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One Step at a Time – February 2014

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    One Step at a Time – February 2014

    Fenny - The potato bug I encountered looked like a baby embryo with a face...and it was huge. Everyone else freaked out, but I put the poor thing outside. I've only seen 2 others...ever. Maybe it was some freak of nature or something. lol I only did an hour and 15 on the dreadmill last night...I was ready to hit the it's just TOO time consuming to stay on there as long as I could. Oh, plus Sierra told me I am obsessed with what I eat and how much I exercise (which is really not true...I cheat and skip the gym all the time!) I am trying not to make a big deal of it. I dont want her to develop some sort of complex. I'm sure I've given her enough issues already. LOL

    Mama - I hope things go okay dry heaves (or wet heaves)...or crying bouts, or shouting matches, or lice, or......etc, etc, etc.

    Pauly - I hope the test goes okay and that she shows up on time and passes! It's so annoying isn't it? I just want to shake some people, or worse. HA

    Liz - Do you have anything to distract yourself on the dreadmill? I watch Netflix and I swear the time flies by...I think I could go for HOURS without even thinking about it. I don't push myself TOO hard though, I go about 3.6 mph on a 3% incline. I don't dare run, I'm too much of a klutz.

    Mam - I thought you said you were a Turdophile...I was like WTF? Is that someone that abuses turds? :H

    Nora and Zenny...hope you're doing well. Have we had an update from Kradle??

    Love y'all!!!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      One Step at a Time – February 2014

      Hi all,
      My laptop is getting senile...couldnt recover all my tabs so I had to start over..
      Went to a yoga class...good me time so I signed up for the next month...
      Gotta look at the darn taxes again today....I tried to stay organized this year but it got away from me over the summer with all the stuff I had going I have to do this..appointment with tax prep gal is tomorrow...she charges by the hour so I dont want to pay her to sort papers.....aaahhhh
      Have a great day!!

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        One Step at a Time – February 2014

        Have come home and sinking a bit under the weight of it all....however wanted to post and say I am reading with you all every day to stay close and up to date.

        Wish we could convene a monthly meeting like the knights of the round table so everyone can catch up properly and stay connected least me that is!

        Staying out of trouble here. Did succumb twice very moderately ...Just put me to sleep....I will update on my Kradle thread- I just feel insular and non communicative at the moment. But I cherish you all so much. :l:l:l:h:h
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          One Step at a Time – February 2014

          I'm glad your visit went well, Kradle. :h


            One Step at a Time – February 2014

            I've done some research...and I have to admit that K9 is made of sterner stuff than I!

            Here is an example of a "midwestern" potato bug... Notice it's cute and cuddly appearance. Makes you kinda want to pick it up and kiss it betwixt it's little anntenae.

            Here is an example of K9's "potato bug"...

            This thing is huge and looks like it came straight out of a sci fi movie! It could take out a yorkie with one mandible! Attached files [img]/converted_files/2282567=7730-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2282567=7731-attachment.jpg[/img]


              One Step at a Time – February 2014

              I am having a melt down today...I am so tired of doing all the finances and if dh does it he makes a mess of it....I want to run away....and drink......aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                Nora, anniversaries are very hard hon, I hope you're OK.

                Fennel, they look kinda cute. I'm not going to post a picture here, because it could really upset someone with arachnaphobia, but if anyone wants to see the cute and furry creatures we often have to pick up and put outside here you go:
                Huntsman Spiders - Australian Museum.

                I hope you're OK Kradle.

                Hugs to Mama, K9, Dottie, Liz, Pauly, Zen.....

                I'm off to my uni today, which is about 100km up the coast, for some meetings with my supervisors. I'm staying with my parents overnight so I'll check in tomorrow.
                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                  One Step at a Time – February 2014

        's that second thing...see the "face"?? I stepped on it when I was 6 months pregnant. Got up in the middle of the night to pee, and hello. It was so big you could actually hear it high heels on cement. Keep in mind that it was not even phased by me stepping ON it. I put a trash can on top of it to keep it corraled until I could throw a leash on it and lead it outside the next day. LOL

                  Where the heck is Mama?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Oh, I just remembered, they may be doing Pops ashes today....
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    One Step at a Time – February 2014

                    I am here...just 'buried" Pop, it was weird....we gathered for a prayer and left this little white box on the stand for them to bury..... and I have been crazy busy
                    Bri is having a good day...AND I found an adorable 6 week old kitten and Clay has snuck it in the house....wish me luck...we are naming him Axel Rose from Guns and Roses
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time – February 2014

                      Dottie - I am so sorry the monster is calling your name. We are here....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        One Step at a Time – February 2014

                        Totally understand k9! Do what you need to do to feel better.

                        No way I would ever touch those bugs! I'd move out!

                        Cjs second interview went well. It's between her and 2 other people. She said she's not sure she wants it now, too much work for only four more dollars an hour! I flipped! Plus she wants to hand in her resignation at her current temp job tomorrow because they have nothing there for her to do. She bought a bottle of wine on the way home and boy was I tempted!!!!! I made hubby put it away somewhere and I went in the bathroom and cried. What am I to do with this kid?


                          One Step at a Time – February 2014

                          Dottie, I'm so sorry things are rough right you need to chat?


                            One Step at a Time – February 2014

                            Thanks mama, and fen and K9, .I am ok...had a hot shower and some cashews...just too many things to do and he just does the minimum to get by...aaarrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
                            I liked guns and roses..have a CD somewhere...and our football team uses "welcome to the jungle" as a sort of theme song....I need some loud music....that will piss off dh.....hhhmmmm but then I have to find the CD's and then figure out how to hook of the player.....maybe put them in my car....
                            Will hang close tonight...

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              One Step at a Time – February 2014

                              K9Lover;1632147 wrote:'s that second thing...see the "face"?? I stepped on it when I was 6 months pregnant. Got up in the middle of the night to pee, and hello. It was so big you could actually hear it high heels on cement. Keep in mind that it was not even phased by me stepping ON it. I put a trash can on top of it to keep it corraled until I could throw a leash on it and lead it outside the next day. LOL

                              Where the heck is Mama?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Oh, I just remembered, they may be doing Pops ashes today....
                              K9...that thing...that monstrosity...was in your house?!! I swear, I saw something like that on a horror film when I was a kid, and it scared the crap out of me!


                                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                                Lizann;1632154 wrote: Totally understand k9! Do what you need to do to feel better.

                                No way I would ever touch those bugs! I'd move out!

                                Cjs second interview went well. It's between her and 2 other people. She said she's not sure she wants it now, too much work for only four more dollars an hour! I flipped! Plus she wants to hand in her resignation at her current temp job tomorrow because they have nothing there for her to do. She bought a bottle of wine on the way home and boy was I tempted!!!!! I made hubby put it away somewhere and I went in the bathroom and cried. What am I to do with this kid?
                                Give her notice to move out? I don't know how old she is, but if she's old enough to buy wine, she's old enough to move out. :h

