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Sober February!

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    Sober February!

    Morning everyone. Just 3 more days this month! I'm looking forward to a Sober March thread...


      Sober February!

      I didn't even realize this month is almost over?? Can't wait to start March.


        Sober February!

        Hi all, I've been planning for two years to get the time away from my consulting that I need to take this yoga training. I still have to check in daily on email and participate in 5 am conference calls but the opportunity to study yoga deeply is a rare privilege I know. I am feeling mighty blessed. Oh no, time for restorative yoga class
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          Sober February!

          Hey----Im hoping Yoga can help.

          Can you advise what exactly a regular yoga class say 3/week can do for me?

          I know a few poses....and there is an unreal indian trained teacher here two blocks from me with classes all the time.

          Is it something that grows on you?....does it take time?...practise?

          Does it help moods?...head fog etc.

          Sorry to ramble...just wish to know:thanks:


            Sober February!

            Lead- it helps very much with all of the things you mentioned, and more. It's very hard the first few tiimes so if you're brand new to it expect to feel frustrated and tired. But it's very worth it-- yoga is fantastic in its capacity to restore and optimize health.

            Free, SO COOL you're doing the deep yoga study! I should make time to do the same... I really have no excuses not too.


              Sober February!

              Dear Lead,
              I can't say enough about the benefits of yoga (and there is a deepening level of research, including grants from the NIH on yoga and cancer). It helps center you, clear your mind, focus, and build core strength, among other benefits. And yes, we call it "practice" because you never "perfect" it. All I can say is give it a couple of weeks and see what changes you notice. Ok, time for another yoga class for me!
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                Sober February!

                Hi, Everyone:

                I found a GREAT Iyengar teacher who studied with the man himself, BS Iyengar. I really got into it - the deep poses released things in me I never knew were there and often found myself crying in savasana all the time. I felt so wonderful and strong.

                What a bummer when my work conflicted with his class! I quit yoga for a while because I couldn't make it work and I missed my teacher so much. Now a colleague runs a free class after work once a week and it has made me really want to start practicing more. I SO recommend it, Lead. Ok - I've talked myself in to finding a good class. That is my goal for March.

                I will have 90 days on March 1 - an auspicious start to what promises to be a delightfully alcohol free month. Can't wait to see you all there.



                  Sober February!

                  All this yoga talk makes me want to sign up for a regular class, as well- I think I will make that a priority. Flexibility is almost as important to me as building strength is (and yoga is great for both).

                  Pav- so cool that you have 90 days coming up! 3 whole months is amazing. And just think, you've spent 2014 100% alcohol free. Pretty cool

                  I've been a little in the danger zone lately with some drinking thoughts- I know I'll hit my day 120 on March 1 but had thoughts towards drinking after that... I'm spending my time today here on MWO to renew my commitment and get my shields back up so that doesn't happen.


                    Sober February!

                    What's going on Skull? I will hop over to your thread today.:l

                    I gotta be honest I have been pondering thoughts of AL too... But the dreaded hangover is chasing them away fairly easily and the amazing connection I am feeling with my kids is more than enough. I love being able to look in their eyes and see sunshine.


                      Sober February!

                      Skull - sorry you're feeling funky. I know you can make it past that 120 deadline - it really seems like you are so positive about your health and well being without alcohol. Keep those 30 day increments coming.

                      BK - the thought of that last hangover works for me still. When I feel like it isn't anymore I might have to come up with a new talisman. For now there is no drink on Earth that would be good enough to make feeling that shitty ok. And I wouldn't stop at that one, anyway.

                      Hope you are all well. Feb 27 over and out.


                        Sober February!

                        BK- Yep, I was in the danger zone, but I've re-committed and I'm good now. I've got the details over in my progress thread. Hope you're protecting your quit, too. Thanks

                        Pav- Yep I am positive about my health and sobriety. Speaking of--

                        Today is Day 120 AF. 4 whole months sober... Crazy. Now, on to Day 150, and onward....

                        Last day of February! We rocked it you guys!!!


                          Sober February!

                          free at last;1631370 wrote: Hi all, I've been planning for two years to get the time away from my consulting that I need to take this yoga training. I still have to check in daily on email and participate in 5 am conference calls but the opportunity to study yoga deeply is a rare privilege I know. I am feeling mighty blessed. Oh no, time for restorative yoga class
                          About this YOGA business. Here is what happened to me and why I am such a huge proponent of YOGA:

                          Several years ago, I was allowed 60 days of rest time in an institution about 1500 miles from my home. Yes, a holistic alcohol recovery center. My world was turned upside down and that truly ended up being a great experience. At this place of recovery, I was exposed to many things that I had only heard about but never investigated. As you might imagine, Yoga had never in the radar of someone like me.

                          My first day of Yoga was interesting. I elected to go to the Yoga class the first day following my admittance. So, early that first morning I dressed quickly -I was late- and headed to the Yoga room. Tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a t-shirt. Yes, the class had a good time discussing my attire -but I learned quickly and the next day was different.

                          For the next 58 days of my incarceration, I made every Yoga class. Yoga helped me to begin my transformation and I will always be grateful. The exercise part of Yoga was fantastic, but the Spiritual part of Yoga was the greatest of all. I will not try to explain here the Spiritual transformations I incurred, but I will say that Yoga experience then was life changing.

                          An open mind and total surrender allowed me to experience things that words can not describe. When I eventually came home, I signed up for Yoga classes and stayed active for about a year. After reading this thread, I am ready to jump back in 100%. My wife had never knew anything about Yoga either, but upon my return, she joined my Yoga classes. And she is still very much active to this day. Yoga can be a huge transforming event if your mind is open. The beginning and ending meditations were key for me.


                            Sober February!

                            Congrats to you Buddie 120 is amazing. I'm so proud of you. Take care of you.

                            This would have been 60 days for me so the way I'm gonna look at it is.. 59 days sober as to recognize the accomplishments that I have made... Still pretty dang good. And something to be proud of.
                            I had a friend over tonight who is my notorious drinking Buddie... She asked if I still wasn't drinking...
                            I said yes. No drinks for me tonight.
                            Good for me.. Breaking my arm patting myself on the back... HA.

                            Spirit- you are really cool and insightful. It's a joy to read your posts... Thanks for keeping it real.


                              Sober February!

                              Thanks, BK

                              Yes you totally are looking at your sober time the right way- 59 days fuckin' RAWKS, and you SHOULD be patting yourself on the back. Good for you for protecting your quit. With 2 months sober, how are you feeling in general these days?


                                Sober February!

                                Thanks for asking.. I have been feeling pretty solid in ways and teetering in other ways. My training and stuff hasn't been going as smoothly as I had hoped. Making so many changes at once seems to make the new things I try more difficult... But that is the way I roll.. Gotta make sure I am working on my best me. Drinking is really getting less and less desirable... My long time drinking friend came over Friday and I know she was looking to drink with me but I told her I still wasn't drinking... It is fucking poison... And it feels like when you drink it. I can't be that dramatic with her... But I like waking up every single morning with a clear head. LOVE it in fact.
                                I am glad you did what was best for you and chose not to attend the concert and take your AB. You plant seeds in my thoughts. And when it might be my turn maybe I will choose the same... I hope.
                                Miss ya and everyone here....

