Snowing to beat all, here. I have decided that I am visiting the cabin this week, even if I have to park my fennel-mobile at the end of the half mile drive and hike my butt in! Usually, I manage to hike in the winter, but not this year. Too much snow! Plus, it's been too cold for me to x-country ski. It's really starting to get to me!
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time – February 2014
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Snowing to beat all, here. I have decided that I am visiting the cabin this week, even if I have to park my fennel-mobile at the end of the half mile drive and hike my butt in! Usually, I manage to hike in the winter, but not this year. Too much snow! Plus, it's been too cold for me to x-country ski. It's really starting to get to me!
One Step at a Time – February 2014
sounds like you need a break Fen
Nana and Aunt Celia are making poor Bret crazy. Do this! Do that!
I called them both and sweetly told them to quit pushing so hard. Everything will work itself out in time. GrrrrrrrrrrI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Fen I thought you were still in Portugal???
Lord I am so confused! Well, I'm glad you're home but perhap at the aren't?
Getting ready for the "Mathieu' Call....
Hugs everyone
:hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Congratulations FT!
Big hugs Pauly... Hang in there hon... it's a work in progress... X
Aww Glassy... good luck with the ultra sound for Bella. It's so hard when our fur kids get sick... X
I'm glad you had a good trip Nora. They sound like "good peeps"...)
Mama... Nana looks so content with her new kitty... Grant is just awesome!
Dottie... Congrats on the new addition to the family...)
Kradle... I am so fed up with these HOA buggers. I haven't handed in the receipts for the replacement plants, let alone the rest of the damage. I don't even know where to start at this point, and they'll block me the whole way...
I've googled Toygers, Bengals, Cheetohs, Ocicats... I have a huge wish list now... this could get ugly!
I need to go and do "hostess" duties... not really feeling like it to be honest. I've delegated dinner... the guys can cook on the grill... and I may get a bit of peace. Or I may not!
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Hey all.....
Well, let's see. I was walking into Wal-Mart at lunchtime today. Had to stop suddenly to avoid a person coming out. Twisted my knee. Picked up a couple of the big gallons of Draino. Didn't get a cart, of course. Stood in line holding them and got my whole shoulder pain acting up. Stood up at work a couple hours ago and my back went out.
Do you think this is a sign to get my ass back to the gym???? :H
Zen - hope that you can relax tonight. It's hard having somebody stay with you.
Mama - so glad that you kindly told them to be patient.
IAD - Keep us posted how your appointment goes. I missed your birthday so a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!! :bday7::bday7:
Kradle - thinking of you. I hope that the call tonight goes well. I'll try to call you tomorrow night & see if you can get away from the girls for a few.
Fennel - I know how much you want to get to the cabin. Please be safe. Don't take any chances. :l
Pauly - I felt the same way today. Did not want to go to work. :H
Dottie - how is Maddie doing?
Liz - how are you doing?
Roxane - how are you doing?
Bastet - how are you? I think that I saw Thomasina MANY years ago. I need to see it again.
That is the little girl from Mary Poppins (my MOST favorite movie) so you would think I would remember it better.
Sunni - how did the drive go this morning? I was worried about you!
Love & hugs to all.......going to go find some dinner."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Zen, I could just spend hours online looking at cats! My next one will be a Savannah. There is a YouTube video with a Savannah called "Magic" that is amazing. I'm sure not all of them are like that but she is really sweet to her boy.
Glass have you heard back from the vet about your kitty?
Kradle I love the show "The Cat from Hell". The guy is a little goofy and a lot of the info is common sense but it is fun to watch. You can definitely teach your kitties to walk on a leash. First get a harness, probably a kitten size one, and put it on the cat indoors. I sometimes put it on while they are eating so it is paired with something positive. Then play a string or chasing game and they will forget it is even on. Do that for a few days then attach the leash and let them drag it around supervised of course. Next you hold it and give them treats for coming with you. Cats really like to do things for treats. I have clicker trained my Toyger and he can high five, sit on command and turn in a circle.
I guess you can tell I'm cat orientated. I bred and sold Bengals for eight years.
Fennel it sounds like you do a lot of traveling. Is your cabin in the woods?
IAD I hope your Dr. appointment goes okay. My husband has diabetes and is worried the doc will yell at him each time he goes.
Sunshine good job racking up days. After a week or so it seems to go much quicker.
Mama thanks so much for sharing with me. It sounds like you have it worked out pretty well. My husband doesn't really drink. Certainly not at home and only if we are out and he will even leave half of a glass sitting there!?! If I want to moderate at all it will need to be way in the future. It's hard because I really don't want to get into hiding behavior again so I'm not quite sure when it would be acceptable to have a drink. Oh well I have promised 100 days and I am only 36 so I have a way to go to even think about it.
Lizann it sounds like moderating has crossed your mind too. When do you think you might be ready for that?
Okay so not quite the marathon post of yesterday but still pretty long. You guys are the best to read all the way to the end! Back to work tomorrow and AF tonight!
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Oh Bastet thank you so much for all that great info! :thanks::thanks:
I am truly enjoying these kitties and I am a pretty intense dog gal so it's been a bit of a stories to me. Ollie, the male, is more like a dog than my dog! He Lays in the middle of the kitchen floor with his belly up and he fetches the feather duster, running through the house with this thing hanging from his jaws! He has no fear whatsoever if Luna my German Shepard and in fact she likes grooming a cat for heavens sake. It's like I suddenly ended up with these two transpecied animals. :H
Anyway, I'll get some harnesses and a clicker thus week. Any suggestions on cat treats besides Tuna?
Congrats on 36 days:goodjob: that's wonderful. My husband doesn't really drink as well. Mama hit it on the head- it's about us not them. Whatever we choose to do, we have to keep that in the front of the stage.
Matt's call went well, though short. Hubs (JD) and I are heading to AZ this Thursday. It's parents weekend there. I'm excited, really. I miss him so fricken much and I hear progress being made when we talk.
Anyway, off to make final arrangers for the flights.
Love to all, :hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Morning all,
Where is everyone today???
41F here so I am excited. WE are only 1 inch away from breaking an all time record for snow fall...
Going out later to an appreciation dinner at the hospital for volunteering at Christmas running the train display. Not sure what to expect with hospital food. But it gets us out of the house and I dont have to cook so that is a good thing..
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Morning all -
Dottie - sounds like fun. Have a good time.
I'm getting ready for work. Almost called in because my back is hurting but I'm going to go in at least for a bit.
Have a great day everyone. I'll catch up later. :wavin:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Ugg, lost my post!
Anyway, good morning everyone. Love and hugs on this doggy Tuesday.
Dottie, congratulation on your heat wave!
Nora I'm sending positive healing vibes to you back and shoulders......:hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Dottie, when I stepped outside to get the paper, I discovered that we are having the warmest day in many weeks! I'm in WI, and it sounds like we've been having similar weather. Such a relief!
Nora, I hope your back feels better soon. :h
Today is Mrs. Fen's birthday, and I am busying myself with a last minute gift I'm making her.
Later, my peeps!
One Step at a Time – February 2014
Doggy= SoggyOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest