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Army Thread Saturday 15th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 15th February

    I'm still reading Dr Sleep and it's spooking the bejaysus out of me.

    Just looked up at the TV and thought by them curlers are going at a bit of a's the speed skating.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Saturday 15th February

      JackieClaire;1627290 wrote: I'm still reading Dr Sleep and it's spooking the bejaysus out of me.

      Just looked up at the TV and thought by them curlers are going at a bit of a's the speed skating.
      Enjoy JC :l
      I gotta get up and wash my self and get tarted up for the posh shops :egad:
      'Fur coat no knickers' comes to mind:H
      Later gaters


        Army Thread Saturday 15th February

        mollyka;1627273 wrote: And reading what you posted as well Roxy --- I understand those days of feeling lonely and introspective --- and once those days are isolated ones and don't continue --- don't necessarily think they are bad things --- that's just my opinion tho ----- AND I love your posts --- full of sound good sense and no bullshit -- so there :-)
        quoting this in case you decide to delete it :H


          Army Thread Saturday 15th February

          satz123;1627282 wrote: I did LOVE to read Rox -and lost it while drinking I suppose. Now this 'effin laptop has taken over.
          I WILL find a book I can get enthralled in - have 4 months to do it !

          Are you feeling better in yourself today? Get that dog out for a walk ......
          i thought perhaps you could find some books to take with you.....tescos, sainburys do good priced books, but dont you work in a library? or am i getting mixed up?


            Army Thread Saturday 15th February

            We're going too................friggintesco might run out of food.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Saturday 15th February

              :hallo: Folksies

              Fecking sweltering here. 37C the last time I looked. Almost sorry we're not in the local mall anymore. Survived MIL and have deposited her at home. Collected niece at res. Now just trying to survive the heat. Might have to brave the sun and get into the pool.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                tiptronic_ct;1627311 wrote: :hallo: Folksies

                Fecking sweltering here. 37C the last time I looked. Almost sorry we're not in the local mall anymore. Survived MIL and have deposited her at home. Collected niece at res. Now just trying to survive the heat. Might have to brave the sun and get into the pool.
                37c O how I would love to be there...

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                  Good Morning, Army!!!!!!

                  Just rolled out of bed and my curly red hair would either win me a Medusa prize or Kramer on Seinfeld. Geez, no wonder I haven't had a date in 6 years.

                  Survived MIL and have deposited her at home.
                  :H:H Sweltering in SA, huh? Ugh. Not good! Enjoy the pool...naked of course.

                  Hi Jackie and Molly! Hope you are having a lovely day. I was watching the Olympics last night, and OMG, the Skeleton stomach was rolling so much I could barely stand it. I thought I was going to be carsick right on the Stairmaster. Those ladies on those sleds must have ovaries of brass!

                  Hi fair lassie Satz! I did LOVE to read Rox -and lost it while drinking I suppose. Now this 'effin laptop has taken over.
                  Me, too, Satz! If you're looking for a great book, read "Blame." I could NOT put it down.

                  Better pop on the Abs Thread. Hi to Dream and all my friends here....hope you're having a peaceful day!!!!


                    Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                    Mario, this isn't fun - it's a few degrees hotter than tolerable.

                    Rusty! I think the kids would have a fit or something. Never mind damaging their retinas - they always joke about having to put sunglasses on when I'm wearing shorts. The rest of me is even whiter.

                    We haven't watched any of the Olympics, for some or other reason. Maybe the sight of snow will cool me down.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                      Wot's up, Molls?

                      I burn, peel and return to white... Clearly the few centuries my ancestors have been in Africa haven't been long enough. We're still regarded as colonialists in any case.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                        mollyka;1627357 wrote: Well - rant alert for when ye all come back from your lovely day's out ;-)

                        DO NOT TALK ENDLESSLY AT ME AT A CHECKOUT IN FRIGGINTESCO'S --- just cos your kid and my kid went to school together when they were like 5 - does NOT mean that I am fascinated by your daughters education jobs husband (or lack of) your grandchildren OR your bowel movements ---

                        SERIOUSLY --- she talked at me for 20 mins!! I couldn't even remember her name or who her daughter was --- I'm all for a wee chat IF (and only IF) the customer feels like chatting --- I rarely would instigate chatting with someone unless they obviously wanted to --- then try stopping me --- but latherin HEART --- wanted to smack her one!!! Sorry - just a bugbear of mine --- I HATE friggintesco so much -- to spend an extra 20 mins listening to other peoples lives when I don't even know who they are - and a queue a MILE long forming behind me -- most of them looking daggers at ME cos they thought I was delaying HER!!!!! Just check out my food --- tell me it's cold outside and it'll get warmer tomorrow --- and LET ME GO!!!!! --- rant over

                        New toaster, new iron and apparently (courtesy of Joey) new sockets --- if my leccie goes off ONCE in the next 95 yrs I'll lose the plot:H
                        Right - coffee ice hockey and candy crush afore the ironing --- happy days!!!

                        Alrighty, then :H:H:H
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                          mollyka;1627364 wrote: haha --- you xposted me rant:H
                          Oh yeah --- Jilly does that too --- she's really pale skin and insists on getting burnt -- then it's all gone in jig-time --- I s'pose regardless of ancestory --- we retain the aul genes --- a lot of Irish people have Spanish skin (myself included apparently) and that dates from the Spanish Armada ---- whereas the 'norm' is fair skin etc. 2 of my kids dark --- 2 fair --- mongrels I tell ya!!!:H
                          Speaking of mongrels. Mrs. T and mum get really pissed off when I refer to the cubs as "halfnaaitjies" - archaic local slang for kids born to people across the "colour divide". Their reaction just eggs me on, of course.

                          Off to goggle the Spanish Armada. Rings a faint bell... I'm not exactly a world historian.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                            I won't give you the literal translation, though - it's rude
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                              See you in a bit Molls.

                              Panting here... another dip in the pool required. Was hoping for a nanna nap, but it would be impossible.

                              I haven't had a proper meal meal today - too fecking hot to eat much. Didn't stop me from gobbling 4 of those choc-covered marsmallow easter eggs.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                                Very late check in from Whizzy.
                                Got flu and been in bed all day. ( Still better than a hangover)
                                Weather been awful and lots of damage done to the house I sold to my daughter.

                                My mother originally from Kinsale who had very dark hair used to always tell us the story of the Armada and reckoned that is where the family Spanish colouring.
                                Just going to take a paracetomol and get back to sleep.

