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Taking my leave of this forum.

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    Taking my leave of this forum.

    I'm confused???
    Isn't there a very specific Mods Thread ? I believe it's pretty prominent and well attended and thoughtful...

    I too wish you well, TG but I wasn't sure why you kept starting all these mod threads when there's been one here for ages...a little reinventing the wheel...

    Still, I hope you stay, read at least and find the support you need.
    Hugs and heart

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Taking my leave of this forum.

      T.G. maybe you would have been better off in the Moderation thread. The people who have decided to go af have turned their lives around and I take exception to any negatives regarding Byrd or Lavande who have spent countless hours here helping and supporting and encouraging people. They have given a million times more than they have taken and when people have come here broken, they have helped re-build them, they are as entitled to their feelings.

      I don't care if you moderate or not, but what your have described is binge drinking. I tried moderation also and as long as the thought of drinking was in my head, calculating, negotiating, etc., planning, It wasn't possible for me to be AF. When you first posted it appeared as if you wanted to be AF and you had a lot of support, but when you changed your mind, that's okay, but post in an appropriate forum.

      It can be exhausting and disappointing when we have these situations, we didn't misrepresent ourselves at all.

      In the years I've been here, this situation has arisen frequently and all we can hope for is that if moderation doesn't work for you, you can still be a part of this forum.

      I wish you well.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Taking my leave of this forum.

        X-posted Kradle.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Taking my leave of this forum.


          The last thing IMHO is the members here are helpful not judgemental. I have been around for 3 years but never managed to give up fully, thanks to moderation efforts. Its only in the last 25 days I am off fully, barring 4 one month periods in the past.
          Its your call if you want to leave but by your comments, I can see who is judgemental. We would love if you stick around but whatever it is we wish you best.



            Taking my leave of this forum.

            True Grit

            I've not read all your posts but moderation is something you do, and the proof is in the pudding moderation is drinking within safe limits in a controlled manner(preferably not all recommended units in one or 2 sessions).

            I binge-drank for many years and could go 10 days or even up to 2 weeks without a drink, then get slammed. Sometimes the binge might not be that bad, but it was never moderation. Many told me I wasn't alcoholic because I didn't drink every day. I was never a functional alcoholic even during periods where I drank 5 days out of 7, functional to me means the person can go about their daily actitivies, hold down a job, perform duties expected of them and live a life of sorts even when drinking. When I drank nothing else mattered and I'd get so drunk I couldn't do anything else.

            People are worried because most of the time moderation attempts do not work, they keep the person in denial.

            I broke the addiction using naltrexone the TSM way, some say TSM is an excuse to drink. For me I had tried everything and was prepared TO DRINK if it would only break the back of the hold alcohol had on me, and it did. Then after a while moderating with naltrexone it because obvious I should go fully AF. Whatever gets you there, so long as it does get you there and doesn't kill you in the meantime.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Taking my leave of this forum.

              TrueGrit;1615982 wrote:

              I honestly would love you people in the AF mafia to speak with my two friends Jack and Max who were on the verge of losing everything to alcohol and then became successful moderators, better family men and more successful in their careers. They party pretty hard on the weekend and then are fully sober during the week and are still doing great. They would have come here and got blindsided by the ?experts? here.
              So "moderation" is abstaining all week and then getting plastered on the weekends? I always thought a successful moderator was someone that could have one or two drinks, and then easily quit. "Moderation" means the avoidance of extremes. To me, getting drunk every weekend is extreme. I will never be convinced that an alcoholic can moderate. If they could, they wouldn't end up on sites like MWO.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

