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    i was doing ok for a few days , first my social worker dropped me for no apparent reason .
    then my work advisor . fact is she asked me out i thought that was a bit unprofressional then in a low moment i asked her out ..... then she siad oh you cant do this ill report you to your psych ... she was just a prick tease ..... then my threapist dropped me today....... if one is a professional one should write a letter t o at lleast wind down if one is in threapy for more than a year then they close the case with no forewarning how would one react ..... i told him to go to hell .. threapy we open up to most secerts then to be dropped like that no forewarning nothig
    no wonder my drinking has increased today..
    fuk everything


    Oh Jay love .....

    Sending BB Hugs across cyberspace ......

    You have had some really good days and you can do it again .... Just be strong and do your best to get back on track ....

    Thanks for coming here and letting us try to help you....

    Love & Hugs xxx



      Jay, just concentrate on the good days,(and adding more) hope everything works out for you!
      hugs & warm thoughts



        Hi Jay,

        It's amazing how it seems that everything caves in at once - not one at a time or spread over a few months - no - it's all dumped unceremoniously one on top of the other! - so sending big :l your way at this crappy time for you!

        Let us support you for the moment - though I hope you can sort out what's going on over there and get back the support you need - it all sounds weird, and distressing. So hang in there, Jay, until you can make rhyme or reason of it and continue moving forward. We're here so keep talking !

        Many hugs and warmest wishes :h
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days



          Sorry to hear about this Jay. Hope things are better soon.
          Gabby :flower:



            get some new help babe!!!



              Hi Jay,

              I'd love to send you a private message, but dont know how, but please know mate your not alone, and that's not shit, I'd love to talk to you just if only to compare. But in any case you have my love. Jas xxxooo
              :thanks: :h



                Sorry to hear this Jay, but all is not lost. Decide what you need to do for you. And you can work toward that goal with us. We are here if you need us
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?




                  I am very sorry to hear about your troubles. I certainly understand the F*** it attitude. Some days it just doesnt pay to get out of bed. I have always been told that bad things come in three's and in your case it sure did.

                  Well now that it has happened and you have said F*** it, why not think about it a little and re-examine the situation. I would think it is a blessing in disguise. you will probably be able to find other much more suited to help you know. Also, when you are looking at new people you can tell them up front what happened to you and make them understand that you expect more out of them.

                  Sometimes a fresh start is the best start. I wish you luck and hope you feel better about the situation soon.




                    I'm so sorry hon. :durn:You want I should get that b*tch and set her up for cement shoes? You want I should take that Therapist and beat him up?

                    If not, sending cyber hugs to you and, hey, you get to say F**k it sometimes. We are your buds and we here you.:sorry:



                      Jay.. Your social worker sounds like a very unprofessional quack and for your therapist I would say you can find someone better that really cares about your problems. He/She signed an oath to help people in need not just dump them. In the past I had a therapist that was such a jerk and he kept threatening me that he wouldn't see anymore if he didn't see any improvement. Needless to say I dumped him and I have never regreted it.

                      You will find the right one when the time is right.



                        Big cyber hug from me too Jay.

                        You've had a bad week! At least it's almost the weekend and you'll be able to do something nice, just for you.

                        I'm really sorry to hear you're having a rotten time at the moment. I think your psych is very unprofessional. I would have told him to go to hell too.

                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



                          Jay, hang in there. I can't add anymore than what the others have said. Know we are here for you when ever you need us.



                            I am new at this, but we can't let the people around us control our recovery. Lean on your true friends and those that understand---like me, i'm here for you! Soloman



                              New kid on the block

                              :new: :welcome:

