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Army thread 21 February

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    Army thread 21 February

    mollyka;1629496 wrote: I'm not --- pure miserable mean I am
    YE ARE NOT !!! or errr ........
    Course you are a southsider originally :H
    Miserable shower o' shites that lot !!!


      Army thread 21 February

      First World Problem ( spoiled brat)Alert

      Does anyone else HATE having to get re-dressed up after work to go out ...........:gramps:


        Army thread 21 February

        Molly, if smoking would make the alarm man appear, I'd be only too happy to oblige!

        Oh yes, Satz, hate the re-dressing thing.

        Chat later, all - off to the movies. Off to watch DVDs doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it?
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread 21 February

          Ok must away to get ready -
          I live in hope if I get them out early - I'll get home early.
          Some chance with these two : Mr S & DD
          It'll be pints galore as DD birthday always a mega event to her .....
          Plus her telling me how great I am not to be drinking and being the driver .....
          Yeah... yeah whatever - COME ON FFS !!!!:H


            Army thread 21 February

            DreamThinkDo;1629505 wrote: Molly, if smoking would make the alarm man appear, I'd be only too happy to oblige!

            Oh yes, Satz, hate the re-
            Chat later, all - off to the movies. Off to watch DVDs doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it?
            Ffs, I've given up trying to snip this post on iPad. Dream , smoking will not make alarm man appear! Ping that band! Suck that sweet!


              Army thread 21 February

              Rusticles you are a dear,:l.

              Crikey can't believe it's DD's birthday again already.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army thread 21 February

                Hallo Army

                Good night Army - talking to myself again. Last post here was hours ago!
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread 21 February

                  Night, night, Dreamsicle. See you in the AM. Congrats on trying to be NF! I never smoked but I hear that addiction is worse than AL.

                  JackieO:h. I laughed when I went to Leamington Spa for the first time to take a class and then a 5-hr exam so I could continue my career as a manufacturing auditor in the automotive industry. My instructor said to me, "Crikey, you're such a young woman. You came to the UK all by yourself?":H I had never heard the word, "Crikey" before.:H I still smile when I hear it. Hope you sleep well tonight, lovely Jackie, and your nose is not running, stuffed, etc., or anything other than wonderful.

                  Ugh. I am still working. Glad I came to this thread to procrastinate, though.


                    Army thread 21 February

                    Just on me way..................just popped in for my MWO night cap.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread 21 February

                      - had lovely meal - really delish - one to think of for the meet-up!
                      Service brill - they do lunches, earlybird dinner - and are famous for brekkie too. Great place....and Temple Bar and all the shops just around the corner - recession in Ireland my arse !!:moon:
                      DD said she has seen in the past week alone on her route - 8 new restaurants open :egad:


                        Army thread 21 February

                        anon;1629374 wrote: Hello Army sorry I passed my cold on to you Jackie:l All better now except for a snotty nose.
                        Still feeling stressed but can knock it on the head with a bit of deep breathing

                        DD well done on kicking the fags it is tough but so worth while!
                        Hi all. Just saying hello. As a side note, I had heard the term fag before but could not remember the meaning (vs the US meaning of course). After a quick goog, I remembered. Wow, congrats on divorcing the nicotine -an all too powerful drug.


                          Army thread 21 February

                          Hahahah Spiritwolf, gives the above quote... 'DD well done on kicking the fags it is tough but so worth while!'...a whole new meaning.
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

