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Army Thread Saturday 15th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 15th February

    Good morning Tipperooo, KTabbers, Dreamydoooooo, Mariooooooooooo, Sweetypie, Foxyloxy............hang on can't read me own writing on the back of my envelope...........oh yes Satzuma, Roxxy, Mollymoooooooo

    That's so sad, Molls.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 15th February

      while all the chaos is going on around her, she's thinking, 'well, its not affecting meeee'. she'd be right, its affecting everyone around her. denial is a strong emotion.


        Army Thread Saturday 15th February

        can you move after that lot molly?


          Army Thread Saturday 15th February

          mollyka;1627205 wrote: It's no different to any of us - well - me anyway -- unless you've lost the relationship the job the kids - got done for drunk driving etc. - it's very hard to see what 'all the fuss is about' when in the grips of drinking imo ---- but I have to admit - I did feel like shaking her --- and as alcohol arrests our development --- it was like dealing with a recalcitrant teenager -- she described her drinking --- and it wasn't that bad quantity wise --- and certainly was not every day --- weekend binges -- no mad stuff --- but the affect it has on her obviously (if her family are intervening at that level) is the part she doesn't 'get' --- neither did I
          Sorry that was a bit of a quick answer...........blooming Bess keeps wanting to go out and as soon as we get to the back door she comes back in.

          Aye what I was going to say was alcoholism has no respect for colour, creed, age or sex.

          Oh and the arrested development............we've got one bloke that comes into work.........he's mainly looked after by the chronic team..................but he sounds like a stroppy teenager................nothing is his fault.

          Having her family round her is all well and good but is this a case of enabling......never was exactly sure what that meant.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Saturday 15th February

            mollyka;1627217 wrote: Anyone watching the skating? Amazin!! Yer mans top is awful sort of like a woman -- jaysus -- wouldn't have got mine out in that at 19!!!:H
            It is rather feminine...........but rather lovely. At least he won't have to worry about his bra straps showing.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Saturday 15th February

              roxane;1627209 wrote: while all the chaos is going on around her, she's thinking, 'well, its not affecting meeee'. she'd be right, its affecting everyone around her. denial is a strong emotion.

              mollyka;1627216 wrote:

              well yeah --- AND there's a few screw-ups up there at the moment --- all at the same time --- but they have taken the little girl off her --- if that doesn't concentrate the mind......?
              Do you know I've a sneaking suspicion I would be thinking.............ooh goody free baby sitters.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                Sorry fell back asleep.
                Have that awful achiness back - it's not normal I think . To have pain all the time ?
                My whole body is rigid when I wake and then the awful aches set in !
                I'd go to a doc only I wouldn't know what to say-I've had all the blood tests last year.
                I will have to track down someone alternative - like that maybe would give a food intolerance test or summit ?

                Sorry to be such a feckin' moan ....


                  Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                  she's saying what she thinks they want to hear to get them off her back and get back to drinking without the 'nagging'.

                  satz, whats wrong?


                    Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                    mollyka;1627225 wrote: haha!!! Thought that too:H They are absolutely unbelieveable tho!!!

                    Oh I'm glad YOU said that --- I wondered that too!!! AND at a different level -- I'm wondering are Aftercare looking for 'babysitters' for her as well --- I mean - she said herself last night that she 'wants to WANT it' --- feck all anyone can say or do to make you want it unless you want it yourself imo ---- you see it round the site here all the time........ oh I dunno --- feel it's time to move on ---- (not from the site ---- just aftercare)
                    She is so young and is constantly buffered by family that she will not do it imho Molls.
                    The shame & mortification of things we've done make us determined to change. She has not had that yet - she sounds like she is just doing what every Irish young adult is doing and has always done.
                    The baby make the difference but she is still a kid herself.


                      Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                      mollyka;1627226 wrote: Benjy -- that's not 'moaning' - that's a very real thing --- when you say you've had all the blood tests --- do blood tests show up everything? Like I don't know --- but it's not normal to feel like that all the time --- and you say you weren't at the gym last week so it's not 'normal' sort of muscle ache or anything --- I really feel you SHOULD go to the doc. they can't fob you off with more blood tests cos you've done them ----- they'll HAVE to investigate further ---- it really isn't something you should just 'live with'........ imvvvvho:l
                      Thanks Molls :l
                      I will !


