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Army thread Sunday 16 February

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    Army thread Sunday 16 February

    mollyka;1627651 wrote: Well then imvho get back onto the small claims --- sounds like it frightened her first time round -----
    Was lurking again in the Ladies thread --- loved your last post about how the grog crept up in an unexpected way --- I SO recognise that --- 'cunning and baffling' they describe it --- how friggin true --- it's like it's working things out in our heads 'well, that didn't work, so I'll try this one' --- extraordinary and frightening --- I need to be alert to my 'thoughts' all the time achully!!! What did you mean by waking to what was like dandruff on your face?
    Curious here -- cos when I was 'mostly' sober pre. this quit --- I had a relapse --- hit a couple of bottles of wine and woke up the morning after it with almost crusts on my face -- my skin had erupted --- is that what happened to you???
    bib i think it must be the central heating. dried my skin out. i also have a couple of spots that may be revels induced. detox spots maybe.

    crusts........ nice image molly! :H


      Army thread Sunday 16 February

      roxane;1627659 wrote: :H:H:H
      Hurrah raised a smile :l
      It's Sunday Rox - I'm heading for hell ..... but
      FUCK them...... don't let them take you sense of humour !!


        Army thread Sunday 16 February

        mollyka;1627657 wrote: Latherin heart Benjy ---- jaysus you're the quiet one!!! Bit like Whizzy --- piling up the multiples of days/months/years with nay a word!!!!!
        Are you going to put it in your signature????
        Do it Satz.

        Hello lovely Army folk :l


          Army thread Sunday 16 February

          mollyka;1627657 wrote: Latherin heart Benjy ---- jaysus you're the quiet one!!! Bit like Whizzy --- piling up the multiples of days/months/years with nay a word!!!!!
          Are you going to put it in your signature????
          I KNOW ! Mad I tell yer !!
          T'is like keeping a Christmas pressie and not opening it 'till Easter :H
          Not my style at all - always instant gratification :H


            Army thread Sunday 16 February

            mollyka;1627667 wrote: YO Saucy!!!!! Twice in one day huh!!!!??? Hey --- you're another one of them quiet ones --- 2 years sober before I even knew you'd achully quit:H
            How's things down under? Baltic but sunny in the Emerald Isle :-)
            Down Under is too bloody hot at the moment, clipped 37 degrees today. Heat's one thing, the humidity is a shocker...such a whinger aren't I?

            I guess the silent stuff was just letting things tick along and see where it all lead. Of course, its the behind the scenes help that gets you through too. I've been extremely fortunate with my friends on MWO. Lots to be grateful for.


              Army thread Sunday 16 February

              mollyka;1627667 wrote: YO Saucy!!!!! Twice in one day huh!!!!??? Hey --- you're another one of them quiet ones --- 2 years sober before I even knew you'd achully quit:H
              How's things down under? Baltic but sunny in the Emerald Isle :-)
              Down Under is too bloody hot at the moment, clipped 37 degrees today. Heat's one thing, the humidity is a shocker...such a whinger aren't I?

              I guess the silent stuff was just letting things tick along and see where it all lead. Of course, its the behind the scenes help that gets you through too. I've been extremely fortunate with my friends on MWO. Lots to be grateful for.


                Army thread Sunday 16 February

                Oops, MWO seems to be glichey...double posting me and Molly, crikey...


                  Army thread Sunday 16 February

                  mollyka;1627671 wrote: d'ya'know --- that's a long time -- not sure if you've mixed thoughts bout the June holiday and the grog or not --- but if you've any doubts --- to ME --- that'd be a long period of time to relinquish --- haven't been challenged yet in this quit--- but I don't doubt if the 'whisperings' started in my head --- a very big tool in my tool box (stop it!!!!) would be my quit time......
                  FFS I heard ye :H:H:H


                    Army thread Sunday 16 February

                    Now : I've committed to 11am walk with Mr S -no excuses left.
                    FFS just as we are all here

                    Anyhoo best be off - he's banging his lead around the floor there !!


                      Army thread Sunday 16 February

                      Now where were we..........just finished mega phone call with favourtist Aunt in the world.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Sunday 16 February

                        mollyka;1627694 wrote: Well where was I? I just paid car tax - toll fee's - checked account balances (been avoiding them since Canadia!!!!) and feel totally worthy and wonderful:H
                        It's good to talk --- how is she?
                        She's not bad........Minnie is making a huge difference for her.

                        Cut my cards up.

                        MWO's doing the glitchy thing for me as well so if I disappear I've been glitched.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread Sunday 16 February

                          Think it's Minnie who adopted her.

                          We got a pre-paid card when we went to the US.............don't know if they do them any more though.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Sunday 16 February

                            Good Morning, Dear Army Friends....

                            Big hellos to Mr. Tips, Dream, Jackie, Molly, Satz, Rox, Spidey, Mario and anyone I've guys so make me laugh. We're having a heat wave here in Wisconsin. It's going to get to a high of 23 Fahrenheit so I think I will do some cross-country skiing. Perfect weather for it. Tips, I am sorry you are dealing with the sweltering heat....I'm glad the pool is right there for you to jump into it. I know how you feel about wearing the swimsuit when you have fair skin. I am sooooo fair, and I have red hair so when I jump in any body of water, I have a fear of getting harpooned by a tuna fisherman.:H I don't think I would fare well in your kind of heat.

                            Big waves of cheer to everyone here. Back to work for a bit. But I'll be back.


                              Army thread Sunday 16 February

                              Just a quick :hallo: to Rustickles..............must get into the kit hen or no-one will get fed today.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army thread Sunday 16 February

                                Hallo Army and Happs and Rusty!!! Love all the civilians stopping for a chat.

                                satz123;1627649 wrote: Go over to the Shout Out thread - who KNEW

                                You know Satz, I've always wondered about your quit date, but you know me - I'm too polite to ask outright :H:H:H Brilliant! and well done and yes, add the date to your signature.

                                Roxy, going to jump in here as well: if she's making you drink, squeeze the money out of her asap. Was there a contract between you, or just a verbal agreement? And go the small claims court way - otherwise she's just going to guilt-trip you again. And you're on the wagon again? (Oh no, it also means we'll have to bake another
                                cake for her again in 10 days' time:l:l:l)

                                'Fessing up here is one of the things that makes this site so special to me. Nobody would ever know (unless you post drunk), there's no sanction of any sort if you drink - but people still put it out on the boards, and go on from there. I remember when Mr G relapsed last year - I knew him from when I was still lurking, and he actually did a lot of oldbie posts in the Nest. I really admired the way he 'fessed up and checked into the Nest, as a returnee. That must have taken a hell of a lot of guts. Ok, soppy moment over.
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

