Hi all,Nora ive been an early to bed girl this week too,i feel like a 40 year old senior citizen haha,Mama i seen the new kitty on fb,hes adorable! i want one,but i think Winslow is to spoiled and crazy to let me have a kitty,i bought this all in one shake stuff at Sprouts,supposed to be vanilla chai,its feckin green! i dunno about these healthy weird shit i try to do,hubs seen some coconut oil on a spoon hes like"what the hell is that?"hubs seen some chia seeds dropped in the sink asked why the hell im eating a chia pet haha,its supposed to do this and that yada,yada,do all this and still eat burgers,smoke,drink soda bleh,i was poking around old hh threads last nite and they were talking about quinoa and how awesome it made them feel,interesting may try it,Kradle is that you on the horse?hello to everybody,ill probly stop in later,luv ya guys
