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managed 22 days not drinking but..

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    managed 22 days not drinking but..

    Managed 22 days not drinking. But alas I have come off the wagon on Saturday and Sunday just gone.

    Back to square 1 for me and will read alan car's book again. I had said to myself I was going to quit when my drinking buddy moves to america for good. Problem was that it was taking him ages to get his visa so I decided to go ahead with the quit anyway. Things came to a head when I met him on Saturday for a meal and drinks. I shouldn't have attempted to quit while he's still here but I was thinking it may take him ages to leave so I need to get on with this quit.

    I now know he is leaving the 1st week of March so I will aim to quit after that day. At least I know I can do the 22 days worth so I just need to not slip back into things. I will keep drinking till then

    managed 22 days not drinking but..

    Scots.....or should we call you Kev?

    Welcome and well done on your sober time!

    Maybe in the meantime you can get familiar here, read all the multitude of good stuff available, get to know folk and decide what you want to achieve.

    Do you want to completely quit, cut down, have a period alcohol free??

    Putting the reasons and aims in writing and with others gives you something to refer back to when temptation arises.

    The great thing is you KNOW you can get and remain sober. All alcohol is gone within a week so you have 'flown solo' already.

    Look forward to getting to know you


      managed 22 days not drinking but..

      thank you. the name is Kevin and i'm from Scotland.

      I want to become a non drinker but I enjoy it too much. I am a binge drinker so not an everyday drinker. I enjoy being in a pub trying out all the ales and just really being in the company of others who drink. I rarely sit alone and keep my alcohol level topped up at all times, I seem to be just a weekend or evening drinker. I really like it when there is sport on the the tv in the pub for e.g.

      I think I have a better chance of success once this drinking buddy has left the country. Thank you for making me feel welcome here



        managed 22 days not drinking but..

        Welcome Kevin from Scotland.
        You will find a lot of support here, no matter what you choose.
        Best of luck to you on your journey
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          managed 22 days not drinking but..

          Scotskev- I am in a similar situation, but I quit for a month. I am now on holidays and taking the occasional wine. It makes me feel foggy later & I can't understand what my problem is? Why cat I just say no thanks?
          My mouth tastes gross, I am more tired, then can't rest properly it's just self destructive.
          So, I have to say I understand your predicament!
          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


            managed 22 days not drinking but..


            I think you need to quit for you, for your reasons no matter what anyone else does. People will always be there, or pop up and there'll never be a perfect time. Well done on 22 days it's a start and you'll have learned how to live without the boozey binges. All AF time is good in my book.

            Re the pub and drinking, I'd ask you do you really enjoy it. I thought I did, yet almost 3 years into recovery, 6 months AF (my method involved drinking with a medication to break the addiction linke) I no longer bother with pubs, the idea of sitting in one as a recreational activity turns me right off.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              managed 22 days not drinking but..

              Ukblonde;1619087 wrote: Kev

              I think you need to quit for you, for your reasons no matter what anyone else does. People will always be there, or pop up and there'll never be a perfect time. Well done on 22 days it's a start and you'll have learned how to live without the boozey binges. All AF time is good in my book.

              Re the pub and drinking, I'd ask you do you really enjoy it. I thought I did, yet almost 3 years into recovery, 6 months AF (my method involved drinking with a medication to break the addiction linke) I no longer bother with pubs, the idea of sitting in one as a recreational activity turns me right off.
              Hi you're right about people always being there. I see them at weekends for whatever sport is on the tv or just to sit in the pub ourselves.

              The guy who is leaving however is a pub crawl addict so we usually end up having a session. This will natrually stop just after Feb. Will begin my attempt again then

              thanks for advice


                managed 22 days not drinking but..

                :welcome: Kev I hope you stick around. Not drinking has made me so much happier. I was a weekend binger.
                Read a d post here. It will help you.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  managed 22 days not drinking but..

                  Thank you. I will give it another go soon. The desire to drink has not gone yet. Strange thing is I don't feel addicted, i just enjoy it when the time to drink comes around i.e. a Saturday afternoon or whatever.


                    managed 22 days not drinking but..

                    Drinking for me stopped being fun a LONG time ago, so I cannot indentify with what you're saying. Maybe you are just not ready yet, or haven't had enough alcohol-related consequences to deal with, YET. Good luck in your decision, just be careful, and keep us posted!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      managed 22 days not drinking but..

                      You have to quit for you and not anyone else. What happens if you drinking buddy would come back? You have to plan for that once you quit so that you won't drink. I go out occasionally (in fact considering quitting that because of religious reasons) and I don't drink, but not everyone can do that. What helped me was to tell everyone around me of my plan to quit drinking and I had a goodbye to alcohol party for myself. Now I am 2 years sober and that has helped make this quit so easy. Its not always going to be easy, but you can do it!

                      Congrats on the 22 days btw.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

