Your not a twat. By the way... If you keep telling yourself these things tho you will believe that you are those things... And when drunk it is so conveniently easy to beat the living shit out of yourself. You know people here love you and want to help you. Is it bugging you that some of us are able to be AF? That is ok if it is..
Be right back ... I'm not finished but I have to help my kiddo and don't want to lose the post.
Ok I'm back... Alcohol intensifies your insecurities as you know.. To be honest that is one of the driving forces for me not to drink...
I don't want to beat myself up and tell myself I'm a piece of shit because I drink. I fecking hate that feeling of I don't deserve anything good in the world.
Spud- we gotta find out what is going on in your mind right before you drink. Just some examples... Are you lonely? Are you thinking of being a kid? Are you missing someone or something?
I don't know... Maybe I'm way off base.