cricket on --- but guessin I'll snore the house down!! Nighters xxxx
Got there afore ye- in the leaba for a final lurk before sleep.
Alarm set for 5 bells - to go shaggingym :upset:
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
anon;1614015 wrote: Night night gang
Love the dress I bet Sweetie will look fab:goodjob:
Just back from Norweigen class. Oldest by 20 years which now seems to be the story of my life:upset:
Better late than never
You are feckin' marvelous Ms A :goodjob:
Wish I had your get up & go ....
Though I am gong to learn how to meditate on Saturday .... summit I suppose.
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
Nighters all xx
Took some pics but couldn't work out how to email them so sent some to Jacks n Molls. Tried dress on wearing a push-up bra this time and it has lifted it (among other things!) a tad:H Will be needin advice as to what to do with hair and all that shite!!
Sorry girls but will have yer heads done-in by time this wedding is done xx
Nice to see you this time of night MrsAGoodjob on Norweigan class :goodjob:
Army Thread Thursday 16th January
anon;1614055 wrote: Hafta say Mr A not pleased I am learning another language!!