You are worthy. Yes you. It doesn't matter how low you think you have sunk. It doesn't matter what you are hearing from others, or indeed yourself, you are worthy.
Many of us often tell ourselves that we are worthless, hopeless, not good enough, and mean nothing. Wrong. Nope. This is not so friend. Regardless of your past.
Just remember this.
You are worthy, and you mean something. You are unique and special, individual and full of potential and possibilities for your next adventure. Just like the rest of us.

Don't waste your time on Earth getting numb. Don't wait for a bolt of lightning to signal your path either. Some of us have to get out there and find it, dig deep within ourselves. And you will.
Never, ever forget that you mean something here on this planet, in your town, street, house, and to the people in your life, whoever they are.
No-one in your life? Well friend, you mean something to me, an anonymous,
reasonably sharp, and some say handsome, trending man about town,
and i am someone who knows a bit of you, just like you know a bit of me. But don't listen to me. Become your best friend, and listen to your own intuition, path and cue's.
Whether you are battling with day 1, day 2, day 6, day 36, day 256, day 1,000,006, it doesn't matter, you are worthy and you mean something no matter what you may think of yourself right now.
You are worthy, and you are a big STAR. No matter what, and no matter who.
Now, get out there, go for your dreams and bring them to life.
Ooroo, G bloke.