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Army Thread Saturday 15th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 15th February

    YES YES YES. Just had a gossipy call from my friend - we vented beautifully and eloquently; lots and lots of French spoken:H:H:H
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army Thread Saturday 15th February

      Good news on shop, Molly. Not a big FB fan - have a account for people to get in touch with me, then I prefer email. Can't stand the crap people put up on walls - should actually find out how to block it without them knowing it.

      Same friend, yes. Poor thing - whole evening was ruined.

      Off to bed - here's your water, JC, in case Molly's too busy polishing off the muffins.

      Sweet dreams!!:l:l:l
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army Thread Saturday 15th February

        Thanks for the water Dreamy, Satz keeps forgetting. Have a good nights sleep,hun.:l

        A whole 2 hours......:wow: What'll you do with the time.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Saturday 15th February

          Howdy folks - :waving:
          Molls what the recipe for them buns ? Sounds like summit Mr S would LOVE !!!


            Army Thread Saturday 15th February

            Yo there Satz. Yep squeeze the recipe out of her.

            I'm just about to hit my knitting pattern...........oh the excitement of it all.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Saturday 15th February

              mollyka;1627475 wrote: Haha - well prolly not what HE'D like to do:H:wow:

              ooh errrrrrrr missus

              mollyka;1627475 wrote:

              I have apples left over from the autumn -- so just softened them with sugar --- then made ordinary muffins --- put the apple and the custard in the middle - covered them with crumble topping - 20 mins in the oven --- bingo!!! Did you have a nice day?
              Do you know might give them a go.

              Must away for a bit.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                Had a good day Molls.
                Dossed around BT - I had some vouchers from work - managed to get the two of us Clarins 'serum' ... we'll be MASSIVE
                Got some herbal teas in a lovely little tea shop - that's about it !

                Lovely lunch - tapas - yum yum


                  Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                  Ooh Molly, please could I have the recipe for those muffins? I know somebody who would love them (and its not me!)

                  I joined Weight Watchers last week (online) and tomorrow is the day of reckoning; I've been good (and hungry) all week but Slimming World was just too lax for a greedy pig like me so deprivation and starvation are the name of the game until next September, if I could give up vino and I cut out the crap.

                  Having finally shaken off the lurgy or whatever bug/virus it was I actually feel human for the first time in what seems like months, was actually 13th December it all started so tonight is a good night, getting 4 numbers on the lottery has hlped too :H
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army Thread Saturday 15th February

                    All gone to bed?



                    Turned it down a bit, sorry if I woke you up.


                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