                        Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                        roxane;1627227 wrote: she's saying what she thinks they want to hear to get them off her back and get back to drinking without the 'nagging'.

                        satz, whats wrong?
                        Just what I said Roxy - those types of muscle aches as if I'd been exercising hard the day before - but I haven't.
                        Just pains all over for no reason :upset:


                          Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                          mollyka;1627225 wrote: haha!!! Thought that too:H They are absolutely unbelieveable tho!!!

                          Oh I'm glad YOU said that --- I wondered that too!!! AND at a different level -- I'm wondering are Aftercare looking for 'babysitters' for her as well --- I mean - she said herself last night that she 'wants to WANT it' --- feck all anyone can say or do to make you want it unless you want it yourself imo ---- you see it round the site here all the time........ oh I dunno --- feel it's time to move on ---- (not from the site ---- just aftercare)
                          Noooooooooit's because you're cured :H They must realise that 2+ years is just about right.

                          mollyka;1627226 wrote: Benjy -- that's not 'moaning' - that's a very real thing --- when you say you've had all the blood tests --- do blood tests show up everything? Like I don't know --- but it's not normal to feel like that all the time --- and you say you weren't at the gym last week so it's not 'normal' sort of muscle ache or anything --- I really feel you SHOULD go to the doc. they can't fob you off with more blood tests cos you've done them ----- they'll HAVE to investigate further ---- it really isn't something you should just 'live with'........ imvvvvho:l
                          What she says.

                          roxane;1627227 wrote:
                          she's saying what she thinks they want to hear to get them off her back and get back to drinking without the 'nagging'.
                          Oh I've done that one as well.

                          You know if it was heroin they'd be all over her like a rash..............just because she's young and it's alcohol............arghhhhhhh. Addiction is addiction is addiction.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                            mollyka;1627233 wrote: Yeah - and I used to think that about the age thing --- but I've also seen smashing young lads with dual addictions up there - drugs and or gambling and alcohol --- and they are FLYING -- I'm not sure that I give the 'age' excuse anymore --- regardless of that...... I've seen 17-18 yr olds doing chairs at AA --- and they have been POWERFUL!!!
                            I used to think that...........but I've met a few young 'uns too and they hate being dubbed as not knowing what it's like................wish I could think of the right word.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                              mollyka;1627230 wrote: I know --- and the reason I know is cos I did it for so shagging long ---- it's like a formula that we've all learnt off by heart ----- just aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggghhh!!! She even told me last night that she told them lies down in Aiseiri --- I just asked her 'WHY???' --- she mumbled something I didn't get.... don't think she knows herself --- it's addiction in action watching her --- ALL the tricks of the trade --- it comes down to acceptance really --- ah feck --- and I couldn't get over how physically it had effected her --- she's a really pretty little thing --- when I walked in last night I didn't recognise her - literally --- after (according to herself) just 2 nights of drinking a couple of bottle of wine.... mmm ..... she was puffy and sort of red looking and bloated ---- so fucking SAD!!!! But I'm not her mother --- is that selfish? I'm not willing nor to I have the time to take her on as a 'project' --- I think that's what the extra month up there is about (am I being paranoid?) --- just haven't the will or the energy tbh........
                              No Molls - you have enough issues of your own. Taking on others' baggage will just make you ill imho.
                              But then I'm a selfish 'ol bag anyway I will listen to friends problems - give advice if I can and try to cheer them up to a better place /mood but I refuse to will worry about it -even my kids have accepted that.


                                Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                                mollyka;1627233 wrote: Yeah - and I used to think that about the age thing --- but I've also seen smashing young lads with dual addictions up there - drugs and or gambling and alcohol --- and they are FLYING -- I'm not sure that I give the 'age' excuse anymore --- regardless of that...... I've seen 17-18 yr olds doing chairs at AA --- and they have been POWERFUL!!!
                                In her case I meant the buffering of family Molls means she hasn't fallen so far down to really WANT to change ??
                                I dunno -haven't heard the whole story so best not speculate

