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No rock bottom

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    No rock bottom

    Hi all,
    Hope all are doing well. As I said in the shout out thread, I wasnt planning to post until I got to 30 days AF. But sure i am in a good headspace and thought I d check in.
    Coming here on and off for the last few yrs. Lately cant seem to build up decent Af time.
    But dont think i m ever going to hit a rock bottom.
    At a stage now where when i drink for even 2 to 3 days in a row, i get serious anxiety and feel very low.
    I havent lost anything. Still have a half decent job, lovely wife and 2 great boys. Even my wife is going AF for a while to support me.
    So here I am back hoping I can stay sober. I SO want to live AF.
    I have been Af before for up to 9 months before.
    In a very short time sober, even after 3 days I feel great.
    So I have started meditation every morning (thanks Softy for the tip on the "calm" app).
    And hope to log in here more and with my families support, here i go again.
    2 weeks sober tomorrow. Big test on Saturday night with an overnight trip to England for work.
    Thanks for reading. This site has got me AF time before and I'm calling on you one more time.
    Damo in Dublin
    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014

    No rock bottom

    Hi Damo. Good u checked in and well done on two wks! Ive started meditating makes for a grt start to the day. Keep coming back. Bella xx


      No rock bottom

      Hi Damo,
      I know long term requires (or is successful) if you talk with a community of people either face to face or cyber. We are all different but with the same goal. So we all understand each other, and who best to talk through things than someone who is there, has been there, or can give advice on how to stay on the sober track. Great on your two weeks!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        No rock bottom

        Good now you've started a thread I can now do the official :welcome: back, Damo.

        You've got the missus on side..........excellent.

        So you're coming to England..............I'll give you a wave from up North in Newcastle.

        Planning is the key.
        Will you be taking a lap top or a device you can get onto MWO?

        Phone and phone charger is essential............if you feel ansty during the down time get the missus to ring you and make your excuses and go to bed or your room.

        From what I remember you did a sunny. seaside abroad holiday AF so for a man like yourself a Saturday night in Ye Olde Englande will be a doddle................if not I'll want to know why.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          No rock bottom

          Hi Damo sounds like you need to get a plan in place for that business trip. Can you think up some excuses, some alternative drinks? Some way of avoiding the ceremonial drinking time? I found in the beginning it was the only way to stay AF, planning ahead that is.

          Congratulations on your two weeks!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            No rock bottom

            Hey Damo - :welcome: back !
            And good luck ...... you'll be fine - just need to decide you're done this time and ..... you're on your way!

            The drink is pisswater in Engerland anyhoo :H not worth it - so wouldn't be bothered!


              No rock bottom

              Hi all,
              Very grateful for your tips and encouragement.
              So its two weeks today and feeling strong for this weekend.
              I have started my plan for Saturday night, Dont arrive til late and told my boss I wont be drinking as I am now in marathon training.
              He even said he might join me for an early Sunday morning run.
              My phone is also coming with me so I plan to log on here on Saturday night.

              Tonight is usually my darts & pub night but I've swapped it for "Gaelic football".
              So with the meditation, exercise, support from my family and of course, I always get great advice and inspiration from all on here, who knows, maybe, finally I might get there.
              Actually I WILL this time.

              Again, I cant thank you all enough. Legends the lot of yiz
              Damo in Dublin
              Still trying !!!
              AF 25th June2014


                No rock bottom

                Hiya Damo.
                Good for you coming back and running at it again.
                Some experience increasing difficulty every time they fall off the wagon. I was a bit more like you though. Every 'quit' was easier and more sustained until I finally got it. I'm certainly not advocating a half arsed approach to sobriety, don't get me wrong, but every time I started drinking again it became more apparent that it was just a dumb decision that didn't make any sense.
                I can honestly say that I just got sick of drinking.

                JC speaks the truth. Planning is imperative. Don't get caught off guard.

                The very best to you Damo.

                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  No rock bottom

                  byebyebridgetjones;1625322 wrote: Hiya Damo.
                  Good for you coming back and running at it again.
                  Some experience increasing difficulty every time they fall off the wagon. I was a bit more like you though. Every 'quit' was easier and more sustained until I finally got it. I'm certainly not advocating a half arsed approach to sobriety, don't get me wrong, but every time I started drinking again it became more apparent that it was just a dumb decision that didn't make any sense.
                  I can honestly say that I just got sick of drinking.

                  JC speaks the truth. Planning is imperative. Don't get caught off guard.

                  The very best to you Damo.

                  Well said Ms Jones
                  That is exactly how it was for me Bridge.
                  Took a few runs back at it for it to really hit home how much better life is when not drinking.

                  Good luck with the work trip . I did one last year too and can honestly say it was one of the best trips I can remember. No-one really cares about drinking in my experience.The folks in the UK office were driving and not in 'holiday type' mode like us visitors - so had to drive home and were not up for any partying.

                  Totally embraced the luxury of a hotel room to myself too.
                  Compared to the year before, when I hit the minibar, it was bliss to have a clear head and to be able to get up early and go to the gym. Felt sooooo angelic :H
                  We'll all be on DAMO WATCH on Saturday and you wouldn't want to upset a mad bunch of alkos now would you ?


                    No rock bottom

                    My rock bottom was 100% spiritual!
                    I looked in the mirror, and there was nobody home...
                    I never lost the husband, thought I was an ok mom, friends, etc...

                    In AA we joke: I haven't done this or lost that... YET

                    All the best on your journey!
                    Sol in South Africa xx


                      No rock bottom

                      Hiya Damo , great to see you here again, everyone's rock bottom has a different level and none are the same, here is a thread with different posters opinions on there lowest epps and what made them sit up and take notice....


                      Keep posting Damo your in a good place here.
                      Alcohol free since 13th January 2009


                        No rock bottom

                        Hiya Mario, great to hear from you and hope things are good for you. Cheers for the link.
                        I ll be sticking around and hoping this time I can finally get out of this trap i'm in.
                        So far so good. Thanks to you all for the encouragement.
                        Have read a lot on here tonight and it really helps.
                        Damo x
                        Still trying !!!
                        AF 25th June2014


                          No rock bottom

                          damo180;1625768 wrote: Hiya Mario, great to hear from you and hope things are good for you. Cheers for the link.
                          I ll be sticking around and hoping this time I can finally get out of this trap i'm in.
                          So far so good. Thanks to you all for the encouragement.
                          Have read a lot on here tonight and it really helps.
                          Damo x
                          Life is good for me Damo, as others have said here keep checking in,it could only take ten mins of your time but can be worth a lot more in the fight against our problem.

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            No rock bottom

                            good job Damo...keep at it!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              No rock bottom

                              [QUOTE=mollyka;1625770]Hiya Damo --- just spotted this afore I head to the bed --- great to hear you are so strong and committed --- really is half the battle --- more actually!
                              Good plan for the weekend too --- nice one!
                              Molly x
                              Thanks Molls, i am feeling quite confident this time. I really hope this is my last quit. I ve a pain in my arse going back to the booze only to regret it every single time !!!.
                              I now accept its probably the hardest thing I have ever done but by far the most rewarding.
                              You are an absolute star in my eyes , always there for a kind word and great advice.

                              I ll be back 😃
                              Still trying !!!
                              AF 25th June2014

