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Army Thread Monday 20th January

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    Army Thread Monday 20th January

    Good morning, folksies

    Thanks to the cub celebrating his birthday, we got up a bit later to spend some time with him, so at least the Monday routine is more relaxed than usual.

    He's such a sucker - fell for it that we bought him clothes as a present (his worst fear). He'll soon be pleasantly surprised.

    Have a lekker day, Army!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Monday 20th January

    Morning Tips and rest of Army

    Parental-unit-bought clothes - and as a birthday prezzie, nogal - poor cub. I'm sure he'll enjoy the real prezzie.

    Nice, overcast day here. I overslept badly - need a second alarm clock, other than the cell phone, that I actually have to get out of bed for to stop.

    Have a good Monday, Army
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army Thread Monday 20th January

      Morning Tipps and Dreamy and all to come cold and dark here still. Awake early as I had a long nana nap yesterday afternoon. First coffee then fed cats and let them out. Have a marvellous Monday.:cupajoe::catroll:


        Army Thread Monday 20th January

        Nice cappuchino with the shamrock design Dreamy nice Irish touch.


          Army Thread Monday 20th January

          I try my best with the coffee, Fox...

          BH has 100 days AF!!! inkele: - I've opened a thread for her under General.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army Thread Monday 20th January

            Marnin' Tipps and Moon Unit! (Where did you get that expression, parental unit, Dreamy... have you got a bit of military background we don't know about?!) The boyfriend's brother calls his mother the "mom unit". They were raised Army Brats in Germany. If you bark a command at them they will snap too. ) It's fun!

            Glad eldest cub got what he really wanted Tipps... which is? I thought it's all about NCY baseball hats and shite now... I am obviously way behind the tempus wot fujes! ;o) Long shorts?! )

            Needing long shorts here... freezin! We're having one cold snap after another for the rest of the week. Me Ma will be delighted as there's nothing she would rather discuss than Global Warming. Why the feck is Global Warming so damn cold?!

            I'm scarfing Carrs Table Water crackers with Kerrygold. For those of youz in the know, you'll understand that I'm gonna be fat on a snack. If it gets warm enough I'll take myself and the cholesterol to the gym.

            In other news, starting to be productive in a money earning way today. I've been reduced to doing taxes for Big Jim (who is years behind) and it will be interesting to say the least. Remember the Pharmacy? Guess what... it finally took off. My own boyfriend is still chasing a pipe dream. What is it with the "get rich quick" mob? Anyway... Zenners will prolly be grand daddy'd in to the goings on at the Pharmacy after all that nonsense years ago.

            In other news... I have to have an operation in 2 weeks... and after that I'm supposed to be learning the Pharmacy ropes. How many years did THAT take?

            And in other other news, maybe your mate Reccy will come and post. He doesn't want to but I bet you anything he can be convinced. He is going to KEEL me! If he decides not to that is fine and all... but I am just worried that he has stayed away because of me. He's a really good mate... the best. )

            Happy Monday and all that malarky...


              Army Thread Monday 20th January

              Firefox;1615673 wrote: Nice cappuchino with the shamrock design Dreamy nice Irish touch.
              LOL... yiz have moved on from the Guinness then?! My mate from Derry was over the other night. He owns a pub here (Google it... it's called Finnigans.) We were talking about "stamping" the beer. Do they still do that?


                Army Thread Monday 20th January

                Good morning MrT, Dreamy, Foxy, Zen and all,

                Happy Birthday to the cub MrT- hope he has a fab day. As always thanks for the coffee Dreamywan Hope ye got some rest last night Foxy xx Good luck with the op Zen- and good job on the work front.

                Slept like a baby last night. Back to the madhouse today after a nice relaxing weekend - ah well has to be done.

                Congrats BH on 100 Days- that's fantastic :woot:

                Would love to see Reccie back

                Have a good day all xx


                  Army Thread Monday 20th January

                  Morning Zen I hope the new business venture goes well and your op. Love to hear from Reccie again we miss him and hearing about amy. The Irish will never move on from Guinness lol Its more a male drink here I never took to it and always popular with tourists. Never heard of stamping the beer don't know what it means. Must google the pub Irish themed pubs abroad are always popular. Have you been to it yet?


                    Army Thread Monday 20th January

                    Xpost morning sweetie hope work is not too hectic. Congrats to BH on 100 days must post on the tread. Time for another coffee and maybe porridge for brekkie.


                      Army Thread Monday 20th January

                      Well... with you girls asking after him maybe he can't refuse! Amy is being trained at puppy classes, she's a bit of a handfull... collies you know. I like that in the cats (Hamish is a bugger!)... a bit of spirit... but they don't chew so bad. ) Hamish has wrecked a few things but Amy chews the knobs off Reccy's stove... hehe... she's taken things to a new level!


                        Army Thread Monday 20th January

                        Foxy... yeah I go there. I even did a wee stint in their kitchen last weekend and cooked up some Moules Marinieres... ;o) All the staff is Irish. And their cook is Mexican! He makes a great haggis and all!


                          Army Thread Monday 20th January

                          I worked as a Chef on the yachts for years back in the day. And I really enjoyed being in a professional kitchen last weekend. We have a contest coming up... crab cakes. ) I'll do my best but this guy is really good...


                            Army Thread Monday 20th January

                            Morning all, still not to well here, going to see can I grab a few more..
                            Alcohol free since 13th January 2009


                              Army Thread Monday 20th January

                              Is it the flu bug Mario, or are you still getting over the op?

                              Ach what the heck do I care? All righty... I had lipo done too... very pleased to have my muffin top gone in all honesty. ) Next op is a serious one though... it's not elective. I was gobsmacked at how Mario bounced back from that... it's actually quite invasive.

