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Sober February!

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    Sober February!

    Hey everyone. Just checkin' in. I'm 2 days away from a big milestone, 100 ! Craaaazy. I'm glad I have my sober badazz friends here doing this sober thing with me, through good times and crappy. That's just life. I'm feeling a cold coming on, sniffly and stuffy, even though I bombed myself with Vitamin C, hope that fends it off from knocking me on my ass. Bleh. But all's well otherwise. Happy AF Thursday!


      Sober February!

      Hi Skull - Congrats on day 98!
      Mary Lou

      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


        Sober February!

        Zowie, Skull. As the Aussies would say, you must be chuffed. Now THAT will be one party we can celebrate that won't center around booze.

        BK - I'm hanging on. Feel better for sure. I had a stressful day at work yesterday but instead of drinking I went for a long swim (well, long for me) and then a soak in a hot tub. MUCH better, and I slept well and felt great today. It is amazing to me how important exercise is on this journey. How are you doing??

        Marylou - good to see you here.

        FAL - thanks for checking in. I'll say it again - can't imagine staying sane on your schedule. Way to go.

        OK, peeps - off to bed. Hope we all have plans for this weekend!


          Sober February!

          Wow Skull 99 tomorrow! Impressive! I realized today that I am 1/4 of the way to 100. I hope the next 75 speed up a little. Not to wish my life away just maybe spend less time thinking about drinking. We finally got some rain today although they say the total amount will do nothing about the drought we are facing. Sometimes I feel like I can't even watch, read or listen to all the global warming stuff. I get this impending doom feeling about the environment and all the animals. I feel like there is really nothing I can do so I feel helpless but still a bit responsible. Anyway just babbling here. Looking forward to going home and crawling into bed and waking up tomorrow with a clear head.


            Sober February!

            Hey Febs,
            So I have put in two offers for the house. First one the seller wouldn't even look at. I have till saturday to see if the second one is accepted. I have been crazy with looking at furniture and internet subscriptions etc. So much to do/consider. I am excited though. My stomach has been off for a while. Feeling a little under the weather. Sniffles etc and lots of body pain and lethargy. I actually had to take a muscle relaxer on my birthday. My back has been hurting this last week more than it has in over a year. Don't think I did anything to it though. Watched Enough Said and Thanks For Sharing. Enjoyed and would recommend both. Not "Oh my god amazing/changed my life" but enjoyable and not too intense. I should retire now. Keep up the good fight and ciao to you all! Talk to you soon!
            Tree23- day 37 (31 +6)
            :earth: Tree23


              Sober February!

              So proud of all you for the AF January accomplishment! AWESOME!! Have been MIA with my computer short circuiting (and not because of any liquid spilled on it!) Very inspired by so many of you, hope to be a regular contributor to the FEB thread soon, as a new computer is in the works (fingers crossed all my data can be retrieved).. Here's to a Feb free from AL!!
              On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                Sober February!

                If I am unable to check in , in two days..just wanted to give a shoutout to skull on a HUGE milestone accomplishment. 100 days is incredible!! Big congrats:applaud:

                :wave: :yougo:
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  Sober February!

                  Hey chums! Hope everyone's having a good sober weekend... I'm feeling good in spite of a nasty cold, because today is Day 100 AF for me- (sorry if that's redundant as I also posted it on another thread or two). I've been committing in chunks of 30 days/1 month, so my next milestone will actually be 120 days. Then, it'll be on to 150 etc.

                  This would seem overwhelming to me but it really is a matter of baby steps. One foot in front of the other. I found this cool comic strip that reminds me of the journey well- I like to re-read it when I need reminding of this. The "artistic mastery" could be seen as our end goal of not being slave to alcohol- read it with that perspective... Brick by Brick | Doodle Alley

                  Thanks to everyone for the kind supportive words over the last couple days! Hitting triple digits seems so odd and surreal and very very good. I've been an abandoner pretty much all my life in anything that I committed to... so if I can do it, anyone can. Keep the faith, everyone!

                  Pav, BK, MaryLou, Tree, Halo, Bastet, anyone I missed- thanks for rocking this sober thread. We're just past 1/4th of February, we can do the rest!


