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Army thread 31/01/14

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    Army thread 31/01/14

    :waving: Dreamy :H


      Army thread 31/01/14

      :waving: :waving: Satz! :waving: :waving:
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army thread 31/01/14

        Back to earlier posts: Satz, the shouty lady is part of the cholesterol programme, so I feel I should do it. Four more left, so I should make it without too much trauma. And it's the telling me what to do - at shouty volumes - that gets me, Molly. And the really kak music.

        I'm fine 1:1, I tend to become loud in big groups - want to disappear/not be there, but also want to make my presence felt. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? :H:H:H

        Southeaster still going strong, alas.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread 31/01/14

          mollyka;1620926 wrote: Buggered if I'm gonna wave back:H
          Just woke up great snooze altogether - goin for lunch jilly wants to buy a fone - love that shite!!
          Apparently goin to b mad snow tomorrow - and that's Canadians saying that AND they really don't do drama! May b a duvet day tomorrow :-)))))
          Oh send us a picture Mollers !
          And also one of the MK stuff


            Army thread 31/01/14

            PISSING RAIN HERE - like serious , MAD , rain
            But feck it it's Friday and I'm going for my 'tea' with my darling husband
            ( no I haven't hit the grog) :H:H


              Army thread 31/01/14

              DreamThinkDo;1620928 wrote: Back to earlier posts: Satz, the shouty lady is part of the cholesterol programme, so I feel I should do it. Four more left, so I should make it without too much trauma. And it's the telling me what to do - at shouty volumes - that gets me, Molly. And the really kak music.

              I'm fine 1:1, I tend to become loud in big groups - want to disappear/not be there, but also want to make my presence felt. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? :H:H:H

              Southeaster still going strong, alas.
              So Dreamy - what will you do then ? Have they a follow on programme ... ?
              Watched a DVD about not eating protein from meat dairy & eggs :upset: last night - really messed with my head :gramps:
              The total opposite to what I believed - told my trainer guy - he said rubbish...
              Not sure WHO to feckin believe - 'cos he says have protein at all meals - Jazus.


                Army thread 31/01/14

                satz123;1620938 wrote: So Dreamy - what will you do then ? Have they a follow on programme ... ?
                Watched a DVD about not eating protein from meat dairy & eggs :upset: last night - really messed with my head :gramps:
                The total opposite to what I believed - told my trainer guy - he said rubbish...
                Not sure WHO to feckin believe - 'cos he says have protein at all meals - Jazus.
                Not sure about a follow-on - nothing's been said - but this is purely promotional, so I doubt it. I've been talking to some people about keeping up the walking - all sounded interested, but we'll see.

                Nutritionist lady today mentioned the US recommended plate: 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs, 1/2 veg on a plate. Swedish body during the week said hi protein/fat, low carb is the best way to eat. Everybody has their own hobby horse - hi protein/fat, low carb vs hi carb, low protein/fat. I think use your common sense: lots of freggies, less of the other stuff. Protein is the only thing that fills me up till the next meal, so I try to have sensible proteins, but yes... it doesn't always work that way.

                Anyway, you're off to tea - why am I blathering one here?
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread 31/01/14

                  Afternoon folks, very wet here in Derbyshire but better than the white stuff! two hours to come home 9 miles last night, was very relieved to be on leave today. Off to buy two birthday gifts now and might just sneak in a couple of bits and pieces for me too
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army thread 31/01/14

                    Yup off now for a big STEAK !!!

                    Later gaters !!!


                      Army thread 31/01/14

                      Hi Spidey, lovely to see you! Yes, buy yourself something nice too!

                      No protein Satz, remember the DVD :H:H:H
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army thread 31/01/14

                        Good evening Army :hallo:

                        Lappie-less now left it in lappie hospital to get new screen. Tis tough tryin to read back on this phone everything's so small.

                        Hope ye all are well? Weather girl says we are getting snow tonight so am all stocked up with essentials- bread, milk, coffee n choc of course just gonna hibernate for a day or so.

                        Wish was going for a big steak too


                          Army thread 31/01/14

                          :hello2: Can you see that all right Sweetypie.

                          Doing the big shop tonight as Mr JC's at the orifice and on dooty tomorrow...........oooh that means a free gaff.................gather thy chocolate and fizzy water and meet me on the sofa about 2pm tomorrow.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread 31/01/14

                            JackieClaire;1621032 wrote: :hello2: Can you see that all right Sweetypie.

                            Doing the big shop tonight as Mr JC's at the orifice and on dooty tomorrow...........oooh that means a free gaff.................gather thy chocolate and fizzy water and meet me on the sofa about 2pm tomorrow.
                            :H Thats perfeck Jacks! Now if everybody could just use a larger font and keep to left of screen me eyes wouldn't hurt so much xx

                            No fizzy water for me detest the stuff but I'll bring the choccie stash n meet ya on sofa


                              Army thread 31/01/14

                              WE'VE GOT LOVELY TAP WATER.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army thread 31/01/14

                                Hallo JC and Sweetiepeapie

                                You also need something to read Sweetiepeapie, and nice smelly stuff for long :bath2: and candles for long :bath2: during hibernation. And marsmallows.

                                See you tomorrow, then JC! OK if I come in my jammies? They're clean.

                                Very early night for me - sweet dreams, Army!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

