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Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Can anyone give me any thoughts, theories etc on the idea that the MWO program you can drink socially it seems unlikely but would like to hear from people who have achieved this. How can people go from addiction to social drinking and be able to control what they haven't been able to control in the past? Just curious, not trying to be negative.....I'm truly interested in your theory around this. -
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Addiction to Moderation
I am CERTAINLY not an expert on this but I am trying moderation and so far am handling it ok. I have found the tips on these boards very helpful for me eg don't carry your drink around with you at a party. You have to make an effort to go and get it every time you want to sip. I'm afraid I am an automatic sipper and don't even realise how much I am drinking with my constant sipping.
I was going to try abs but decide to give mod a chance mainly because I thought I would feel a giant failure if I slipped up on abs.
I am trying to keep it to 2 wines a day and have felt remarkably well each morning and that is a big plus for me. I know I have an addictive personality but have learnt a lot from reading posts on these boards and have to make myself vigilant. I am taking supps except kudzu and Allone and not taking topa, because of other conflicting prescribed medication reasons. I am convinced that l-glut is helping me but I can't be absolutely sure.
BUT it is early days for me and I won't be convinced until another 10 months have passed and I am still moderating for a year by then.
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
Sharon, have you read the case studies or did you just want to talk to live people? Were you interested in MWO or some of the other programs that also believe that moderation and normal social drinking is achievable after abusing alcohol? I think it is important to understand the alcohol addiction, like anything else, is chronic and progressive, meaning there are stages to it. Depending upon the stage of the disease that one decides to enter this program or any other, they will have an easier or more challenging time of it, but it is achievable.
Curious about your question though, are you asking for yourself? If so, this can be done as you'll see by reading through the many posts and archives.
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
Hi Sharon!
Yes, this is certainly THE question about moderation and a reason for many skeptics, some within our very own circle of family and friends.
Abstinance from alcohol for a person who has had a drinking problem has always been the gold standard. That was before all this cutting edge research. That was before there were OTHER things to help someone tackle this problem besides sheer will and white knuckles alone! I truly believe that is the reason that when people who had the addiction before (self certainly included) would continue to try to quit or moderate their drinking, it would just be a battle that was never won or even improved upon. Frustrating to say the very least! Depressing more like it.
Now, on a personal note in a social situation: I'll give you yesterday. Concert. All day. Booze everywhere.
Old me: probably take a few "roadies" before the dang thing even starts, drink faster than everyone, order drinks while no one looking, want to get "there" (drunk). OMG, there are so many concerts I barely remember it's stupid. Even though I would even tell myself sometimes the morning of the thing "Bec, don't get hammered, don't do it!!".
NOW: Get up, take supps, talk to hubby about the drinking going to be involved that day and night. Listen to him compliment me about how much things have changed since this time last year(sometimes the compliments sound condescending, but he was being really tactful
) . Go to concert. Find out it has been delayed 3 hrs. Go to restaurant to drink, of course, with others. Exposed to drinking/partying before this concert (Sammy Hagar!!) for 7 WHOLE HOURS. Was in perfect control of myself. Watched drunk people! I remember every song! No unidentified bruises today. No horror stories. Had a blast!:happy If I left my beer over there and someone threw it out, oh well, I went without for a while. If no one else needed one, I didn't go get one. What a concept! I could even dance without one in my hand! (yes, it's possible).
People who read this, I'm telling ya, this is all I wanted for social events.
It feels SO GOOD to KNOW I can not have that DAMN ITCH to go to that HORRIBLE drunken place. Why I wanted to do that so often, and when I was having so much fun, I just don't know. |I . Very sad. The brain wiring?
Well, Sharon, I went on and on!
Hope it helped a bit.
Take care, and best best BEST to you!
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
Congratulations! You are definetly in the right frame of mind! I know it's still a struggle to be around alot of alcohol and be very careful what you drink.
I haven't been in a setting where the alcohol was plentiful in a long time, but knowing the way past behavioral patterns turned out, things probably would have played out for me...Wake up hung over and then try to figure out who do I talk to first and try to find out what I had done or said.
Thanks to RJ and everbody here at MWO I am able to honoestly say PAST BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS.
:happy Brandy
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
Hi Sharon,
This will be totally insufficient for a complex subject. Could wax on/wax off for hours as we all could I suppose. I believe for people attracted to this program the more research they do themselves the better. That seems to be the kind of person who is drawn to this program & is successful at it. And yes there are many success stories.
I hope you have the time to research research research & read read read...the boards & posts here are chocked full of scientific, psychological, and spiritual information all from personal experience. It is a true treasure chest.
All things come to an end ..and I advise anyone to join into this learning experience now while it is so powerful & working & breaking new scientific ground. OK -- got carried away there.
It does require work, mostly mental.
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
Can totally relate to all of that Becca...
And yes, I too am finding that moderation after abusing alcohol IS achievable. Do we slip up sometimes? Yeeeaahhh....
but to me that would be like telling a child with a learning disability that because they have always failed in the "traditional setting" (which to me would be all that has been offered for us learning disabled people... hee hee), that they can never be normal. I would never tell my child... "Son, because you struggle in math WAY more than the average child, you will never be able to have a masters degree in a field that requires you to do anything above basics or average in mathematics... sorry son.. you are doomed for life.
NOOOOO.... Lets find a WAY to help him outside of the box! That's what I love about this program... it is "outside of the box" of the traditional classroom of what to do with those who struggle with alcohol.
I'm sold. The proof is in the pudding. I am not totally there yet... but I've had far better results than anything else. And I am encouraged to see that SO many have found success here, long term.
So I think we definitely have to add our willpower to the program, our desire to stop or cut back in a huge way and live a normal life, but that would be true in ANY situation that would prove successful whether it be dieting, or with a child or has a learning disability. That child can either listen and absorb the "new way" he is being taught, or he can sit there and spit in his teachers face incessantly so that he refuses to learn. One succeeds, one fails; both have the same learning disability. I think we are all here because we have chosen to do something and WANT to change. Its harder for some than others.
Okay, now I'm rambling... but I feel strongly that this works, and it is as much of a MINDSET that we have to undo as anything. Yes, genetics play into it and many other factors, but it is also a disease of the MIND.
So there's my 47 cents!!! :b
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
You think about this so much... as do I, as you know!
You just gave me yet another analogy to consider with the whole disability theory:rolleyes ...self being a therapist and all! Very interesting. It IS an inherent thing though. Hubby doesn't do this stuff (as often- ha). Neither does the neighbor. Sister? nope. Not with alcohol. Pot? that's another story:lol To each her own vice...
ANYHOW...I just emailed you telling you to read my response about how I dealt with the Sammy concert after I sent you those pix!! Too funny. You beat me to it.
Brandy, thank you for the response!
Chrysa, as always, good thoughts.
Sharon is getting some good feedback, I think.
Anyone else with thoughts? This is good stuff.
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Re: Addiction to Moderation
Just a short and sweet one........only been around a short time, and just started topa last week, supps 2 weeks ago....It works GREAT already!!!! I went to abbq yesterday and only had 6 beers ALL day, for me it is a MIRACLE, normally would have had 12 or more...............I remember everything, watched everyone get hammered!HAHAHA:lol :lol
do far so good, and I just starte, need to "tweek" the program a little, cuz I'd like to get to 2 drinks/day when I drink, but then again it was the 4th of July!!
that is all I got!:happy :P
Mary Anne: :h
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Another simplistic statement to a complex issue... (which is why you must do the research yourself)...
Traditionally, thus far, AA and other established institutions have ignored the "body" component in the equation.
The other reason one must research themselves, at this point, is that the "body" (chemistry/neurochemical) component has not been "simplified" yet. Someday it will be and we will all think it is a simple solution to a simple problem.
For now, meds and supplements have to be combined according to each individual and there is no clinical formula. But the basic ingredients are working.
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
As crazy as this sounds... DITTO... and I'll drink to that! I just got home from work about an hour and 1/2 ago...(had 1 glass of wine), .... and I'm gonna have a glass of water, before I have my 1/2 glass of wine before bed!:d ... Judie
Addiction to Moderation, your thoughts
Okay, this is not nearly as deep as your thoughts, but:
Last night I was watching a special on Chris Farley, who we all know died at age 33 of drugs and alcohol abuse. If we take drugs out of the picture and just look for a minute at his struggle with alcohol--this guy was in and out of AA and was sober and than not....and as I'm watching this sad story all I could think of was "get this guy some kudzu and topa already!" As RJ says in her book, "how disheartening to think about all of those who have gone before us who tried with all their might to control their drinking but failed because they didn't have the knowledge or proper tools to make it work." We have both---to make moderation work: the knowledge and the tools.