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non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

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    non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

    I'm really struggling here. I get a few days' AF, but my sleep is fckd, & I end up drinking just to sleep so that I can get to work

    does anyone in the UK have any experience of any non-medical rehabs or retreats? I can clean myself up for a few days to be able to drive to wherever, but i really need to find somewhere where I can chill out for 1-2 weeks, where it doesn't matter what my sleep pattern is, some nice quiet countryside, & maybe some gentle spiritual guidance if I so choose ..

    oh, & the moon on a stick



    non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

    I had a friend who checked herself into the Priory badger. She got detoxed and some therapy. They recommend four weeks treatment, but at three and a half grand a week she couldn't afford that. Most private healthcare policies don't cover addictions.
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

      There are places in Ireland too Badger -if you were willing to fly ?


        non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

        thanks guys, but I'm really not after a detox-/rehab-type of place. I had a couple of five-week stints in two UK Priory places about 10 years ago (paid for by private medical insurance amazingly enough), but I can't afford it now, wouldn't want it on my medical record (again) & the 12-step approach would drive me nuts

        I was thinking more like some sort of spiritual retreat type of place (yoghurt macrame optional). somewhere I could get away from the triggers of work & home, & get a little solid AF time under my belt & over the initial 'hump' before returning to the stresses of real life


          non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

          I know you are asking for something different Badger but I personally have experience of thinking a retreat would 'fix' me, and whilst I never went to one, I did go to a few rehabs/treatment centres even when I didn't need detoxing ie just to get away, get a bit of guidance BUT always wasted the money that was spent. Each and every time I thought I'd come back refreshed but each and every time within 10 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks I'd be back drinking alcohol again, back in the same pattern.

          It is my firm belief you remake new patterns in the same environment you are living in. I needed to break the habits, behaviours, get rid of the drag you down friends at home - they weren't fixed when I was away.

          I'd only ever stand by a take away from home approach with someone who didn't have a home, or who was about to completely rebuild their life from scratch. Not someone who was going back to the same place, same stuff.

          My opinion and it's only my opinion is that you have to grit your teeth and get through the sleep issues, it does take a few weeks and it's horrible but you get there - oh and sleeplessness occurs after that, but not as bad, and just normal part of your body and mind's reaction to different things.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

            thanks UKB, what you say makes a certain amount of sense. I'll have a think. maybe take some time off work & do it from home - with plenty of stuff planned to do to distract me - even if it does mean white-knuclking it initially.


              non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

              badger;1616639 wrote: thanks UKB, what you say makes a certain amount of sense. I'll have a think. maybe take some time off work & do it from home - with plenty of stuff planned to do to distract me - even if it does mean white-knuclking it initially.
              Best bit of advice I was given is to stay home with a selection of DVDs, don't do anything complicated. Problem with cutting out work totally is when you start again it could bring back the old patterns. Perhaps try an extended weekend would be my suggestion, just to get you over the worst.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

                Hi Badge
                As Blondey says - get DVDs and veg for a few days.
                Breaking Bad - all 5 seasons will keep you amused - it is GREAT & got me over hump and through Christmas.
                Eat and just basically pamper yourself.
                Get selfish and say 'no' more to friends & family who trigger drinking thoughts.


                  non-medical rehabs/retreats in the UK?

                  satz123;1616869 wrote: Breaking Bad - all 5 seasons will keep you amused - it is GREAT
                  lol - 5 seasons of a show about Meth (I have seen it & it's very good). maybe I should watch Moonshiners too

