Hiya folksies!

Mama? glad the Gravy Granules arrived. Took long enough, bloody USPS! What did you think of the creative wrapping?! LOL. Your mail person must have at least had a fleeting thought of ?WTF?!?

Niner? I?ve been through quite a bit of therapy in my time? couples counseling also? and sometimes they really don?t know as much as they think they do. He should first of all understand that you are Sierra?s caretaker? and he should have taken that into consideration IMVHO. Giving her carte blanche will not help much of anything, again IMHO. I?m glad you?re sticking to your guns and he didn?t devastate you. (Not sure why I automatically assumed it was a woman!) I think most of us suffered from ?angst? at her age? it?s just the way things are to some extent. She?ll move on from it and you?ll be left looking back at it no doubt! I had HUGE issues with my mother and it seems like a bit of a joke to me now? she was just doing the best she could and I was probably being a bit of a brat. X
Glassy? the Body Corporate? Heh heh? that is a lot more descriptive than the Home Owners Association. I think I?m going to use your terminology from now on? like at the next effin meeting!
To all? I feel really bad for you guys that have the weather woes. They?ve had really bad flooding in England and I read an article where they are linking our snow storms with England?s flooding. Not sure I?m too convinced about that! Global Warming is pretty chilly in any event? ;o) I think the worst of it is (apart from the electric bills) that bad weather just depresses a person. Vitamin D3 recommended for people that are not exposed to sunlight.
Sunny? I?m doing 7 days. The clean up from the juicer is the worst part? pain in the bum!
Nora? my bathroom sink is stuffed up too! Then I screwed up the plug thingy with the drain declogger? it?s all discolored now. Feck! No rest for the wicked! ;o)
Bastet? Your marriage counseling kind of sounds like mine was. I?m not very good at laying my heart on the line and said husband did the same as yours, was all doom and gloom and tears, while I just sat there saying nothing. So he ended up looking like the good guy and I ended up looking like a complete cold hearted harridan. We went a few times but it was abject misery for me?
Fen? Sorry for your surprise attack too. What a way to end things? that really sucks. It would have been much better if she had manned up and been honest, right? X Are you back home yet?
Welcome to Winer!
OK? that?s as far as I?ve got. There are PAGES left. I?ll read the rest after I sort the kitchen out? looks like a bomb hit it... bloody juicing!