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Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

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    Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

    This question came out of my rambling on the daily ABs thread.

    I wondered why some people decide to leave - or take a break from MWO? It could be interesting to hear the views of those who deliberately decided to do this.
    Is it because you are doing fine and don't want to be reminded of AL by coming here?
    Is it boredom with MWO?
    Because of wanting to drink again?
    Upset about the threads and things some people say?
    Just getting on with life?
    Too busy?
    Internet/computer hassles?
    Feel that its taking up too much time and distracting you from face-to-face relationships?

    I bet there are other lots of other reasons too - and some are forced to leave by the moderators

    Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

    I know I do because I'm no longer in the chains of addiction to AL, and life has taken a front seat. Right before my last post I was laying in bed watching outside my window and the thought of coming here popped into my head. I choose not to ignore those thoughts. Whether it be to read my firsts posts, or lurk through other's posts and see progress. Life is completely different then when I first came here. Will never forget this place, although I don't have those thoughts to drink often. They are few and far between and usually "How fast would my life go down if I drank again." or similar. That's why I am not here daily, or weekly posting.
    "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."-- Judy Garland


      Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

      I took leave because I felt I had no more to give,I was running out of words if that makes sence.

      Plus personel family problems put more pressure on me in that I had/ have to make that the priority and not coming here.

      Also for me and this might seem selfish but I don't need MWO anymore in my ungoing fight against my addiction. I never say never but I can confidently say I have won against the demon drink.

      I shall always be gratefull for the MWO and it's support in my battles and it does have a special place in my life.

      Ps I was Mario before,but after my absence MWO would not let me back into my old account saying it did not regonise me lol....I had over 18000, posts.
      Alcohol free since 13th January 2009


        Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

        Tree, I think all the reasons you've given are valid; the scary one of course being that people feel that they can/want to drink again. A lot of people just naturally outgrow MWO and get on with a happy and fulfilled sober life (and I think that is the ideal), which makes a lot of people's ongoing commitment to the site so inspiring.

        At one stage being on here was quite overwhelming for me: I was trying to not think of drinking/not drinking day in and day out, and Al was the the main topic of conversation - go figure!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

          Mario is spot on with his post. I am in no way trying to say I am better than anyone that is still struggling(and I doubt he is either), but the AL demon just does not have the same power over me as it used to

          Sometimes I felt like a broken can only rephrase words so many different ways so many different times. And in all honesty pouring your soul and thoughts into what you hope will be a helpful post is kind of taxing. And then you find out that person never came back, and may have never even read it.

          And after a run in with a member, I became a little more guarded with what and who I will share things.

          I also picked up a new hobby(obsession I should say) and it takes up a lot of my free time, so with that I am back, but in a much more limited role.

          Rock on MWO'ers!!
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

            i left because i kept failing and felt it would be self flagelation to continue on here.
            at the time i wasnt the only one, seemed a busy time of failing and that discouraged me. so i gave up giving up.

            i logged on a few weeks ago and read about a lot of success. this encouraged me to try again with the help of MWO.

            i understand when people who no longer 'need' MWO leave, and i dont regard it as selfish.
            i also really appreciate those that stay, paying it forward if you like. :h


              Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

              I had an enforced period of absence due to a login problem for which I was asked to submit my IP address to moderators but I was advised by those in the know about IT that it was unsafe to do I wouldn't.

              Some folk seem to think I was banned ( for saying BOO to religion...I think not! :H) I simply could not login to my account.

              I could have created a new account but chose to 'fly solo' for a bit.

              Next thing I knew seven months had gone by!

              In hindsight I am very glad of that time away. Like Nelz and Mario I was feeling like a broken record.

              I also needed to know that my sobriety belonged to me, not the site, if you know what I mean.

              Like Nelz I developped other obsessions and have a new group of friends because of that. It is nice to have a group who simply know me as a non drinker ( there are three others in our group who also choose not to drink alcohol).

              It was partly my experience of being away which prompted me to start the 'we got sober with MWO' thread. It would allow those who come and go to record the success this place has brought them so that new members would have even more reason to have hope.

              I enjoy posting again but will never again have the same time available.....provided I remain sober !! :H:H:H


                Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                Nelz;1619984 wrote: Mario is spot on with his post. I am in no way trying to say I am better than anyone that is still struggling(and I doubt he is either), but the AL demon just does not have the same power over me as it used to

                Sometimes I felt like a broken can only rephrase words so many different ways so many different times. And in all honesty pouring your soul and thoughts into what you hope will be a helpful post is kind of taxing. And then you find out that person never came back, and may have never even read it.
                This is pretty much it for me too.


