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Blasted AL brain

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    Blasted AL brain

    Dont know why, dont know how, but ol' AL seems to have taken up residence again inside my head. Not the overpowering urges like before, just that "tiny" little pesky mosquito that keeps coming back.

    Daym you AL, Im not going to drink but it just pisses me off and wanted to vent somewhere that people would understand.
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11


    Blasted AL brain

    mollyka;1631234 wrote: That sucks Nelz --- I s'pose it's natural for all of us alkie's to think bout drink sometimes --- it's how we process the thoughts I s'pose -- back in the day I used to indulge the thoughts and shit --- before i knew where I was -- the 'permission' was there in my brain --- mightn't act on it today or tomorrow --- but inevitably I did..... these days --- I just don't allow it to go any further than the glancing thought --- maybe even occasionally the regretful thought --- and then I immediately overdrive it with the reality --- and -- it's gone --- now this is prolly trying to teach your granny how to suck eggs -- you're sober a long time longer than me --- but just sayin how I process the rare 'kpflunk' feeling :-)

    Make sure you're indoctrinating your brain with the realities --- could be that it's tricking you -- ya know??? xxxx

    Granny/eggs! :H

    Im convinced that I am over romanticizing it, and how WONDERFUL it is, and just how great it would be to induldge.........................NOT

    GD tv shows portraying people always drinkin............guess I better shoot my TV
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Blasted AL brain

      Hey Nelz....I think it's normal. I have had them....I tell you what helps me is hanging out in the newbie's nest. I see where one drink will land me, so it keeps me on the straight and narrow...I'm not asking you to do community service or anything :H, but it might help get those thoughts out of there if you can see first hand the power of AL. We have a great group at the moment...we can always use a seasoned hand!! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Blasted AL brain

        Nelz, I get those thoughts too even after almost 3 years like you. It makes me sad, angry and sometimes a little lonely when I do. I still get into pity mode every now and then, why can't I just have a drink like everyone else? For 99.9% of the time I am grateful for this sober life but I tell ya sometimes when those thoughts come I do get emotional about it. I guess we will always have them, but I do know when I wake up the next morning I am happy as hell I didn?t act on the thought.

        Coming here everyday honestly keeps my thinking in focus. Without this community I might have let those thoughts take over and then I would be right back to where I started. ....or worse.

        Hang in there, spring is around the corner (or somewhere cause its the friggin winter from hell) and you'll be back out on that bike whippin around (or driving nice and slow like you should).

        Stay strong, we are going to make it to 3 years and beyond....
        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


          Blasted AL brain

          hang in there Nelzy
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Blasted AL brain

            That's just a part of this disease, if you will. I know some people may not think of it that way, but I do, as it's a brain disease and what happens is just what happened to you. It sneaks in with all of it's bullsh** and tries to bully you. Bully that bitch back. Tell her who's boss. Hmm. All all of a sudden became a female to me. Oh well, hang in there.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Blasted AL brain

              Like you said Nelz....Its a pesky bug---Squash it quick and shift your mind. You dont deserve that kinda crap after your stellar record.

              Whatta bummer........Maybe a reward meal instead???


                Blasted AL brain

                Thanks for sharing how you're feeling, Nelz.

                It is so good you have a place to come to with these thoughts -- you've made the effort to keep your support community intact. You are so good at giving support and it is wonderful that you trust everyone here enough to open up and ask for it when you need it.

                It is a reminder to those of us who are not nearly as far along as you are that it is important not to think we've got it made and don't need help anymore. But, that means staying involved.

                I hope you silence that pesky voice soon -- we all know he doesn't have your best interests at heart. But we do :l.


                  Blasted AL brain

                  I'm so glad you voiced those thoughts here... and put them out for all to see :l Thank you for that.

                  I cannot say anything about how I will feel after as much sobriety as you have but I reckon, as others have said, that it's quite normal and to be expected that such thoughts and romantic notions pipe up now and then.

                  Hang in there.. and just for this post you'll get a

                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Blasted AL brain

                    Hi Nelz, I'm out of my league here, and I wouldn't presume to give advice. But I can tell you - I gave in to that "mosquito" this past weekend, and it almost ended me. Never felt so awful in my life - and that's after decades of drinking. Didn't even drink that much, but the emotional hangover was awful. Wish I had squashed that freakin' bug before it got me. Glad you posted this. It will keep me vigilant in the future. All the best to you.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Blasted AL brain

                      Nelzie my man!!!!

                      Well, it just so happens, whilst reading in bed last night I thought to my good self. "Haven't thought about dipping my head in a bucket of grog for a few weeks now - phew!!" The last few months AL has occupied my thoughts somewhat. I can put it down to a number of things. The last thing I need added to the equation/s that make up my life is AL.

                      Ride it out big fella. On the track, in your head on a wave - where ever you need to. Ride, ride, ride.

                      You know the drill.

                      I'll be sending gorgeously delicious vibes your way, just in case you need them. You won't though!!!

                      LOVE YOU - mean it!!!!!
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Blasted AL brain

                        Nelz,it took alot of guts to post that,im glad you came here instead of keeping it inside your head,al's a pesky little shit!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Blasted AL brain

                          Nelz, I know just what you need right now. You need to become a personal coach... to reinforce your commitment to sobriety while helping someone who has been here forever (longer than my name info suggests) and has never managed more than thirty days sober. You could be instrumental in changing a life... pm me if interested.
                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

