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Army Thread Sunday 9th February

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    Army Thread Sunday 9th February

    mollyka;1624670 wrote: ah jaysus, you've LOADS of them!!! didn't know bout the 21 yr old --- how did I miss that? and you're a granaunt tooooooo!!!! I was a granaunt when I was 38!!
    I an GRAN nothing !!!
    If I'm not a proper Granny - they can feck off !!


      Army Thread Sunday 9th February

      mollyka;1624669 wrote: Hello Tabbers -- now before you run off to the garden or somewhere have a CHAT --- any idea's for somewhere nice for dinner on the 5th April? I was in Milano's recently and it was lovely -- there's one of them on Dawson's St -- that'd be handy wouldn't it? I'm sure all suggestions would be considered ;-)
      Milanos in Dawson is fine, just pizza isn't it?
      Dunno where I would suggest, didn't we go to Odessa last time, my old memory ain't what it used to be.

      satz123;1624671 wrote:
      Hey Tabberooney :waving:
      Waving back at ya.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread Sunday 9th February

        May as well get this outta the way :
        Mr S -Identical twin and has 3 sisters
        We have boy /girl
        SIL went had boy /girl -same ages within a year

        Sisters :
        2 - had none they love kids so never knew why ! If SIL never found out - then it's not going to be found out.
        1 sister had 4 -all ln their early 20's now

        See them too at 'dos' - all lovely !


          Army Thread Sunday 9th February

          KTAB;1624675 wrote: Milanos in Dawson is fine, just pizza isn't it?
          Dunno where I would suggest, didn't we go to Odessa last time, my old memory ain't what it used to be.

          Waving back at ya.
          My DD likes to think of herself as a city slicker - so knows all the hot spots.
          Want me to ask?


            Army Thread Sunday 9th February

            Good morning Tipperooo, Mollymooo, on day 4, Satzuma, Tabbers.

            I'll go anywhere.......have to really as Molls is me chauffeur. :l
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Sunday 9th February

              roxane;1624665 wrote: satz i was meaning anon running 10k's up a hill. just a poor joke :H
              WHAT yer on about Roxerooney ??


                Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                mollyka;1624680 wrote: OH DEFFO --- and I'll ask Adam today as well - he sort of lives in town --- not too expensive tho I think is the remit
                Mind you - Jackser prolly has a list compiled as we speak:H

                WHERE ARE YOU JACKIECLAIRE????
                I'Z HERE, I'Z HERE.

                Just had a look at one or 2.................need to know which district central Dublin as I get a bit confoosed.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                  oooh he's had a call out ..................grab yer chocolate got a free gaff.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                    Check this out- I'm going next week -supposed to be great & good value !!
           &oq=White+friar&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.8379j0j8&so urceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8


                      Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                      If it's any good when youse make your weary way to Noocastle I've picked the restaurant already.

                      The Cherry Tree
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                        JackieClaire;1624688 wrote: oooh he's had a call out ..................grab yer chocolate got a free gaff.
                        Stoking up the mini-bus as we speak !!:goodjob:


                          Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                          satz123;1624683 wrote: WHAT yer on about Roxerooney ??
                          nothing, forget i said it............
                          nice weather we're having.............


                            Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                            roxane;1624693 wrote: nothing, forget i said it............
                            nice weather we're having.............
                            ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! :H:H
                            Here are you coming to Dublin ?


                              Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                              satz123;1624692 wrote: Stoking up the mini-bus as we speak !!:goodjob:
                              Hold fire for a minute............the pollis have a bit more evidence to collect.

                              BTW Roxx..............Mr JC's on call as a duty solicitor.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Sunday 9th February

                                thats nice JC

