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    I would like to use this thread to organize a mentorship program. I believe it would be very helpful for people struggling with their sobriety to be teamed up with a volunteer from our plentiful crop of successful abstainers.

    I'll begin by asking people to come forward to present themselves as a candidate to be mentored and to describe their drinking patterns, main obstacles, age, and life situation.

    Then, hopefully, a person with a year or more of sobriety and commonalities will come forward and offer to be their private coach, guide, sounding board, cheerleader and friend.

    They will then set up a system of communication either through PM's, emails or whatever they decide.

    No one has to facilitate this thread, it will grow on it's own but we can all encourage those who are asking to be mentored even if we, ourselves, are not eligible to assist. All I ask is that no matter what happens with this thread, if you think of it, bump it up occasionally. You never know if there's someone out there wanting to help or in dire need of a friend.

    I, who, as many of you know am a completely unreliable member of this wonderful forum still have a keen yearning to achieve sobriety and humbly present myself as the first candidate for the aid of a mentor... probably the toughest challenge.

    My name: Sober Soul / was Tipplerette

    Been here: more than 4 years

    Life situation: 57 year old woman, happily married, living in an environment of constant paryting for the past ten years but am moving back to my quiet, home town in a few months to live closer to my four young grandchildren and to reaquaint myself with my language and culture.

    My drinking pattern: About 11 years ago after my divorce and when my teenage daughter started acting out I began using wine to cope. I have drank a few glasses of wine nightly for the past ten years and half of those have been spent either quitting, relapsing, regretting, breaking promises and repeating the pattern. I have alcoholic tendencies and cannot go long without relapsing; 30 days being my tops. My drink volume may not be earth shattering but I have a real problem with the way it makes me feel. I have definitely improved in the past year but still drink some and I want to attain complete abstinence; otherwise I won't stop ever obsessing over it and it's taken up too much time already.

    Obstacles: people I hang with and that is changing in a few months. I will be temporarily living even closer to those same people until our house is built so will need lots of support at the start

    In a nutshell: I feel that by moving out of this environment I can finally do this. My reasons for quitting are many; my mom is an 82 year old miserable alcoholic, my son has drinking issues, I want to accomplish so much and my alcohol consumption is limiting me at a time when I should be soaring. I love being a Granny, love nature, love exploring spirituality (think Zen) and enjoy knitting, playing the keyboard by ear and cooking healthy food.

    I hope that someone sees this and volunteers to be my mentor.

    My goal is to become a mentor one year from today.

    ** Please do not worry if you do not get a mentor the first day you present yourself as a candidate; it just means that your perfect match was not online that day.
    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


    Just wanna say glad you're back! I can't be your mentor, but I can respond to any posts when you need support. Good luck on your journey. You will get this!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.



      A wonderful idea. Let me know how I can help.
      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

        Let's just keep this thread going and not get discouraged. One day the right person will come along and recognize a connection that tugs at them to link up. It's a big step and a lot of the old-timers are fed up with the on again off again crowd.

        Desperate times call for desperate measures! I've read so many sobriety books while on my cruise (just got back) and feel that I have run out of excuses in stalling what could be a fantastic second half of this thing called life. One on one contact with a drill seargent/cheerleader would do many of us the world of good. I have lots of patience.

        Anybody else out there looking for a mentor?
        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


          MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

          Heya SS great thread

          Ive always said my door is always open for anyone on here, anytime I am on the computer.......and that is a LOT :H

          PM away peeps
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

            I am available too!

            And you will always be "Tipps" to me, even though you are now SoberSoul! :l
            I am well aware of your struggles and ups and downs, and I completely understand!! I am just so glad that you haven't given up. Falling down is not a failure, but not getting up is. And look at you...right back up! Let me know what I can do to help! :h
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

              Count me in, too. I will help anyone who WANTS it. I have tried to help some who didn't want it, and that didn't work out so was like pushing a rope, but if anyone wants my help, I will do whatever it takes to help them get out of this rabbit hole. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                I don't know where to start / I'm mid 50's and have battled this addiction for decades. My hubs recently died of a heart attack (5 months ago) and I'm literally alone. I don't have him here anymore. So I drink. I'm past being desperate...I am lost. Help. I am willing to do the work. Please is there somebody out there who can hold my hand or give me assurance or just Listen? Thank you. Rose


                  MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                  Count me in also.

                  Maybe it is a good idea to tell others in what part of the world we are in as being in the same time zone helps immensely.

                  49 years old, drinker 20+ years, 4 children, still winning the battle over al. Like Nelz i may be on my computer too much. Love a chat and hopefully can help in some way.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                    TribalRose, i was lost, too, when I first came here. I knew what I NEEDED to do, I just didnt know HOW. This is a skill, like an athletic accomplishment or learning a language. When you first start, you don't know what to do...but you have come to the right place if you are ready to learn There are 2 links in my signature line. Both are GREAT places to start. The Tool Box is full of tips and tricks to help you thru the first challenging days. The Newbie's nest is an active thread where you will find people just like you, from all over the world, feeling the same feelings you are. You are NOT alone! i am happy to help! Are you on day 1? Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                      Yes day 1 for the umpteeth time. Gawd. I'm such a chicken when it comes to posting. Maybe I can make it a priority because I really truly want to Not drink. I didn't drink today but the urge to is compelling. It's just my nature to give IN. I'm a pint a day vodka drinker with beer chasers. Gross..I know but it's true. I'm just totally disgusted with myself. The bruises the blackouts etc...surely Life can be better without the booze.


                        MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                        This might be working. I received a few pm's; one from an old, dear friend who I had been too embarrassed to contact and another from a caring member offering her hand to me.

                        The key here is to PM the person asking for help. It's not necessary to play match-maker, more to put the requests for mentorship out there and you wonderful rocks of strength and encouragement to work your PM magic.

                        My old friend, Kradle reminded me that she is always here for me... I really can't believe people like her, Doggy girl, Byrdie and the rest still manage to keep welcoming me back into the fold; back home.

                        We are truly blessed to have these people; this forum.
                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                          MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                          Cozygirl;1632227 wrote: Yes day 1 for the umpteeth time. Gawd. I'm such a chicken when it comes to posting. Maybe I can make it a priority because I really truly want to Not drink. I didn't drink today but the urge to is compelling. It's just my nature to give IN. I'm a pint a day vodka drinker with beer chasers. Gross..I know but it's true. I'm just totally disgusted with myself. The bruises the blackouts etc...surely Life can be better without the booze.
                          And THAT is the beauty of the internetwez, you can pretty much say whatever you want, and be whatever you want....I personally am a dashingly handsome gazilionair oil guy......:H

                          Ill tell you what I tell all the new members......walk in here and act like you own the place.
                          That doesnt mean being disrespectful and or rude, just know that people in here know and understand what you are going through. Trust me, there are people that have been through or are going through the exact same thing as you.

                          So, post up, there is no "dumb question" around here.....if there was, they'd have kicked me out lllllllllllllllllllong ago..........:H
                          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                          DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                            MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                            Nelz, you really are a mentor to us all.. thanks.
                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                              MENTOR A NEWBIE ...

                              When you start or restart posting here, it is typical to feel embarrassed that you can't just DO this, you want to but don't know how. Been there, done that, it took me several years of posting here to finally quit for good. PM me and I will reply. But the best support comes from groups. No one individual can possibly be as supportive as a group. Newbies Nest is great, One Step at a Time is very supportive also. Visit the Tool Box often for inspiration and to find new ideas to try. Never give up.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

