Going through this experience has taught me that we all live in the same building but have different views. We all somehow ended on the same path but coming here took different directions to improve our lives and I understand fully now that my way will not work for others and the paths that others took will not work for me. Some would call what I do ?binge drinking? while for me and my circumstance I call moderation and it has been working very well for not only myself buy my family with some amazing results. I am currently on day five of being sober before I hit the weekend enjoying booze on my terms instead of the boozes terms.
I have come to respect everyone here for their own circumstances and their choices to correct their problems and I will keep on with my continuous thread. I welcome any feedback and all comments but please understand that for me this is moderation, my moderation and not moderation defined by a website or a consensus of experts that disagree with the consensus of other experts regarding moderation?it is my own and it is going great.
Thank you all for being here for the support of others?I sincerely believe that this site is essential for guiding lost souls to a path where they can succeed.