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One Step at a Time – February 2014

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    One Step at a Time – February 2014

    Zen, I can't believe you have to foot the bill for repairing your garden! That's way out of line.

    Mama, Bri has an eight year old? Good lord. So, a baby is JUST what she needs right now. Gah.

    Wish I could post pics but I only have a tablet and phone with...and I am not using the phone for posting stuff because I don't want massive fees.


      One Step at a Time – February 2014

      Hey all,Tony,i wont be joining in the pizza party! i need to vent more so here goes,last nite we got a DMV notice in the mail,figured it was car registration renewal,no theyre pulling hubs license for his dui,but if he hasnt plead out yet,still has court in march how can it be?im so super shaky and anxious this morning! and Michelle(spice queen)has got my nerves all fucked up too with this whole moving to washington bullshit!! Kell was talking to her the other nite,turns out shes done acid,ecstasy,all kinds of pills,she on a path to destruction and my hands are tied,ugh i need a big fat antianxiety pill,but no booze cuz thatll only fuck me up more!!!!!! jeez sorry so early in the morning and my language but i needed it!! just went to get Brady up for school,hes sick,great one more thing! i just have to focus on positives,go to work,enjoy baby Louie,and just breathe,luv ya guys
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        One Step at a Time – February 2014

        why are your hands tied Pauly??
        I told Bri this morning that she had disappointed me on so many levels and that our friendship was damaged. It's not the pregnancy, it's HOW, WHO, WHEN and more. For now I am boss, and maybe someday we can be friends again. I walked out of my office and am doing my own thing with my door shut. I reminded her of the drama with her upstairs neighbor and her other sexual tales and that I was done and she best remember there are ramifications for foolish behavior. She looks like a whipped puppy, but that's too damn bad.
        We have all done stupid things that we regret, but I don't drag my stuff to work anymore. I learned where that line was in my early 20's.
        Pauly, they took my license on the spot......
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time – February 2014

          God morning peeps,
          Almost done here on "LOVELY" Victorville... can't wait.
          Trying to set up travel to NY to play checkers but seems weather is making things difficult.
          Doing well and thoughts are will all of you, hope you all have a good day.
          AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
          As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


            One Step at a Time – February 2014

            hi sweet FT!!!
            G0odbye to Victorville!! YAY!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time – February 2014

              Ok you chatterboxes...I guess I am gonna have to get up at 3am like Mama just to keep up with you guys!

              Ok so first the good news, Sierra feels her interview went well! They said they would call for a second interview, should it progress that far. So basically, no answer. But hey, she has her first interview under her belt!

              Now the not so pleasant news. If you ever want to feel like total CRAP about yourself, go to therapy with your kid. I guess I was under the false impression that she actually likes me. It's amazing what comes out. And she got very SASSY with me in front of the therapist so I put her butt in CHECK, and the therapist said I am very sarcastic. Yeah well...bite me, how's that for sarcastic??

              Anywhooooo....I hope we can move past this. I bought cigarettes because I was annoyed. One more thing for Sierra to point out to me as a fault.

              Pauly - Take a deep breath and feel better....and vent (and cuss) are safe here!

              Mama - Good for you telling Bri how it is. She needs to stop acting like you are her Mommy and start treating you like the boss!! You have been patient and kind to her, now she needs to grow the F*ck up. Wow I am on a roll today. LOL I may try to give The L Word another try...I have so many shows in my Netflix queue. I am still getting through Dexter and all his psycho killings. HA

              FT - I hope you escape Victorville unscathed, and make it to your checkers tournament. You deserve it man!

              Nora, Kradle, Dotty, Tony, Techie, Glass, Fen, Liz and all my other dear friends...hang in there and stick close. Love ya!!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                You guys are a trip and with you all is how I have made it over here with my sanity intact,
                Victorville is a very depressing place as there is NOTHING to do when not working. SO reading "been there done that", TV "been there done that", Netflix, Meditation, cold showers when I think of playing checkers :-) well you get the picture.
                Best wishes to all of you and the hurdles we have, we will survive together.
                AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                  One Step at a Time – February 2014

                  ouch K9...I would have left in tears. Call me if you want to talk....
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time – February 2014

                    Well late to my group meeting agin. Ha! Good afternoon all. Hope everyone is coping. Tony
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      One Step at a Time – February 2014

                      I am curious about WHN said as my oldest a.k.a. "The Princess" and I fight a lot....
                      I think at the ages of 15 to 23 we need to be reminded that gerbils eat their young.....
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        One Step at a Time – February 2014

                        LOL Mama!

