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something is wrong wiht aunt diane

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    something is wrong wiht aunt diane

    This is getting off-topic perhaps but what pray, is the is pre-disposition of a female alcoholic? We come with all manner of life histories. What makes us what we are is our addiction to alcohol - male or female. We women may have different pressures and problems to men and AL metabolises somewhat differently for us but I don't think gender has been shown to predispose a 'female alcoholic'.

    The enema story is a new one to me and I have heard quite a few tales in my time.


      something is wrong wiht aunt diane

      Alky, you make valid points.

      IMHO I think she started to be overwhelmed about life when the husband was being a frat kid. She was raising kids, pkus a husband, she took this role on very early.

      Denial is definitely a problem here. I did an update check and he is suing NY state re conditions of roads, and suing his bil who lost 3 daughters, for a faulty vehicle.

      Husband doesn't have a grip.

      Gosh darn it all.
      Enlightened by MWO


        something is wrong wiht aunt diane

        Alky, wow...interesting theory....I never would have thought it.
        I am still overwhelmed about this story.
        I never liked other people driving my kids around.
        Yes Lucky, Aunt Diane had THC in her system as well.
        Sk, I didn't know about the enema thing ?


          something is wrong wiht aunt diane

          I saw a documentary on the enema thing...forget what it was called...the guy it featured died because he was just blasting too much poison straight into his bloodstream. So sad that people get to that point. His wife was helping him with the enemas...

          I never thought about Aunt Diane committing suicide. IF she did, it's unforgivable that she took those kids out with her. :upset:
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            something is wrong wiht aunt diane

            I really hated when the husband said (for his son to hear later in life) that he never wanted to have kids and now here he was stuck with this life. Asshole.


              something is wrong wiht aunt diane

              I vaguely remember the story but didn't know about the documentary. Watched it yesterday.

              Wow :upset:
              So sad, on so many levels.

              With them working opposite shifts (and her husband being clueless in general), it is entirely possible that he didn't know of her drinking. I speak from experience; one can get it down to a science.. when to start drinking, for how long, and how much.... to be coherent enough when one's partner gets home from work.
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                something is wrong wiht aunt diane

                I watched this today. First of all, I think Danny is creepy and don't trust the man, nor do I trust the sister-in-law. Besides that, I believe Diane could easily have hidden a drinking problem from Danny because he worked a different shift than she did, and could easily hide it from small children. Diane was a control freak (perfectionist, control, lots of characteristics of an alcoholic), and Danny was ok with that, as the sister in law said that he didn't want children from the start and he left all responsibility on her which was ok for the jerk that he is. And like someone said, hopefully poor little Bryan won't see that part of the documentary. Sad. But I think a few other factors should have gotten some attention. First, the dental problem she had which caused lots of pain. Next, how much ambien she was taking, as people have lots of bad reactions to this drug. The type of tooth problem she had can cause strokes and they didn't even address that in the autopsy. The way she was described as having a poker straight face while driving the wrong way (ambien related?). Too many questions to form an opinion of what really happened. I do think she was drunk but self medicating with the vodka because of the tooth problem, or too much stress of having to do everything all the time. and trying to be perfect.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  something is wrong wiht aunt diane

                  If anyone has HBO, you can see this on HBO on demand. I hid my drinking from my husband for years. Of course she could have hidden it. That's what lots of women alcoholics do. There are hundreds of ways to hide. Just find the thread on "where were your alcohol hiding places".

                  It doesn't mean it wasn't tragic for everyone involved, but absolutely she could have hidden it. It's not that hard to do.

