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One Step at a Time – February 2014

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    One Step at a Time – February 2014

    Thanks again for the update about Mama, Zen. I’m so glad to know she survived OK.

    K9 I’m glad WHN is excited about the concert, it’s really lovely that you guys can share such a special occasion.

    Very glad your rental plumbing is fixed Dottie, and especially that you’re home safe before the blizzard. That sounds scary!

    Kradle – you are such a wonderful mother, truly! I know you doubt yourself. But the fact that you care so much about the small things that are big things to your kids makes you a very special parent.
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      One Step at a Time – February 2014

      Good morning loves. Quick post and then I am off to Google Toyger!
      Yesterday was lovely. The minister from Hospice sounded as if he knew Nana and Pop for all their lives. He was very warm and loving. There were loads of lovely flowers and I was amazed at how many people showed up. Three real buds were there, and of course the back pew was full of very misbehaved peeps that were almost asked to leave!!!!
      But the star of the entire day was Grant. He had the entire chapel in tears when he finished his eulogy. He was so poised and calm. He stopped at one point, turned to Nana and said, "Nana, I PROMISE you, you will never be alone and will never have to worry. I will always be here for you." It was one of the sweetest things I have ever witnessed.:h
      Aunt Celia gave a eulogy as well and told us that when she was a little girl she asked Pop what made the TV light up. He told her "Fire fly Fannies"!! They fly around in the TV and when they go to sleep at night, the TV goes off. Typical Pop. He was quite the jokester.
      In fact on the way home last night, we were discussing a horrible scar on Pop's back. IN the 40's, he was standing on the front of a moving car his brother was driving and they crashed into a dump truck. Pop was thrown and tore up his back and was actually hospitalized for months. When Grant was little, he asked Pop what the scar was, and Pop said, "Well, baby, I took a lollipop from an alligator and he bit me!!" Grant believed that story for years!:H
      The Air Force Color Guard was there and presented Nana with the flag. General Albritton actually handed her the flag. The was poignant as he and Pop were best buds from 8th grade. There was a gun salute, too. :h
      We went to nana's for food and everyone was gone by 5. We sat with her till about 9 and last night was the first night she was alone. We'll see how that went.
      All in all, it was peaceful and lovely.
      And, I must admit, my men were the most handsome in the room.
      My Mom and Dad drove two hours and were there with me too. We are not very close, but it meant alot to me that they came.
      Enough about me....
      Dottie got her plumbing fixed!!:wow:
      Fen, I missed that you had a funeral. I am so sorry. I have been rather self-absorbed.
      Nora...why are you feeling weepy?? I am so worried that my blathering has upset you.
      CJ had a birthday!!
      Kradle has a baby with braces that cannot enjoy her Valentine chocolate.
      Fen - I remember you collected vintage Valentine's for Mrs. Fen. Did you find something fabulous for her this year?
      Bastet walked a cat on a leash!
      Ft is off playing checkers somewhere
      And Zen is just being Zen
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time – February 2014

        Mama it sounds like it was a lovely service and a lovely tribute to Pop, thanks for sharing The days now will likely be difficult for nana. What a lovely thing Grant said about nana! They are lucky to have you all.

        Looking forward to a quiet Saturday. Hubby is trying to resuscitate the snow blower! More snow tonight!
        Going to pick up my and Cjs dresses from the taylor (for the wedding). It's coming up fast! Happy Saturday people.


          One Step at a Time – February 2014

          Jan - so glad that yesterday went so well for you - it all sounded wonderful, and your boys did you proud! Hope that nana is okay - she will find it very hard for a while.

          love and hugs to you, sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            One Step at a Time – February 2014

            mama bear;1627330 wrote:
            And Zen is just being Zen
            as usual....
            I heard that!

            It sounds like it was a lovely service Mama... I'm so glad that it made everyone feel good. You all looked very classy in your pic. How did Nana do on her first night alone?

            Nora... Why were you needing a good cry? Is everything OK? :h

            Fen... I missed the part about the funeral too... I hope it went as well as it could... X

            Kradle... I think I should have borrowed Sedona's braces yesterday. I had a little bit of a chocolate binge last night that I'm regretting now. Is she not allowed any chocolate at all with her braces?

            Dottie... I'm glad you got your plumbing fixed! Hee hee...

            :wavin: to everyone else.

            I've been faffing around all morning and need to get my ass in gear. I'm heading to the gym, followed by finishing up the compound work on my car. The lovely pressure washer people hit my car with overspray from their chemicals... the car was filthy and I didn't notice anything till I took it to the car wash Thursday. Boy, was I pissed off when I saw what had happened. I was scrubbing at it with compound till it got dark Thursday, trying to get the stains off. Their chemicals also etched some of my windows and Bill is out there cleaning them with Bartenders Friend as we speak. I am so fed up with my HOA and the shoddy workers they employ. That one pressure washing job killed the plants in my front yard, broke my bird bath, ruined my windows and my effing car. :upset:

            Anyway... today's plan is gym, car, and rest of the mountain of ironing. Deep joy... NOT!

            Laters! X


              One Step at a Time – February 2014

              Hi all,
              Yes plumbing is fixed...;-))
              4 more inches of snow last night...on top of the ice and snow..what a mess but today the sun is out and we are going out and do something..anything...cabin fever has set in big time...
              mama I am so glad the service went well. Glad we could all be there for you...hope nana is doing well today...
              Off we go....