                        She was asked if she feels like she can talk to me, and she said "No". My jaw basically hit the floor because we talk about EVERYTHING...and I remain calm when we do! I just don't know what she expects. I'd love to throw her into some other family so she can see how easy she really has it. I feel very taken advantage of these days. We got on the subject of using the car and she had the NERVE to say "I always let you use the car". UM Excuse ME? That's when I ripped her a new one with an audience watching. That's MY car, little girl.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time – February 2014

                          Must be a full moon..I woke up in a bad mood today....dh needs to grow the f***k up too....he acts like he is helpless....
                          Predicting sleet, snow and more sleet and snow....I know the weather has me messed up too...
                          Will NOT drink over any of this but I sure need a way out....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            One Step at a Time – February 2014

                            Well - guess we all are having one of those days. It is possible to fight long distance with your hubby. Just in case you were curious. :H:H
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              One Step at a Time – February 2014

                              Prepare for a bitch sesh. Yard reportage… had a meeting with the HOA lady an hour ago and I’m ending up re-doing the whole lot and they’ll pay half of it. Far from ideal, and Bill & I get to do the bloody work of course… but I just want it done. THEN, get this, she asked me if I wanted the rust on the pavers done as the guy was here to which I replied “of course”… hell the HOA pays for it so of COURSE I want it done. But not today! The guys knocks on my door to get his $25. I mean, I’m not going to make a fuss over $25, but when the heyall did THEY stop paying for it and why were we not informed? Gaaah… this is the last time I’ll buy in a community with an HOA… they are slowly driving me to distraction. I pay $900 a quarter for this shit. I’ve decided the next time something like this happens with them, I’m withholding my next quarterly payment… see how they like them apples.

                              Anyhoooo….. Good afternoon folksies. ‘Scuse the “rant intro”.

                              Bastet… don’t worry about the sleep aids. Lack of sleep has derailed MANY a quit so do whatever it takes to make sure you get your rest. (A sleeping pill will do you much less harm than a bottle of grog!)

                              Sunny… I agree about the chemicals. When we spray anything in the yard ourselves we use eco-friendly products. But with the HOA being in charge (using that terminology loosely) of the programme, I have to go with the flow.

                              Pauly… Sorry to hear you’ve been hit with so much at once all of a sudden… and good on you for doing it sober. Try and just take it one thing at a time perhaps? I think they do take the license away before it goes to Court for a DUI.

                              Dottie… Chalk today up to a “grumpy day”… we all have them. On the good side, it all sounds like exciting times for you just now, nothing like a bit of change to shake things up, so perhaps look forward to that? X

                              Lizann… A lot more excitement in your neck of the woods than mine!

                              Iad… You’re on your own with that pizza joint, and no it’s not because I’m juicing!

                              Mama… I hope you finally got some sleep… it’s rotten isn’t it? And bloody good on you for drawing the line in the sand with Bri. If people just keep going “There there” to her she’ll never cop on. Do you feel better about it now?

                              Fen… We’ll wait till you get back for the pix! )

                              FT… Good luck with the travel plans and can you PLEASE stop making the girls jealous about your upcoming game(s) of checkers!

                              Niner… That sounds like a brutal therapy session and, to my ears, a little one sided on the therapist’s part. She’s meant to facilitate communication between you and Seirra, not pass judgment on either of you. I’d be PO’d too. Plus, she’s made things harder on you now as Sierra could say “but the therapist thinks…” when you try to set a ground rule. Bummer. Therapists are big on the word “FEEL”. Maybe you should call her and tell her that you FELT attacked by her yesterday.

                              Nora… Anything is possible. ESPECIALLY that!!!


                                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                                Oh... I forgot... Juice Fast Day 2. Much better than Day 1. Everything has totally settled down in the bloat department :blush: and I slept like a baby last night. I dozed off with the laptop on my knee in bed about 9.00. Got up to feed the cats at 9.45, went back to bed and watched a little bit of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead and conked out till 10.00am!!! :wow: Unheard of for this insomniac and I hope it keeps up. Thank Gawd I didn't have work to go to. Admittedly, I did take a sleep aid but my insomnia usually trumps the pill. I feel quite good today (HOA crapola notwithstanding) and I'm not hungry. And I plan on getting to the gym later.

                                I hope everyone's Tuesday continues on a good note or improves greatly! X

