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Army Thread Saturday 18th January

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    Army Thread Saturday 18th January

    And yet again me 'puter goes odd about 8pm.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 18th January

      Got to make this quick as Mr JC's chef tonight.

      Molls, as per usual agree with all you said about modding and the chemistry of what alcohol does to us in any quantity is just fascinating.
      Do you know I can't remember the last time I did find someone's first post but I have done it.........prolly made a fat lot of difference though.

      Must go before his meatballs get cold.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Saturday 18th January

        Jackie and Molly... I got a text about what was going on on the thread today and have been prompted to say that the Army was NEVER an abstinence thread. I really wish we had the old thread back to be honest, it was a real source of support back in the day.

        I have a question for both of you... are you so in favour of abstinence that you will push people away that are trying to moderate? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?


          Army Thread Saturday 18th January

          Evening Army:hallo:

          Back from a lovely evening with me pal- ate way too much but it was worth it

          mollyka;1614955 wrote: I'll be away for the guts of 2 weeks Sweetypie --- going at crack-of on Tuesday and get back the following Monday week evening!! Wouldn't even dream of makin dinners 'cept it's a strong possibility that Joe's working straight thro with no days off --- so couldn't leave him fiddling round in the kit hen after 14 hour days!!

          Me and 'moderation' --- well look --- I'm not strong about it - in that -- if someone can do it and they are honest and informed - well go for it and good luck to you! I knew my 'moderation' plans were never moderation - unit wise -- yep I was WAY down on an overall basis on the 7 day a week drinking --- but I never wanted the one or two -- I knew it was always gonna be maybe one day a week ---- but a good old blow out on that day --- the 'informed' bit is also the bit that I didn't understand --- that everytime I drank --- it wasn't the bottle of wine or whatever --- but literally every time a problem drinker puts alcohol into their system's in ANY quantity --- they are just keeping the 'want' for it alive --- and living like that would be completely intolerable to me - not that I was obsessed - but the thought of waiting for Sat night or wanting to drink on a Tuesday cos Joe fancied a couple -- and just WANTING to drink whenever for the rest of my days ......... I couldn't be like that -- and now - that's just not there ---
          So when people round the boards come out with shite like 'I only had two so I won't beat myself up' --- of COURSE it's not the 'two' --- it's the reigniting of that merry-go-round that I couldn't hack -- so yeah --- wild horses wouldn't have stopped me trying it --- but when I realise it was my ignorance of what the chemistry was doing to my system that let me think it was feasible
          And I do think Byrdy has a very good point (I think Jacks has done it too) bringing back the first - often desperate - and invariably sad - posts and presenting them to the person who gaily announces they haven't a problem and it's just down to willpower...... I rest my case!!!
          Happen to agree with ye there Molls, particularly the bit in bold

          Do ye not think tho, it's a process all alco's/prob drinkers/whatever we is called, hafta go through? Like we have to go through the 'I'll only drink on a night out, or only on a weekend etc..' only to find out that yeah it wont work out...
          Can only speak for me and I went through a few years of telling myself- will only drink when out, or when off work next day, I'll only have the one bottle, of course it didn't work out!! but I had to learn that for meself.

          Totally NOT having a go at you btw, just voicing me thoughts:l Ye know how much I value and respect yer opinion, I hope xx

          satz123;1614960 wrote:
          Yep was very good. Called Mind Calm Meditation .
          How to free yourself from thinking too much to be more serene.
          My ex-friend from work - she is lovely and did an intro talk.
          Think I'm gonna love it !
          Not sure it will work out with my sis being there - she is really not as passionate as I am about this stuff -and I found myself holding back my enthusiasm with her there and she doesn't open up at all .... she actually yawned when she was talking FFS
          So maybe separate courses.
          Sounds great Satz- knew ye would like it:thumbs:

          Hiya Zen- how are you keeping?

          Don't wish to get caught-up in any carry-on and do hope ye are keeping well. Sorry if you or others feel like they've been pushed away........again, only speaking for myself, but always found Molls and Jacks more than supportive to me in my attempt to quit. Without their support and wisdom, doubt Id still be sober tbh.


            Army Thread Saturday 18th January

            mollyka;1614977 wrote: God FORBID his meatballs'd get cold:H 'twould knock wet slippers into a cocked hat:H
            Oh they were red hot...........they were curried.:H

            hello there Sweety, glad you had a good night out.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Saturday 18th January

              JackieClaire;1615024 wrote: Oh they were red hot...........they were curried.:H

              hello there Sweety, glad you had a good night out.
              Yo Jacks

              What's this bout meatballs? Are they the new Yorkshire?!


                Army Thread Saturday 18th January

                sweetpea29;1615026 wrote: Yo Jacks

                What's this bout meatballs? Are they the new Yorkshire?!
                Nooooooooo only Yorkshire's on a Sunday and perhaps if there's leftovers on Monday

                Naw Kofta meatballs.............SW recipe.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Saturday 18th January

                  Now really?

                  And again...

                  "Jackie and Molly... I got a text about what was going on on the thread today and have been prompted to say that the Army was NEVER an abstinence thread. I really wish we had the old thread back to be honest, it was a real source of support back in the day.

                  I have a question for both of you... are you so in favour of abstinence that you will push people away that are trying to moderate? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?"

                  Five years if my life and you two decide it's time for me to go? You think that is fair? Because I don't...


                    Army Thread Saturday 18th January

                    JackieClaire;1615031 wrote: Nooooooooo only Yorkshire's on a Sunday and perhaps if there's leftovers on Monday

                    Naw Kofta meatballs.............SW recipe.
                    Ooh errr missus!! Bet MrJC lurves when there's left-overs

                    Gonna head to the leaba now, sincerely hope you are keeping well Zen,

                    Oiche mhaith xx


                      Army Thread Saturday 18th January

                      Personally speaking, I don't care if someone is AF or modding... but I do kind of care when you take over this thread and make it into something it was never intended to be. Maybe get a life? I mean, how much can one person post in a day?


                        Army Thread Saturday 18th January

                        Oiche mhaith Sweetpea... sleep tight. X

