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i know i,m boring but...
i know i,m boring but...
hi guys hope you dont mind needed to come on and take my mind off a cheeky bottle of shiraz in the kitchen.i,m cooking sunday lunch always have a glass or box of wine doing this, i am finding it so hard to resist today was going to put flowers in the garden but it's chucking it down outside. just poured hubby a glass he's had one sip in the last half hour grrr. i've had 4 kudzu and am putting the roast potatoes in' i know i'm waffling but i'm hoping the kudzu will kick in meanwhile glugging diet cokeTags: None
i know i,m boring but...
You are not boring. Glad you checked in, the routines and old habits are the hardest ones to break. You are doing really well. Keep going."Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
i know i,m boring but...
Sounds like a great meal. I'm so sick of bottled water and diet coke AF day 5 and it's not been easy! But at least my husband is AF day 5 too! Glad my hubby isn't still drinking, I don't know if I could be doing this.
i know i,m boring but...
Hi Hary..i did 40 plus AF recently with hubby as well..but oh dear decided to do moderation..with some success BUT as said in another thread wonder if moderation eventually leads down the road to past habits...hope not
Good Luck cassy
i know i,m boring but...
Congratulations Hereatlast - fabulous diversionary tactics and glad it all paid off - it's really hard to get past those habit triggers - I always drank and cooked (come to think of it I drank and did most things...) - Recently managed a barbeque which was a real challenge. Anyway, well done on getting past them, and 30 days???? WOW! that's great :wd:
:happy: go girl, go girl, go go, go girl!! :happy::rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
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