I'm tired of the hangovers, I'm tired of being cranky with my kids, I'm tired of trying to make conversation with people when my head is throbbing, I'm tired of not remembering if I tucked my kids in the night before (how pathetic is that), I'm tired of checking to make sure there's enough wine for the evening. (pathetic) I feel like I have done major cut backs on my wine intake...I have two glasses instead of two bottles. When I read your posts I know I'm not in this alone. I always thought I was the only one. Thanks new friends!
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Hi new friends
Hi new friends
Well, I've been reading, laughing, and crying with ya'll since February. I have been taking sups since March, have had many good days, have had many bad days. Went to my gynie and was determined to ask for topa. I chickened out. I've ordered on-line and have been on it for a week. Have noticed minimum difference from being on topa and sups but perhaps that is because I am at such a low dose of topa. Will up to 50mg today. Anyway, ya'll have been a great strength to me over the past couple of months and my courage is kicking in to get this thing rolling. I'm ready to take my life back.
I'm tired of the hangovers, I'm tired of being cranky with my kids, I'm tired of trying to make conversation with people when my head is throbbing, I'm tired of not remembering if I tucked my kids in the night before (how pathetic is that), I'm tired of checking to make sure there's enough wine for the evening. (pathetic) I feel like I have done major cut backs on my wine intake...I have two glasses instead of two bottles. When I read your posts I know I'm not in this alone. I always thought I was the only one. Thanks new friends! -
Hi new friends
Re: hi
your screen name says it all.
You are like so many of us here. The idea that I could be a loving mom AND have a drinking problem was an almost unbearable thought.....
but I can actually say I think I have found a solution to the drinking after many many years of frustration. This is a great place with wonderful solutions and great people!
Hi new friends
Re: hi
My eyes are tearful with thankfulness for my new friends.
I often wondered why anyone would schedule their kid's birthday in the evening...wouldn't that interfere with cocktails? I think I'm getting it now---life doesn't have to be that way. I love how RJ makes reference to alcohol as butter. It would be nice to have at dinner, but if it's not there, it's no big deal. LOVE THAT! I have the tools now to be the mom I want to be. Ya'll are part of it! Thanks!
Hi new friends
Re: hi
Welcome, soccermom!
Yes, being a mom and drinking doesn't mix well. One of my meters for the morning after was trying to remember which book I read, or did I read at all? Okay, I'm sure it was Very Hungry Spider.
Glad you're here. Glad I'm here and welcome, welcome.
Hi new friends
Hi Fellow soccer mum.
Like you i read the the posts for a wee while before i had the courage to do this.As a mum of 4 (1 girl 3 boys)soccer season was a nightmare. I would go through all the matches and pick out all the home or late games so that i didn't have to drive far or drive too early.My poor hubby had to do all the 6.30 ones. If i did have to go early i would make sure i was drunk and in bed around 8pm.Hence, no tucking in on those nights and yes which book if any.Just like many we'd arrange our lifes around the booze.
welcome and all the best. lluf
Hi new friends
Welcome soccermom.
Being a mom is the best/worst (???!) guilt in the world to get a hold of this drinking thing, I think!
So glad you are here. Dive on in, start what aspects of the program you can, get to know a few people, and making some new FRIENDS!!
Yes, the friendships and the accountability is wonderful. It's like you don't wanna let these gals and guys down:d
they're watching.......8o
Hi new friends
Okay, I have done the book thing--even have gone as far as to "review" the next day with my beautiful kids..."Hey, who can tell me what we read last night??" Lame or what? I told them we were summarizing. I am on my first dose of 50 mg of topa tonite. My goal is to not even pour a glass of wine until after 8pm. A far cry from my usual happy hour of 5pm. Tonight my second glass tasted so sweet, like donuts almost, I was so grossed out (and delighted...and a bit sad...can anyone relate?) I am finding myself craving something really sweet--like ice cream or cake--I know that's something to stay away from. My sugar cravings seem to really be strong lately!! Thanks for all you!!
Hi new friends
Hi Soccermom....
Can I just say that you are so NORMAL here! Just like a soccer Mom!! I too juggle it all, and found the drinking thing to be my best friend and worst enemy every day. I even had the stinkin minivan with that soccer ball magnet on the back? Gross.... But when you looked up front... always me in a ball cap, left elbow propped on the door and the left hand was massaging my head at every traffic light. Sunglasses donned and the fake smile as we headed to the games... what a nightmare!!!!
Okay... no more headaches, at least not on any regular basis, and certainly not at games. AND, my son has decided he HATES soccer. (Hope its not because of me!!! LOL!)
In a much more fun car now, (and no soccer magnets, or any other sports magnets for that matter...) that I actually enjoy driving and it's so much more fun without the headache to go along!
So welcome, and by the way... Topa didnt help me at all until I got to 50 mg. I think you'll see a big difference soon.
Best of luck!
Hi new friends
another new friend
Hello everyone. I've only been doing the program for 13 days. It is amazing. I haven't gotten the topa yet, but honestly the supplements seem to work amazingly well. This may sound stupid to you guys, but why hasn't anyone been on Oprah with this thing? So may people struggle day in and day out. I stumbled across this on the internet. I'm just amazed at the results, they are practically immediate. I am (was?) a 1.5 liter bottle of wine a night, every night consumer. In the last 13 days I drank regular bottle of wine (750ml?) last Friday night. Saturday I felt like the wrath of God. Is that the supplements? I just don't usually get sick anymore. Fuzzy, groggy, tired..not sick. Sometimes I don't feel the greatest, but I'm not usually sick. At any rate, this has only reinforced my resolve to stop dancing with this devil. Any way sorry to carry on and on and on...I don't have anyone else to talk to about this and it feels good to talk to someone..anyone. thanks..sd
Hi new friends
Re: another new friend
I hope they don't go on Oprah, frankly. I have the feeling that I stumbled onto something amazing, cutting edge, phenomenal, and when it goes, it's going to go big. I started wondering whether I should invest in whatever pharmaceutical company is going to profit from all this because it's going to be a huge money maker when it happens. It's still in the research stage, and it hasn't been FDA approved, but the research that is behind RJ's work is being covered in the NYTimes and it's beginning to hit the mainstream press. Get ready.
Hi new friends
Re: another new friend
Soccermom, are you doing the supplements? I ask only that I've never, ever craved sweets and am now finding my head turned at that doughnut in the lunchroom. (Only one time in my life have I craved sweets--- during pregnancy, when I could not stand the smell of wine---and found myself gorging on fruit to my husband, the fructivore's, great amusement. Around here we refer to it as the "F" word. Fruit, yuck!)
There's some supp that's suppose to level out the blood sugar and curb the sweet craving and my gray cells fail me right now. C'mon cv, remind me what that one is! Anyhoo, I've been drinking a bottle of Vitamin Water, usually one of the pink ones, in the afternoon and bypassing the doughnut. Adult Kool-Aid, but it sure tastes good and keeps me out of the chocolate drawer in the backroom at work.
You're doing great!