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Turning it around.

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    Turning it around.

    300 days ago my life was in shambles. I am an Alcoholic. And when I drink, I lose my judgement and my ability to say no. I agree to things I would never dream of sober. Like smoking crack with my hubby. Writing checks I can never cover. Driving into dangerous situations. Just screwing my life up with total abandon.
    I woke up 300 days ago and decided bottom line, the time had come. I was doing whatever it took to get back on track.
    Not drinking was step number one.
    I was looking for info on anabuse when up popped info for MWO. I checked it out. Best pop up I ever got.
    Since I decided I would do anything to end this madness, following advice from people on MWO was a great first step. I read the toolbox, posted at least once a day and read constantly. I purchased Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol. I have read it through 2 times and reread as needed.
    The first week, I was contacted by my buddy RIP557. He really pulled me through that first really rough month. Details are a little blurry of that first 30 days, but I persisted. Urge surfing, HALT, euphoric recall, kindling..... all these things became part of my vocabulary. And daily discipline.
    My hubby was a big drinker and really still battling his drug demon the first 4 months of my quit. I spent huge chuncks of time alone. Doing jigsaw puzzles, cooking, gardening, making homemade jams...etc. I stayed busy. I have a go to when a huge craving hits me. I am not proud of it, but Dairy Queen saw me many Friday nights. The first 90 days were spent indulging myself with chocolate and good food, whatever I wanted but absolutely NO ALCOHOL!!!!! Yes I gained weight. Who cares when you glow and your hair and skin looks wonderful. After the 90 days, my appetite tapered off on the sugar.
    Hubby joined me af about my 4th month. He uses anabuse. Not much, but just a little to still the mind chatter. Not one drink ever is both our mottos. My brain will never reconize a special day from a monday. Nor will I be able to stop after one.
    These are truths that I have come to reconize and accept. Not easy.
    I still get urges from that dick head. Just one it whispers, no I firmly say and turn my mind to aything else. Or I come here and read, I make a list of the things I am grateful for that my drinking has restored to me. My daughter, my sleep, my husband, my health. And I think of all the bad that drinking brought into my life that is absent. Soul crushing anxiety, shame of someone finding out our dirty little family secret, feeling totally alone...
    Bottom line for me I will never regret not drinking. I will never begrudge the hour or so a day I spend here working on my issues, talking to friends, helping those I am able to, watching videos of how bad my life and health could become. This is like an intensive counseling course to me. In 10 months I have spent at a bare minimum 300 hours. It's like self-brainwashing for me. Alcohol-BAD, no alcohol- life is GOOD.
    Everything is better without alcohol in my life. I am grateful everyday just to be alive again. I have a life again.
    To those just starting out. Do not give up. Persist. Hang on by your fingertips if you have to until you can pull yourself up. Someone will say something that will make a difference, the sun will shine just right, or who knows what it will be for you, but I promise it will happen. Just do not give in and let alcohol wash your life away in a flood of regrets.
    Live life. Look to the posative and not the negative. That is what I do every day.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

    Turning it around.

