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Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

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    Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

    j-vo;1620312 wrote: I think recovery is something that needs to continue as a priority in our lives. Any time I left MWO, my addict brain told me I didn't need this, or that I can moderate. It's easy to slide back down the rabbit hole. I believe that I need MWO now and will in the future. Maybe how and when I post will be different, but this place is a part of me now.
    I think what we are seeing is different people need different things. Some people, like me, benefit from a break, some crash and burn.

    Let it not also be forgotten that there are people who remain here who never achieve the sobriety they seek BUT their lives are probably healthier than if they didn't have this place.

    The beauty of human beings is the complexity of our nature.... No one size fits all.


      Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

      Ive wanted to take a break when not doing so great,or when doing great,reading of someone with awhile under their belt relapsing i think its gonna happen to me,or i just get tired of hearing about al,but i dont think id ever leave for good
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

        kuya;1620323 wrote: I think what we are seeing is different people need different things. Some people, like me, benefit from a break, some crash and burn.

        Let it not also be forgotten that there are people who remain here who never achieve the sobriety they seek BUT their lives are probably healthier than if they didn't have this place.

        The beauty of human beings is the complexity of our nature.... No one size fits all.
        Kuya, I am so happy you decided to come back. I have to admit when you were first here I was a little intimidated and scared of you (part of it was your picture, that cat is fierce)

        You have way about you that is strong yet your words speak across so many levels. I really appreciate what you have to say. The cat still scares me a little though:H
        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


          Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

          I do agree Kuya. We all have different needs. I can see some people taking breaks, as this site takes a lot of time and maybe they need to concentrate on something else. But just as AA works for some and they benefit from the face to face contact, some people find the support of this forum to be their way out. And the degree of need for people varies, too.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

            Wow treetops, I just came about this thread today by accident. I was looking for somebody else's post, but knew as soon as I saw your question that I had to come back to read some answers.

            Wow answers you got to your question.

            My reason for not blogging my progress anymore is that I don't feel on the same lenght as other people posting on the Bac medical threads.
            Second, the trolls got to me. I am shaking my head now, as I really dont care for that person being hurt, upset or a terrible he or she indeed. Too many interruptions, whilst I lay my life open for all to see.
            Third, my thread started to give me the sh#ts, as it ended up being a thread of self wallowing.
            A whinge fest for me if you like.
            No good for me or other people reading it.

            Take care Treetops, love your tread and the replies you got.
            I hope mine may be be a little helpful also.



              Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

              I was duped a few times by some people?.giving them advice, encouraging them, pouring myself into trying to help them only to find out they were not interested in my advice?.that hurt. Then the whole religion thing really really turned me off (see kuya post above) I also kind of burned out finding not much to say. So I drifted away and then I stopped going to AA meetings for the same reasons. I got to the point where I felt like NOT drinking was consuming my life as much as drinking was. I wanted to try to live my life without the obsession with AL.
              so I am back with new perspective and trying MWO at a different angle.
              I just won't anymore


                Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                It can be discouraging when one gives advice and it seems to be ignored but thats partly what its all about here I think. Eventually for some, the advice, the comments - maybe from several people -gets through or maybe sparks something. And its great that people do come up with different or new angles.
                Just as long as no-one gives me advice about religion!:H:H


                  Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                  I haven't logged on in so long I'm surprised my acct was still active. I hit my bottom almost 11 months ago, ended up in the hospital then immediately, rehab. Changed my life. I surrendered, had faith and trusted my providers to help me. After I came home, nothing was the same. I've had 2 slips. I'm sober, happy, and still working on my recovery. It will never end. It is part of my daily life. I embrace it and cherish it. I know those that are struggling will come out on top even better than they can imagine. I know I cannot safely consume alcohol and I'm okay with that. I was getting discouraged by the many try's and fails on here that I got tired of checking in, noticing many drunk posts and just needed to check out.
                  Living life to the fullest.


                    Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                    Selfishly I found the more in control I was the less I needed MWO to stay on course. Now the problem is that I check in sporadically and I'm not really in touch with the newbies so I tend to lie low. That said I feel the need to stay tuned so that I don't forget why I quit in the first place!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                      I have not left to come back. I have been feeling less inclined to post. I have been very encouraged to see some of the new folks in the nest that struggled for so much doing better, yet I feel out of touch there as so there are so many new faces. Yet that is a good thing that people are trying to put a halt to the poison.

                      I do enjoy the subs and the daily abs, got to get my Mick fix.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                        I have often drifted away from MWO as I never really felt that I could offer a lot whilst still struggling myself and you do get to a point of having anything constructive to say. I am back again as I fooled myself I could do this without AB!!! What a fool I have been thinking somehow I could moderate!! I am an alkie. I just can't drink. If any one wants to pm me for a chat please feel free to do so. Thanks everyone for this post.


                          Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                          I am definitely sure i do not trust myself to be without MWO anywhere in the near future and i have made some wonderful friends that offer support and help. Maybe there will be a day when i leave, when i feel strong enough but until then I will be around.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                            I cleared off approximately 2 years ago, I just got fed up and couldn't handle any more of the attitudes being expressed at me and the method I was using to break my alcoholism.

                            At the time the situation was a result partly of where I was, as well as a prevailing attitude in a different section of the board.

                            I did get to a point where I felt sorted and safe enough to venture back about a year later, and here I am.

                            I can't and don't post as prolifically as I'd like to, mostly because I have a busy life in recovery which is ace. Anyone ever mention drinking out of boredom?I find sobriety keeps me pretty much occupied.
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13


                              Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                              I have left MWO for short breaks a few times. Mostly when I am feeling low, and struggling myself. It's then that I feel like a hypocrite and stop posting. But I always come back because each time I have left, it has been a huge mistake.

                              UKblonde - I love hearing about alternative ways to halt this awful addiction. I'm open to ALL ideas. So please, post away. I would be very interested.

                              Kuya - I know we don't really know each other, but I'm glad you are back. The very first day I posted on MWO, you responded. And your post has stayed with me forever. It was beautiful and profound and helped me get to the place I am now. Thank you.
                              Everything is going to be amazing


                                Why do people leave/take a break from MWO?

                                Hey Moss

                                Thanks I'm not in that place any more, feel at ease with the forum and being here and I do pop the odd informative post just gotta watch for them!
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