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                Hey, peeps...
                I didn't mention my cousin passing away here. She was my oldest first cousin (dad's side), 75 years old, serious copd and heart valve issues which she never addressed. The attendees were mostly a pretty rough bunch and bellied up to the bar at the eagle's club (where the luncheon was held) at the crack of noon. I have over 40 first cousins alone, so it's sort of impossible to be closely connected to all of them. The whole thing did contribute to a general blue mood I'm in.

                Mama, I'm glad the funeral went well, and Grant did so awesome with his eulogy. Pops sounds like he was a real character! I love the story about the fireflies lighting up the t.v. set. :H I hope Nana does mom had a rough time at night when my dad first passed away. Every sound frightened her. I'm thinking of all of you. :l

                Zen, you're motivating me to get my ass downstairs and work out. The air down there is so cold and dry, it feels like ice picks are being shoved up my sinuses! It's supposed to get up into the thirties here next week, so I will take the opportunity to visit my cabin.


                  One Step at a Time – February 2014

                  OMG Fennel..sounds like a few of the characters that wandered in yesterday. I am sorry for your loss, though.
                  Nana is ok today. I have called her twice. And Grant, the stinker, spolied our birthday surprise, by showing up early with a CAT!!!! An orange she will have company.
                  Zenny, I cannot believe all that happened at your houseand it is not on the national are feisty when angry. I would be pissed about my car....
                  Dots - just hunker down and try to survive. I know it has been brutally cold.
                  Just in from a much needed mani and some chores and then dinner or a movie later...trying to get back to some sort of routine.
         me if you want to talk....and don't be blue for too long Furry One...ok? (Fen)
                  Hi Sunnibutt......I am so glad some of oldies are back together again
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time – February 2014

                    Zen, I'm with is up with these half-assed workers? Insane how much they are costing you in repairs! I hope you get an estimate for repairs/replacement of car finish, window fixing, etc. and present it to your HOA.

                    Mama, a cat is an awesome idea for Nana! Too bad Grant blew the surprise, though. My sister gave my mom a cat after my dad passed away. That cat (Mooch) has been the best company for her! He's getting pretty old now...I'm dreading his demise.


                      One Step at a Time – February 2014

                      From snowy NY, still hanging in there.
                      Oh checkers is fine and yesterday I popped a question and she said yes :-)
                      AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                      As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                        One Step at a Time – February 2014

                        Oh, FT -that is WONDERFUL news. Congratulations!! :day5:

                        Mama you must be so proud of your boys, what a lovely thing for Grant to say. It sounds like a very special service and it was so kind of your parents to drive that far to be with you.

                        Lizann, when is the wedding, and did you get your dresses? We need details please!
                        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                          One Step at a Time – February 2014

                          Yes glass we have our dresses! Mine is navy blue, long with a slit on the bottom to my knee. Bridesmaids are wearing a sage green long one shoulder. EB has her first fitting Wednesday. She wear a stunning off white almost ballgown in taffeta. Wedding is May 16! I have my hair trial line up in a few weeks and we are currently planning her bridal shower. It's overwhelming sometimes but I'm having fun!:h. Thanks for asking. Currently it's my favorite thing to talk about.


                            One Step at a Time – February 2014

                            Lizann;1627504 wrote: Yes glass we have our dresses! Mine is navy blue, long with a slit on the bottom to my knee. Bridesmaids are wearing a sage green long one shoulder. EB has her first fitting Wednesday. She wear a stunning off white almost ballgown in taffeta. Wedding is May 16! I have my hair trial line up in a few weeks and we are currently planning her bridal shower. It's overwhelming sometimes but I'm having fun!:h. Thanks for asking. Currently it's my favorite thing to talk about.
                            Oooh! That all sounds very beautiful! How many bridesmaids will there be, and is it afternoon or evening? Apart from births and christenings, I think weddings are one of the most fun things to talk about anyway, but my eldest son was married last November, so I'm ALL about wedding stuff if you need a friendly ear.
                            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                              One Step at a Time – February 2014

                              FT - SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:h

                              Liz - I love hearing about the wedding plans....please keep talking.

                              Mama - Do not even worry that you have upset me. I am just missing my hubby. It's been over 2 months and I'm ready for him to come home. But, it doesn't look like it will be any time soon.
                              I think the cat is a wonderful idea for Nana.

                              Nettie - Did J make it home?

                              I have spent the entire day reading. Gave myself a headache from reading too much. :H

                              Going down to San Diego in the morning to meet up with my Cousin-in-law. Can't wait to see him. He is such a great guy. Funny thing is that he is coming out to visit my cousin's old partner. So, I get to be with 2 people that knew him so well.

                              Ok - I've got to get back to this book. It's not even a very good book but I want to finish it.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                                CONGRATULATIONS FT !!! How wonderful .... I hope you and Mrs FT will be very happy !!

                                Nora- have fun tomorrow ..... I read most of today too - started and finished the whole thing! I decided to go AF today and it always hits me hard the first day - so i did nothing !!

                                Jan - how are you doing? And how is nana doing? I am glad that you got out and had some treats for yourself - you probably really needed that relaxation time -

                                Lizann - glad that you are having fun planning the wedding - rather you than me though - LOL

                                Zen - gosh - what will you do about the car? Will it come off? If not, can you make them pay for it - after all surely they have insurance. What an awful pain for you.....

                                Dottie - I am with you on the snow although we had ice pellets yesterday - and more for Monday - has covered everything with a glaze of ice over the snow ... I am so finished with winter this year.

                                Hi to everyone else - have a good evening,

                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