                  Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                  I used to post a lot on here, especially in the meds thread. Thanks to Kuya (it's good to see you again) I greeted newcomers. I cheerlead people along just like I did in life. When I quit over drinking I started minding my business and posting less here.

                  In the meds threads we attract trolls. It wasn't the trolls I minded but the anger wasted and directed at them. I'm letting go of the turmoil these days. I'm happy to read of long term success and to post here and there.


                    Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                    Oops, I guess I don't know when to leave.
                    I have seen SOOOOO many leave with the confidence they have this thing beaten only to come back months and years later with raging addiction issues.
                    The world out there is bombarding us with messages TO drink. We are really swimming upstream on this one....I think it is important to stay in the company of likeminded people...yes, to be reminded that I have an addiction simmering along the surface waiting to be fed. So, I am SURE people get tired of reading my same old stuff, but they can take what they need and leave the rest. The vast majority of people who leave come back having fallen. Yes, I pay attention to these things. NOT all, but most. Having a support system to reinforce what we must do daily is key, I think. It isnt one size fits all for sure, but I have observed a lot of people over the years and I do know how Dick Head (Addiction Head) operates.

                    Besides, I really like my friends here and I love paying it forward....where would I be if others hadn't done that? I know it isnt for everyone, but I enjoy it and it keeps me honest! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                      Really interesting and different responses - so thanks for this. Maybe there will be more.
                      Kronk - yes, I have noticed how the trolls come out of the woodwork on the Meds thread. I lurk sometimes on the Meds section because I like to read about how people are taking charge of their addiction, saving their lives, through self awareness and use of meds that are not always supported by the drug industry or some drs.

                      MWO has been around for some years - a long time actually in the world of internet support groups. When it started I can imagine it was quite radical. Now there are so many internet support groups and many of us are more confident about how we use the internet, plus there are protocols that have evolved. From my position here I especially like that it is global/transnational and that it does not push too much advertising. I also don't have to leave the house and I can check in when I am travelling. I haven't spent any money directly from being on MWO. Thats not even saying anything about the support and great people it seems to attract (trolls be damned!).


                        Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                        Byrdlady;1620097 wrote: Oops, I guess I don't know when to leave.
                        I have seen SOOOOO many leave with the confidence they have this thing beaten only to come back months and years later with raging addiction issues.
                        The world out there is bombarding us with messages TO drink. We are really swimming upstream on this one....I think it is important to stay in the company of likeminded people...yes, to be reminded that I have an addiction simmering along the surface waiting to be fed. So, I am SURE people get tired of reading my same old stuff, but they can take what they need and leave the rest. The vast majority of people who leave come back having fallen. Yes, I pay attention to these things. NOT all, but most. Having a support system to reinforce what we must do daily is key, I think. It isnt one size fits all for sure, but I have observed a lot of people over the years and I do know how Dick Head (Addiction Head) operates.

                        Besides, I really like my friends here and I love paying it forward....where would I be if others hadn't done that? I know it isnt for everyone, but I enjoy it and it keeps me honest! Byrdie
                        I am with ya Brydie. This site was a huge factor in helping me get and stay sober. For me, I know I will always have to be on guard against AL. This site is like medicine to me. I come here everyday (not always to post but I read everyday) to remind myself where I never want to be again. If I can give help, I try the best I can. Afterall, if people didn't do it for me, where would I be? The success stories and support were my steps to long term sobriety. I no longer fear alcohol but I do know to keep me eyes open and coming here helps me do that. This site helps with a daily feeling of gratitude for this life and freedom that I have been given.
                        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                          Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                          I curtailed my activities here for several reasons. I used to be a regular presence on the meds forum, but there is just something "off" about one (or a few) of the posters there. I don't know if they're gadflies or just internet trolls, but the less they know about me, the better.

                          The other is related - I just don't feel like getting into it with toxic people. I have to deal with enough toxic people in real life. On the internet, I've figured out I have the option to not deal with it.

                          Third, my psychiatrist required me to keep attending AA and psychotherapy as a condition for keeping me on baclofen. Not that I haven't gotten a lot out of interacting with you fine people, but talking to people in real life face-to-face is a lot more satisfying than interacting with people via a computer monitor.
                          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                            Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                            I love that post Byrdie.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                              I think recovery is something that needs to continue as a priority in our lives. Any time I left MWO, my addict brain told me I didn't need this, or that I can moderate. It's easy to slide back down the rabbit hole. I believe that I need MWO now and will in the future. Maybe how and when I post will be different, but this place is a part of me now.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

