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Sober February!

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    Sober February!

    Bastet - hope your dinner was good. I like the dessert over wine option myself.

    My party was a blast, and I didn't get to bed until 2am - completely sober and with no regret. Because I wasn't drinking I was able to sleep through the night, so I am ok today.

    Hope you are all well. 27 days to go for a sober February.


      Sober February!

      Pav, glad to hear you had a blast at your party. Wish I could say the same. I'm going to talk in detail about the night over on my Progress thread, because it was a learning experience big time. A painful one. But I didn't drink (or smoke cigs) so ultimately I'm calling it a win.

      I expect the rest of this month to be much smoother than last night was though. My commitment to rocking this month sober is solid as ever!


        Sober February!

        My dinner with my husband was good, we both had sparkling water. But I have to say it was a little dull without AL. Or maybe it is always dull and I just don't notice it. I did notice all the cocktails and bottles of wine being served. Since reading a lot of other people posts I think that is pretty common in the beginning of going out. I never really felt deprived but my eyes kept gravitating there. We both had dessert also. But I must say if you skip the pre-dinner cocktail and the whole ritual of the wine it turns into a short dinner, we were home by 8:30!
        Pav I am glad your evening went well I think I read a bit more about it on the nest thread. Skull, where is your progress thread. I was thinking about starting a thread as a way to keep a journal but also to keep me accountable. Do you go back and read through yours and do you find it helpful?
        I hope you all have a restful Sunday evening and a great Monday morning!


          Sober February!

          Hi all, quick checkin. Two flights and a layover (16 hours in transit) and then a work dinner upon arrival, followed by a late night discussion with two key advisors in the hotel VIP lounge. Lots of exposure to free alcohol, but resisted. Thankful for a great night's sleep because today is another full day with work dinners.

          Did see two movies on the plane -- All is Lost and Captain Phillips. Enjoyed both.

          Stay focused.
          Free at Last
          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

          Highly recommend this video

          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


            Sober February!

            Bastet, I post my ongoing Skullbaby's Progress thread over in the meds forum, as I take both Antabuse and Baclofen to assist me in sobriety. I find it invaluable to post often and in detail. Not only just to get my thoughts out, but often I go back a couple pages and re-read for myself, to remind myself of thoughts, goals, struggles, and highlights, as I often need the re-cap to keep things fresh in my mind. There's oftentimes good discussion that goes on there with other MWOers. You can find it here-

            And yes, I do think if you're thinking about a Progress thread of your own, do it! It's soooo helpful for all the reasons I listed above. It's nice to have your own little tiny corner of the internet to journal about sobriety stuff and the life challenges that come with it.

            As for non-alcohol focused dinners, I know what you mean! When going out with my GF, she usually has one drink and I have none, and our dinners are short and sweet. I kind of like them better than the long drinking ones- they're short and sweet, then it's off to a movie or back home for couch and cuddly TV time. But if we're out to dinner with drinkers, even moderate ones, the dinners can sure seem long! I've found it helps to eat appetizers, entrees, and desserts slowly, in that case

            Free, your dedication to sobriety while you travel so much for work is inspiring. So cool.

            Hope everyone got through the weekend safely, have a great Monday everyone.


              Sober February!

              Hey Everybody,
              Wow! Looks like February is more hoppin than Jan. Right on! Just wanted to let ya'll know that I am in; I have just been crazy busy. it seems like ages since Thursday! Talk to you soon, hopefully with some good home-ownership news!
              :earth: Tree23


                Sober February!

                I'm on my way to work so no time to comment - just a check in here on Feb. 4. Stay strong!


                  Sober February!

                  Can I start from today and join the thread?


                    Sober February!

                    Hey Tree, glad you're still with us

                    MomOfThree, of course you can jump in, you're welcome any time!


                      Sober February!

                      Hi, Tree. How's the house purchasing going?

                      Welcome, Momofthree - I read your story on your other thread. Hang tight with us - one day at a time through February. We can do this!

                      Hi, Skull - I read about your party on your other thread - sorry it was such a bummer. As I get older the parties are less about the booze and more about the occasion. I believe you will find some fun parties to attend without alcohol. Keep trying!

                      Hope the rest of you are still with us. Happy Feb. 4!


                        Sober February!

                        Morning, everyone. The forums seem quiet this week, makes me a little blue. Well maybe it's just my imagination, either way I'm sure glad for our February sober group

                        Yeah the party was a bummer but it was a good learning lesson. Thanks Pav. I think this particular instance was with a particularly heavy-drinking crowd and that most other parties, as you say, will be more about the occasion. I'll be avoiding that party crowd moreso going forward.

                        Happy February 5th, everyone.


                          Sober February!

                          I'm here I'm here... Been busy as shit with volunteering and working out... All the is sober stuff has stacked my calendar as I have felt like doing EVERYTHING... Instead of forced to one thing.
                          I actually have to keep a calendar to keep all my stuff straight.. HA!

                          Pretty important huh.... I promise I will get a good post in soon.

                          Happy Sober 5th of Feb to everyone...

                          Mom of 3 I've read thru some of your posts and have been thinking about you... I have 3 kiddos too.

                          Hi Pav & Tree & my best Buddie Skull


                            Sober February!


                            BK - glad you checked in and are being a busy but sober social butterfly. You ARE important stuff...

                            This thread is quiet - I hope all those Feb 1 posters are still around.

                            I am finally feeling better and more myself after about 3 weeks of blah. Thank goodness, that was getting a bit tiring. Good to know I could persevere without alcohol, though.

                            Happy Thursday, all.


                              Sober February!

                              Pav- so good to hear you are feeling better.. It's nice huh. I seem to have pulled out of my gloom too.
                              So what's up with you... Whatcha got going on in Pav world... ??

                              I am trying organizing my this week calendar so I at least have time to sit down. I was so pooped by 5 PM yesterday.


                                Sober February!

                                Hi everyone, just popping in as I had an intense couple of work/travel days. Now have a few days at home and time to catch up on MWO. Happy AF Thursday!
                                Free at Last
                                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                                Highly recommend this video

                                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