                    Sober February!

                    ROCK ON SKULL! I'm with you 30 day chunks, but that nice, big, fat 100 looks pretty good. Chief Bromden posted on his day 600 (we'll get there - one brick at a time) that it doesn't feel any better than day 599 or day 601 but it is fun to celebrate those big milestones. Very happy to be hanging here in February - thanks for the comic. I'm going to share it in the nest (with full credit to you, of course). One brick/day at at time. I try to remember that when I exercise, too. I'm not going to run a marathon the first time out, but every time helps...

                    Halo - thanks for stopping by. I hope you get that computer worked out. I would be dead in the water if I had to go without computer or internet even one day - I don't know how you can do that.

                    Tree - so exciting about your getting a house. I live near San Francisco which was just crowned with the dubious honor of the most expensive city to live in in the country (or was it the world?) More expensive than New York even. A friend's sister was looking for a room to rent in a shared house - some of them in not even the nicest neighborhood were going for $2,000/month. For a room. I will not be able to afford a house to buy as long as I live in this area. I am so happy for you! (sorry you're not feeling well, though). Good thing you don't have foggy alcohol mind when you're trying to figure this all out.

                    Bastet - where are you? We are finally getting rain here in CA - you must be near? I hear you about wanting the days to speed up a little - I really get frustrated about having to spend so much time thinking about alcohol. At day 69 I can say that I think about it a lot less than I did at 25, but still too much in my book (although thinking about it some each day is a lot better than planning my evenings around it and feeling hungover much of the time).

                    Marylou, thanks for stopping in. BK, hope you're doing ok - what's up?

                    OK - sorry to ramble on. Happy February 8!



                      Sober February!

                      MAE everyone, just a quick post to check in.

                      Skull - awesome post, congrats again.

                      I am finding myself getting stronger and I am grateful to remain AF. The lows aren't anywhere as bad as when I was lit, but I seem to be uncertain of where I want to go from here. I don't mean al-wise, I have no intention of hurting my quit, I mean life/relationship wise. So, I made an appt for a consultation with a relationship counselor next week. It's been a long time since I've spent time with a therapist and I'm actually looking forward to it. Maybe it will help me get some clarity. But I digress ...

                      Have a great, AF MAE,
                      Mary Lou
                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Sober February!

                        Thanks Pav and MaryLou And Bastet and Halo, thanks all. Pav, I'm glad you enjoyed the comic... please do share it around, I find it quite inspiring.

                        Tree, best of luck with the house purchase! Hope you get just what you're looking for

                        Well, we got a big ice storm here so looks like it's a couch and movie day for me! Hope everyone's well today.


                          Sober February!

                          Skull et al-
                          Well good news (after much deliberation and hair pulling) we are under contract. House is mine! Just have to wait for inspection etc. Closing should be at the end of March. It is exciting but I am a little dumbfounded right now; now that all the offers have been put in etc and the anxiety is going down. Its a happy treat to have on 40 days AF! Its early but I think I am going to eat dinner and go to bed. Slept like a log in an afternoon nap (had really disturbing dreams) and still feeling tired.
                          Did my taxes today. Wasn't as much of a nightmare as I always think it is going to be. All is good. We're a third of the way through Feb! Thats awesome peeps!
                          BTW: I found hobbit home-like chicken coops today. I SO want one. Unfortunately, no chickens at new place. i might try to get a banty or two
                          Night all!
                          :earth: Tree23


                            Sober February!

                            Wow Tree congratulations on the house! That is fantastic! Just think you can do anything you want with it no landlord telling you no paint or nail holes. Buying your own house is certainly a thrill.


                              Sober February!

                              I am super excited. It definitely adds to the internal fulfillment. Need/ed that.
                              :earth: Tree23


                                Sober February!

                                Tree- congratulations on getting your house! That, plus 40 days AF, both great things!!! Well done

                                How's everyone doing this morning? Everyone have a good AF weekend? I did, thankfully. Just getting over a 48-hour cold that kept me on the couch watching TV and now it's back to the work week...

