I haven't posted for ages because I have felt like I have had nothing of interest to really talk about. I log on every day and read some of the 'quick links' posts. But I just can't seem to respond to them like I used to. I suppose it's because I'm not drinking, I can't as I'm pregnant. But, I want to still feel like part of this community and I now feel like an outsider. It's bothering me. I am still a problem drinker but am doing the right thing for this baby. Its kind of easier not to drink when it's not about me anymore. maybe I'm being stupid, maybe I'm a bit down because my anti-depressant dose has been lowered, i don't know. My life has changed dramatically. One day I was struggling to not drink, talking and getting so much comfort from all of you and maybe even having some helpful words for some of you.....the next day I am pregnant and my whole life is different. I have become sensible and I'm finding this transition hard to get used to. Its almost like i want to put a spanner in the works and destroy what good i have, as i feel out of my depth a bit. i'm not used to things in my life running smoothly. MWO was my safety net and now i feel on my own, like i have no right to contribute as I'm not drinking. It sounds stupid but I am lonely.
I think I have finally lost the plot. I'm sorry for this moan. I just miss being involved in the daily banter of everyone here. maybe I'm just a big attention seeker and want to read some replies that are for me. me, me, me eh! how selfish.but-it really does make me feel happy when I read a reply.
Bye, Bella xxxxx