I found myself in the same exact frame of mind as I was in when going out to events months ago. While getting dressed, trying to get rid of the anxiousness and getting myself ready for the evening by having a drink or two. However since there is no alcohol in the house, I couldn't do it, but still kept thinking that if there was even a drop of something in the house, I would find it and drink it.
Onto the theater...
That desire for the pre show and intermission drink. The only thing that stopped me were the long lines. After the show driving home, I was thinking if the show would have ended just an hour earlier I could have gone to the liquor store and bought a bottle of wine to drink before bed. Although alcohol wasn't dominating my thinking, it sure had a prominent presence in my mind. I really felt like, I would have gotten a drink if any small opportunity presented itself. It makes me nervous for when my husband comes back home and there is liquor in the house and I am weak.
I feel like I can't resist temptation in front of me. Eventually, there will be more easy access to liquor and many opportunities. How do I deal with that. Will I ever be ready?