Not the first time, but i am feeling confident this time, although not taking sobriety for granted. It has been tough but it seems different this time.
This site and everyone on it are amazing help.
I dont post enough but with 2 kids , you need to book in for time on pc. And tough typing on phone :-) , but easy to read, which i do everyday.
It has helped that my wife has quit for a while to support and she is surprised how great she feels not drinking.
Special thanks to Mollyka, she has been watching my back since day1 and always welcomes me with wise words and a kind heart on my returns.
But there has been so many more, Jc, broken halo, satz, k9, the great Mario, ktab, guitarista, madmans, levande, oney to name a few.
I have absolutely no intentions to drink anymore, no matter what !!!
My life is changing again for the better, thanks to being sober.
I eat better (apart from ben&jerry at the weekend :-)) , exercise more, am less stressed, and have more time for my family.
Thats it, i'm done for the night.
Goodnight, and thanks again my friends, couldnt have got to 30 days without you all.
Damo in Dublin