    little beagle;1630149 wrote: 300 days ago my life was in shambles. I am an Alcoholic. And when I drink, I lose my judgement and my ability to say no. I agree to things I would never dream of sober. Like smoking crack with my hubby. Writing checks I can never cover. Driving into dangerous situations. Just screwing my life up with total abandon.
    I woke up 300 days ago and decided bottom line, the time had come. I was doing whatever it took to get back on track.
    Not drinking was step number one.
    I was looking for info on anabuse when up popped info for MWO. I checked it out. Best pop up I ever got.
    Since I decided I would do anything to end this madness, following advice from people on MWO was a great first step. I read the toolbox, posted at least once a day and read constantly. I purchased Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol. I have read it through 2 times and reread as needed.
    The first week, I was contacted by my buddy RIP557. He really pulled me through that first really rough month. Details are a little blurry of that first 30 days, but I persisted. Urge surfing, HALT, euphoric recall, kindling..... all these things became part of my vocabulary. And daily discipline.
    My hubby was a big drinker and really still battling his drug demon the first 4 months of my quit. I spent huge chuncks of time alone. Doing jigsaw puzzles, cooking, gardening, making homemade jams...etc. I stayed busy. I have a go to when a huge craving hits me. I am not proud of it, but Dairy Queen saw me many Friday nights. The first 90 days were spent indulging myself with chocolate and good food, whatever I wanted but absolutely NO ALCOHOL!!!!! Yes I gained weight. Who cares when you glow and your hair and skin looks wonderful. After the 90 days, my appetite tapered off on the sugar.
    Hubby joined me af about my 4th month. He uses anabuse. Not much, but just a little to still the mind chatter. Not one drink ever is both our mottos. My brain will never reconize a special day from a monday. Nor will I be able to stop after one.
    These are truths that I have come to reconize and accept. Not easy.
    I still get urges from that dick head. Just one it whispers, no I firmly say and turn my mind to aything else. Or I come here and read, I make a list of the things I am grateful for that my drinking has restored to me. My daughter, my sleep, my husband, my health. And I think of all the bad that drinking brought into my life that is absent. Soul crushing anxiety, shame of someone finding out our dirty little family secret, feeling totally alone...
    Bottom line for me I will never regret not drinking. I will never begrudge the hour or so a day I spend here working on my issues, talking to friends, helping those I am able to, watching videos of how bad my life and health could become. This is like an intensive counseling course to me. In 10 months I have spent at a bare minimum 300 hours. It's like self-brainwashing for me. Alcohol-BAD, no alcohol- life is GOOD.
    Everything is better without alcohol in my life. I am grateful everyday just to be alive again. I have a life again.
    To those just starting out. Do not give up. Persist. Hang on by your fingertips if you have to until you can pull yourself up. Someone will say something that will make a difference, the sun will shine just right, or who knows what it will be for you, but I promise it will happen. Just do not give in and let alcohol wash your life away in a flood of regrets.
    Live life. Look to the posative and not the negative. That is what I do every day.
    Hi LB - this is an incredible post and I am glad (grateful) that I read. Was just about to turn the computer off when I saw this. Thanks for the post. SW


      Turning it around.

      little beagle;1630149 wrote: To those just starting out. Do not give up. Persist. Hang on by your fingertips if you have to until you can pull yourself up. Someone will say something that will make a difference, the sun will shine just right, or who knows what it will be for you, but I promise it will happen. Just do not give in and let alcohol wash your life away in a flood of regrets.Live life. Look to the posative and not the negative. That is what I do every day.
      Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was so close to giving up tonight it scares me. I logged on for inspiration and found it here in spades.
      You had the power all along, my dear.


        Turning it around.

        Kailey;1630157 wrote: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was so close to giving up tonight it scares me. I logged on for inspiration and found it here in spades.
        Hi Kailey -Wow, just read your post. So glad you read LB's thread. Just hold on, it really does get better.


          Turning it around.

          LB I have always benefitted from (and liked) your posts! Good stuff.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            Turning it around.

            Great post LB and well done.:l


              Turning it around.

              what a great post, a big congrats on your 300 days, you have always been a kind soul here.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Turning it around.

                Wonderful post,and wonderful job on 300 days
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Turning it around.

                  What a fantastic post, LB! I and some others on here seem to have been feeling sorry for ourselves lately. This post reminds me what is really important. Thank you.:l


                    Turning it around.

                    So proud of you!! You are just an amazing person! Thank you for all your work here, you have helped so may people! Keep up the great job, I am so sorry we are on this journey, but it is a privilege to be on it with you. Much love and admiration, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Turning it around.

                      This is why I come here most days. Such an inspiring read.
                      Thank you Little Beagle and well done.
                      Damo in Dublin x
                      Still trying !!!
                      AF 25th June2014


                        Turning it around.

                        LB i just came across this post and what you said resonated so well with me. As you know you are an inspiration to me and what you said is so true in our struggles to give up al. I am at that stage of getting to 90 days and for the past week or so i have been clinging onto that ladder rung for dear life and have not given in as i know where i will fall and that will be into a life of al hell again and for me, like you, this is not an option that i will take. Thank your for speaking truthfully and honestly of your 300 days, i can see the light getting brighter everyday and will do whatever it takes to stay sober.

                        Thank you for helping me on this journey LB and as Byrd said it is a privilege to be here with you.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Turning it around.

                          Thanks LB. :l

                          Great stuff on 300 days. Wow!


                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Turning it around.


                            Thank you for your wonderful post, so truthful and inspiring. Congratulations on 300!
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              Turning it around.

                              Thank you everyone. I have struggled, but oh the relief to just wake up, not come to, in the mornings with a clear head and no shame from the previous nights doings in my soul.
                              I truly enjoy being part of this community and learning from each person here. That has contributed to my sobriety. Each day I read something that makes me think.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

