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Army thread Sunday 23 February

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    Army thread Sunday 23 February

    I weighed myself this morning before I read your post Molls - Jazus -SHOCKING !!!!! :shocked:
    But just reinforced my resolve to move that stone
    ( more like a boulder ):H:H


      Army thread Sunday 23 February

      Here I is !


        Army thread Sunday 23 February

        :waving: all

        Looooooooooove the shoes, Satz!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Sunday 23 February

          mollyka;1630293 wrote: Haha -- had to go back and look at the shoes!!
          Morning Jacks Benjy and Dreamydo -- got a few bits of my jobs done there --- so deserve a little rest now --- not sure how many sprogs are descending today --- so it's just lunch and simple stuff for them -- my fancy pork this evening -- haha -- the slew of Joey --- him coming in in a taxi me half way through my morning --- doubt if I'll see HIM before dinner time!
          Well my husband was a disgrace last night. Went up to watch the Rugby. Couldn't even talk when he got home. Went to bed at 10 pm and managed to blow a fuse on his way up with the TV socket I TOLD HIM was dodgy at Christmas.....FFS
          It looks desperate - a man his age- then I start thinking of him up there with others talking that 'dopey' way when he has a skinful.They all talking about him & they will.
          He is so innocent of any badness - there is none in him - he doesn't see it.....
          Then I start blaming myself -if I had an interest in sport & watched with him ..... etc. he may not go up there or we'd be up & back in an hour. ???
          Rather stick pins in my eyes to be honest..
          I will await some sound advice form the Army.......

          tap ... tap .... tap ....


            Army thread Sunday 23 February

            Morning Satz,

            Had to go back to find the missing high heel shoes :wow:

            Got a Hung over Henry meself in bed, son and heir didn't get in 'til that special time where it takes 20 attempts to get yer key in the starts barking..............then it finally opens and clashes off the you slam it shut twice.... dog jumps on bed cos it's obviously a monster come to kill me..........then he............puts all the lights on.................makes toast............3 visits to the toilet.................flushing each time..............leaving bathroom light on...............burning toast............start again........leave knife in peanut butter........and burnt toast on bread board...........and so to bed.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Sunday 23 February

              satz123;1630296 wrote: Well my husband was a disgrace last night. Went up to watch the Rugby. Couldn't even talk when he got home. Went to bed at 10 pm and managed to blow a fuse on his way up with the TV socket I TOLD HIM was dodgy at Christmas.....FFS
              It looks desperate - a man his age- then I start thinking of him up there with others talking that 'dopey' way when he has a skinful.They all talking about him & they will.
              He is so innocent of any badness - there is none in him - he doesn't see it.....
              Then I start blaming myself -if I had an interest in sport & watched with him ..... etc. he may not go up there or we'd be up & back in an hour. ???
              Rather stick pins in my eyes to be honest..
              I will await some sound advice form the Army.......

              tap ... tap .... tap ....
              Say what!!!! He went to the boozer, watched the Rugby,got hammered and you're blaming yourself...................come here while I smack you upside the head.

              Now then I love fact if there was a match on in the pub I'd get there first just to get the seats you understand..............not at all to get a few crafty ones in before the rest arrived................honestly (she says with her fingers crossed behind her back).

              Nowadays if Mr JC can be arsed he goes with his mates.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army thread Sunday 23 February

                mollyka;1630300 wrote: Sorry Benjy ---- that sounded like I was angry with you or summat ----- I understand totally what you are saying --- and I ALSO feel sometimes 'this is my fault' ---- NOPE NOPE NOPE ------ mad at the world really for not realising what a wonderful thing we are doing:H:l
                On the contrary Molls - you said exactly what I wanted to hear.:l:l
                This is when I draw on expert advice from the Army - and it's priceless -

                Yous go to rehab and bring back all the free advice :H


                  Army thread Sunday 23 February

                  For a change....:H:H

                  I just had a call from the S&H's GF she was getting soppy texts from him last night........oh deary me,
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread Sunday 23 February

                    mollyka;1630305 wrote: - CHEAPSKATE!!!!
                    Well look -- who says I'm right? Glad Jacks agrees for a change
                    You be confident in your own decisions and your own gut feelings -- you get it right you know --- you just don't trust yourself --- yet!!!
                    I'm guessing he's not going to be looking for a Frog Walk today????
                    Ta to you both :l
                    I'd be lost without you !
                    Mr S doesn't really get hangovers tbh - sticks to Guinness - that's what saves him I think....
                    - he'll never give in - he's gone off walking in the wind & rain.:H
                    I'm back in the gym at 7am tomorrow -so feck that lark - one shouldn't overdo it.....
                    'specailly in my weakened state from hunger :H:H


                      Army thread Sunday 23 February

                      Just watching the 4 man bob-sleigh..........they must be crackers.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Sunday 23 February

                        mollyka;1630299 wrote: Look -- for starters they were probably ALL talkin shite --- all as drunk as eachother -- in fact that saved me many's a time --- believe it or not --- MANY of my 'friends' back then drank way more than me --- so don't be worrying what THEY'LL be saying --- I have to jump in here tho --- THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT --- in any way shape or form --- he's a grown up --- responsible for his own actions --- as are we for ours --- he CHOSE to go look at the rugby in the pub -- yeah?? He could have stayed at home - cracked open a couple of beers there and watched it yeah??? NOPE --- everything is NOT OUR FAULT --- if our kids are unhappy when they are little and dependent on us --- and we behave in a fashion that makes them unhappy --- that IS our fault --- anything else ---- NOPE ---- he's the one up in the bed with the hangover --- you are the one reclaiming your life - and if you need/want to be 'selfish' (??????) by not going to the PUB????? riddle me one tiny bit of that that is wrong --- we've BEATEN ourselves all the years by just being mammies and wives who are sometimes less than perfect --- we've also BEATEN ourselves because of occasions when our problem drinking/alcoholism has caused problems ---- NO MORE!!!!!!!
                        Amen Molly .

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Army thread Sunday 23 February

                          mollyka;1630315 wrote: ah it's great!! did you see the Canadians falling over in it yesterday? jaysus --- thought they were dead --- and they were GRAND!!!
                          How did I miss that.

                          Must go and get meself dolled up.........apparently the birthday girl was playing up yesterday and my Aunt nearly cancelled the party. My dear sweet auld Granny can be a right auld cow at times.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Sunday 23 February

                            Not made it out yet, was in the park with his lordship for over an hour, dogs got a lot of exercise, owners stood talking while lobbing balls. Just about to shove a coat on and get going, four hours is moer than enough to time to spend money methinks :H
                            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                              Army thread Sunday 23 February

                              spiderwoman;1630320 wrote: Not made it out yet, was in the park with his lordship for over an hour, dogs got a lot of exercise, owners stood talking while lobbing balls. Just about to shove a coat on and get going, four hours is moer than enough to time to spend money methinks :H
                              What yer thinking of buying Spidy?


                                Army thread Sunday 23 February

                                mario;1630318 wrote: Amen Molly .
                                Ah yer snuck in there Mario.
                                Ar you still in Portugal ?
                                I'm going in May !!!:yay:

