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Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

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    Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

    I read somewhere on here that being stressed and thinking we are ok is a red flag.

    So, are you supposed to fall apart when stressed?

    Ignore it?

    Acknowledge it? But then what?

    Ffs, this woman owing me Money has been 2 years in the making, that's been a good length of time to build to the crescendo it has become.

    I acknowledge that. I accept it. People deal with this sort of thing all the time.

    But it has made me drink. Another ffs.

    Thanks for the rant.

    I don't see JC's avatar.


      Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

      satz123;1628884 wrote: This is from me - the wan who didn't even know she was worried about her son 'till she found it an effort even getting out of bed :H
      Ah Satz :l:l

      Hiya Jacks :hiya: yes you and the Bess are very special indeed xx


        Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

        roxane;1628893 wrote: I read somewhere on here that being stressed and thinking we are ok is a red flag.

        So, are you supposed to fall apart when stressed?

        Ignore it?

        Acknowledge it? But then what?

        Ffs, this woman owing me Money has been 2 years in the making, that's been a good length of time to build to the crescendo it has become.

        I acknowledge that. I accept it. People deal with this sort of thing all the time.

        But it has made me drink. Another ffs.

        Thanks for the rant.

        I don't see JC's avatar.
        Rant away Roxy :l:l


          Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

          I did!!


            Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

            roxane;1628900 wrote: I did!!
            And we heard ya.

            Listen to the Pea of Sweetness (who thinks she's crap at advice..........but she's not).
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

              No JC she's not. And I'm listening, frasier style.


                Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                mollyka;1628915 wrote: How'r'yiz??
                Re. worries ----- mmm -- like Benjy I sometimes don't know I'm worrying about something -- but most of the time I DO know --- then I categorize them --- the ones I can do nothing about --- I absolve myself -- mainly to do with the 'kids' -- and I just let it go --- and I'm able to do that now --- then there's the ones I can do something bout but don't --- now I do..... (do something) - in the past I let things fester or stay in the background (can be little things like finances or even just paying bills) and I let them drift on -- always in the back of my mind --- now I grab a hold of them mostly ---- and get them out of my way

                That's it really --- imvho - there are only two kinds of worries - ones we can do something with, and ones we can't...... had to learn to know the difference tho
                Brilliant:goodjob: but need to do Satz's meditation too


                  Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                  Sorry disappeared there!

                  Feckin unexpected visitors:gramps: Good job I was still dressed and not in the 'ol pj's. Buggers ate last of me dairy milk too!!

                  How was work Molls?


                    Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                    mollyka;1628927 wrote: I understand that --- and lots of things made me drink when I was trying to get sober at the beginning --- I had to learn that it wasn't the solution --- someone said at AA last night that when we start looking at alcohol as a solution - that's when we are in trouble with it --- when we truly accept that it'll only make that situation worse - and REALLY believe that --- that's when it becomes hard to imagine a situation that WOULD make us drink.... does any of that make sense I wonder?
                    Perfect sense Off to bed to sleep now. Thanks:goodjob:


                      Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                      Nighters MrsA - hope ye have a peaceful worry-free sleep:l

                      What ye say makes perfect sense to me Molls. Can't think of one situation in which having a drink would make it better!


                        Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                        mollyka;1628932 wrote: Sleep tight Mrsa!!!
                        I remember when I came home from the treatment centre -- someone posed the question 'if you had 3 weeks to live would you drink?' --- and despite intensive therapy an all down there I had to say that posed a conundrum for me --- and on balance I did think well 'why not?' ---- and someone just asked me how I could even dream of wanting to spend the last 3 weeks of my life in a bottle when I could be spending it with people I love and enjoying them for my last time ---- thought that was rather 'worthy' at the time --- but NOW --- not in a million years would that be my option (to drink) -- it's probably the last thing I would want to do --- just a change of mindset I s'pose
                        Oh I dunno Molls- think we discussed this before here.

                        Hafta be honest and say if it were definite that I only had 3 weeks left on this earth- I wouldn't spend the whole time bladdered but part of me would like the idea of cutting lose one last time- Tell my childhood sweetheart that I always loved him:upset:, tell work (management) were to go :yay: go see Canada, tell all my family, even the nuts I love them!! Ah here! I wouldn't need to be drunk to do any of that, would I?!

                        Edit- think have totally contradicted myself here! Good question Molls. Really does set one off thinking


                          Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                          :waving: Army

                          Had a quick read back, too tired to respond - but sleep well, everybody.

                          Oh, and somebody also wanted streams of chocolate - done!

                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                            DreamThinkDo;1628936 wrote: :waving: Army

                            Had a quick read back, too tired to respond - but sleep well, everybody.

                            Oh, and somebody also wanted streams of chocolate - done!

                            ME!! It was me wanted a river of chocolate Dreamy!!:H Sleep tight xx

                            Think will head on now myself- nighters all xx


                              Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                              Thought it was you, Sweetiepeapie! Listen, I fiddled with your taps, one should run choclit from now on.

                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Army Thread Wednesday 19th February

                                DreamThinkDo;1628939 wrote: Thought it was you, Sweetiepeapie! Listen, I fiddled with your taps, one should run choclit from now on.

                                :H:H Love ya Dreamy xxx Maybe should go have a bath now!!

                                Sweet dreams xx

