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Army thread Tuesday 11 February

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    Army thread Tuesday 11 February

    Sorry girls- the stew needed a few more spuds added to make it less a soup more a stew!!

    DreamThinkDo;1625686 wrote: Sweetiepeapie, it's happened to me so often - a random remark on the boards that just suddenly hit home for me. One of the reasons I'm such a thread slut - I read everything, incl Meds and Mods - there are gems everywhere.

    :bedtime: here - good night and sweet dreams after the various meat balls and stews! :l
    Nighters and sweet dreams Dreamywan xx Iz a bit of a lurker slut on other threads!!

    mollyka;1625687 wrote: :H - sometimes I just 'muse' aloud and don't think who I'm talkin to ---

    I wonder are you too hard on yourself? And yeah -- s'pose to a certain extent we could all do with a kick up the arse for one reason or another --- but mebbe with you --- I wonder is it similar to Benjy with the job --- so many hours in the week and such stress on a young one like you --- AND in relatively early sobriety --- it doesn't leave a lot of time for you to 'explore' what it is you want to do with the rest of your life..... and yet you need to earn the dosh..... it's hard you know --- it's not like you're just sitting at home whinging into a bar of chocolate 24/7 -- s'pose it's about finding a balance and not expecting too much --- appreciating the little things (that made a huge difference to me --- for so long - the 'buzz' was mighty and little things were just too...... little - to be taken into account) -- AND we're heading into Spring/Summer --- lifts the heart almost naturally --- we've had a long cold miserable old winter....... try not to think that you're not doing well --- you're doing brilliantly --- and the self confidence and self-satisfaction will come in time.....
    I think you are very hard on yourself --- SO I DO:H
    :H You're not the first has said that to me!! Ah well I am grateful tonight for small things, like a warm house, stew in the pot- not soup!! Good family and friends and that includes ye lot here xx Sometimes my mind gets trapped into a cycle of kicking me when am down- and I feckin let it Does that make sense?!

    What time's yer AA Molls?


      Army thread Tuesday 11 February

      mollyka;1625695 wrote: Course it makes sense pet --- and a very big part of Aftercare is pointing out to us individually how we are doing well --- and when we are doin a bit of self-kicking --- there's a group of people there to say 'but look at what you've done' and 'look how much better you handled (whatever....) than you would have a year ago or six months ago' --- that sort of thing --- so that makes it easier for me maybe...... prolly the advantage of the 'face to face' that gets promoted with AA and all that.....
      AA's at 8.30 -- I need to contribute a bit more there --- I've been turning up and going home again without much else lately -- dunno what that's all about --- back in the day when 'I knew everything' --- I'd say I don't need AA -- however, nowadays when I accept that I know shag all --- I prolly do need it --- just not sure what it is I need tho --- now does any of THAT make sense:H
      Best away and get the kettle on for himself
      Please be 100% sure that not only were my first remarks not aimed at you -- they were DEFINITELY aimed at me and fellow oldies here --- be kind to yourself --- LIKE yourself --- unless you do -- you will consider there's nothing to like:l:l
      Thanks Molls:l Don't agree that you know shag all tho


        Army thread Tuesday 11 February

        mollyka;1625655 wrote:

        you've got meatballs --- I've got both --- well you get my drift --- speaking of meatballs --- back in a few --- Evening everyone!!!!
        Well Tipps with the meatballs :egad: probably does get your DRIFT about the snow :H:H


          Army thread Tuesday 11 February

          mollyka;1625680 wrote: No - deffo didn't mean that for you sweetheart --- in fact I'd forgotten we'd such a young'un in our midst --- I think in a way it's different maybe when you're younger --- you HAVE another whole lifetime ahead of you and maybe you have the benefit of being able to grieve (is that the right word - not sure) over what used to be a way of life --- whereas we older ones really need to hit the ground running...... does that make sense?
          And yes, I do believe it's harder when you're younger --- we've done the dancing on tables --- (speaking for myself) done the daft stuff --- and now it's time to move on...... deffo not aimed at you --- AT ALL!!!!!!Like I said before I'm grateful for the innings I had - some could keep it there - but I went a step further and couldn't keep going as I was :no:
          Felt the same about the fags when I gave them up - don't be greedy - after 30 you've had enough :H!!
          DreamThinkDo;1625686 wrote: Sweetiepeapie, it's happened to me so often - a random remark on the boards that just suddenly hit home for me. One of the reasons I'm such a thread slut - I read everything, incl Meds and Mods - there are gems everywhere.

          :bedtime: here - good night and sweet dreams after the various meat balls and stews! :l:l:l
          I too am a slut - wandering around the boards sometimes taking bits & pieces that
          interest me !
          mollyka;1625735 wrote:
          Howdy Benjy!! Snoring again were we? ;-)
          Nope -was at the cinema with my husband .... good film .... Dallas Buyers Club ... really good in fact!


            Army thread Tuesday 11 February

            What was it ?? FFS now I want to know:stomper:


              Army thread Tuesday 11 February

              aha the mcginty sisters are yiz?
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Army thread Tuesday 11 February

                mollyka;1625764 wrote: I'm guessin the former?? Much more your STYLE Jesus I'd love to be going there --- mind you - I'd love to be going ANYWHERE!!!!Jazus-yer just back FFS !!! Get in line now :H
                mollyka;1625771 wrote:
                Righters --- I've obviously bored you all into submission ;-) So I'm orf to the leaba --- night night all xxx
                Night night if yer gone !:l


                  Army thread Tuesday 11 February

                  mollyka;1625765 wrote: Just eaten the whole body of a chocolate Santa ---- don't even ASK!!!!!! :-(((((
                  :H:H Oh deary me :no:

                  Just got engrossed in hard hitting docu re state of the health dervice here- not good.

                  Nighters Molls and all xx


                    Army thread Tuesday 11 February

                    Mick;1625762 wrote: aha the mcginty sisters are yiz?
                    Yo Mick - TWO visits in one day -we are honoured !!:bow:


                      Army thread Tuesday 11 February

                      sweetpea29;1625779 wrote: :H:H Oh deary me :no:

                      Just got engrossed in hard hitting docu re state of the health dervice here- not good.

                      Nighters Molls and all xx
                      STOP watching bad stuff late at night Sweetie - will depress you.
                      A good 'ol docu on pickpockets in Barcelona -much more uplifting :H
                      Actually quite entertaining what they get up to !!


                        Army thread Tuesday 11 February

                        satz123;1625784 wrote: STOP watching bad stuff late at night Sweetie - will depress you.
                        A good 'ol docu on pickpockets in Barcelona -much more uplifting :H
                        Actually quite entertaining what they get up to !!
                        :H you picking-up new tricks of the trade?! Test them out next time yer on Grafton St?

                        Can't feckin sleep- away to try once more ....

