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One Step at a Time – February 2014

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    One Step at a Time – February 2014 just made me cry. I am NOT super woman, but thank you!
    trying to keep Lucky and Axl from killing each other right now
    I am tired and going to bed, but thank you for making me feel wonderful.
    Axl is asleep after a bath, and the house is empty except for me
    Love to all... today kicked my ass. The end of month books are I got fussed at...alot...
    good to see you Dottie...I hope you are well
    worrying about Nora and wish I was off with Zen
    how's the licking going K9??
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      One Step at a Time – February 2014

      Oh my gosh...what a cute little kitty! K9, I "save" the pic to my pictures and am easily able to upload it via MWO. Always comes out a normal type of size. Looks like you did awesome!

      I was inspired by Lizann, and managed to run half a mile before lapsing back into my walking mode...and I feel like somebody beat my hips with a baseball bat! I don't know how you do it. My walking speed is 4.4 miles an hour at level 6 on my Life fitness dreadmill. I cranked it up to 6.1 to run. I feel like an old lady.

      Mama, I don't know how you keep your cool when peeps are lobbing the "F" word at rude!

      Kradle, thanks for your kind words. :h

      Glass, those spiders look like they could bench press a koala! I think the worst spider we have in my area of the states is a Brown Recluse. They can cause a nasty sort of suppurating wound. I am pretty sure that Oz has us beat for venomous critters.


        One Step at a Time – February 2014

        Pauly, I don't blame you for bailing from the doctor's office. Your time is important!

        Dottie, I am so envious of you...we were supposed to have a high of 27 today, but came nowhere near it. I know we'll get through this winter, but it is certainly challenging, isn't it? :h

        Mama, your kiddo does look like Buzz Lightyear! Such a great pic of him and Axl.:H


          One Step at a Time – February 2014

          Mrs. Fen imagines she is sick, again...hacking, but no other symptoms of a cold. I made us some matzo ball soup tonight, and it really hit the spot and nurtured her imaginary illness as well.

          I was going to take my mom to see my niece's play at Rockford College tomorrow night...but we're getting snow and the play would go until 10:30 pm! We wouldn't get back home until midnight. Looks like we're going on Sunday in the afternoon instead. My mom is getting progressively worse with her breathing (copd). I think this is her last year. Trying to get her out with our peeps as much as possible before she does get too ill to do so any longer. This sure is hard.


            One Step at a Time – February 2014

            First off....

            Mama - don't worry about me!!! I'm doing fine. I'm battling demons but I'm fighting again instead of rolling over and taking it. Not where I want to be but can see the shore again. I'm happy!

            I want to catch up with everyone but it might wait until tomorrow. The bills that I put off are due so I'm going to be busy for a bit.

            I had all 4 of my cats and both of my dogs at dinner last night!!!! Two of my cats have turned into once in a while guests. No matter what we do, they disappear for days on end. So, it was great to see them. But, we are having awful rain & wind right now so it's hard to figure out how to feed them without a cat fight. :H This morning I went over & carried Freddie (our oldest cat that we don't see every day) over to the patio and put her in front of her very own food dish. Of course, 5 minutes later, there was Shadow on the ground looking up at her and staring! AARRRGGGHHH

            We have always had outdoor cats but this has been hard. They usually stay right here with us - sleep inside at night, etc. But, somehow when we had the last 2 kittens, our older kitties ran off. We tried a lot of different things but nothing worked. Oh well - at least they ate.

            Ok - off to "bill" land. Yuck! I'll catch up in a couple hours or tomorrow. Whenever my head comes up for air. :H
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time – February 2014

              Fennel you are a very fast walker! I took a boot camp style class yesterday and thought I was going to die. I just get pooped and then I talk myself into slowing down - I did finish the class though.

              I have been having moderating thoughts lately. In fact I spent a chunk of time today reading the moderating threads. No drinking forever just seems impossible. I tried moderating once before but my approach was completely different. I white knuckled through 30 days and then tried to keep it to 9 units a week so every day was a negotiation do I drink or not, how much, but then what about tomorrow. It was stupid and before long I was right back where I started. This time I imagine only having alcohol out or never by myself at home (this was my big problem) and having it be very infrequent and not on a weekly basis. My husband can take it or leave it and we don't even really go out much anyway. It's just that wine is a big part of eating out for us - selecting the region and the winery, pairing it with the food...not to mention wine tasting which we usually do once a year or so over a long weekend. Trying to convince my family that this would work would also be a challenge but I feel like a need another chance and if I land back where I was I will accept permeant abstinence. Anyway I made a commitment to do 100 days sober and I think if I knew I could even just try at the end of it it would be easier. I am on day 47 now so I think I'm getting the half way jitters.

              I know there are so many people at MWO who are totally against moderating I hesitate to even bring it up but I know a few of you occasionally imbibe and I feel comfortable with you. I'm wondering if any of you have experience or opinions negative or positive and feel like sharing. Sorry to write so much but it helps me to put it down so I can sort through my thoughts.

              I hope everyone has a great weekend! We are finally getting some rain so yea!!


                One Step at a Time – February 2014

                Bastet, I think that peeps on this thread are pretty supportive of everybody. Moderators, not so moderators, Alcohol free...we all have a place on this site.

                What was the boot camp course you took? I do tend to be a pretty fast walker, but running? I am so flummoxed by that one!

                I love Northern California...actually, I love pretty much all of California. I wish I lived there. I particularly love Muir woods and in the Palm Springs area, Joshua Tree and Indian Canyons.


                  One Step at a Time – February 2014

                  Nora, do you still have Cheddar the cat?

                  You were having a drought, right? So I imagine the rains are welcome? Please inform!


                    One Step at a Time – February 2014

                    Fennel, they call it total body conditioning but it was more like an endurance test! First we did different kinds of running on the track with squats, leg lifts and lunges thrown in. Next we did push ups, planks and more squats with weights this was all inter spaced with bursts of cardio. Lots of arm work with weights also. Anyway I'm not sure I will go back to that class at least not until I'm in better shape.

                    We are in the Bay Area so we can get to Sonoma in a couple of hours, Tahoe in about 3-4 and Yosemite in 4-5. I also really like to hike in Muir Woods and we usually have a meal (with wine) in Sausalito on the way home. It is really a great area but unfortunately it is extremely expensive to live here. And we definitely need the rain.

                    Cheddar is a great name for a cat! I've never heard that one before.


                      One Step at a Time – February 2014

                      Bastet I have been here for a bit and definately have had these struggles. My goal is not so much Never Ever drink again but it is more - complete indifference to Al; that it becomes just a wisp of a thought when I'm stressed or upset or happy or sad...and maybe not even a wisp...Nothing at all would be nice...

                      With that said, I can see that this mindset is most definately achievable and I feel closer to it every day. Reading, Posting, using different coping mechanisms for the extreme highs and lows (these are my particular triggers) and just...well 'not drinking' for lack of better phrase are all getting me closer to that goal.

                      But I'm not there yet. But I do know what trips me up now where as before I wouldn't have had a clue...and what's more, I wouldn't have cared

                      Remeber Ms. B- This is your journey
                      and you're doing great!:l
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        One Step at a Time – February 2014

                        Moving over to our March thread now........................
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15

