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    Good morning lovely ones.

    Going in to the madhouse late this morning.

    Looks like rain here. FFH was called at 2.38 because of storms - alarms going off everywhere. Nothing happened here, not even a sprinkle.

    Hug to you Missy.

    I wish you all a splendiferously gorgeous day!
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa



      myhappyplace;1636195 wrote: At least you weren't picking your nose...


      Glass Half Empty;1636429 wrote: That is very sad about the crying man Bridge. I hope he was able to find some help before it got too late.

      I once worked with a very large woman who used to hide in the restroom to eat chips.

      Yes, for a man to take refuge in a toilet to cry, there must be very disturbing things on his mind. I feel sorry for him.

      Eating in toilets... yummy, all that floating faecal bacteria settling on the food.

      aspman;1636483 wrote:
      disturbing and exhilarating at the same time.[/video]]Shanghai Tower (650 meters) - YouTube
      Did you notice that the guy at the top had his right foot behind a wire ... easier to trip if he moved his foot. Gee it was smoggy wasn't it.

      nicelife;1636881 wrote:
      He's grinding away, paying particular attention to ensure a perfect finish!

      Missy, will you be in contact with us while away, or are you having a complete communications break.



        I want a keyboard with graphemes.


          MARCH ON UNDIES.

          I want a boss with a brain.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            MARCH ON UNDIES.

            didn't you know Bridge, that having one's brain removed is usually a condition of being offered a managerial job above a certain level?

            Rags, not taking any electronic devices with me to Bali. I've officially deemed it an "all about me" week
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              MARCH ON UNDIES.

              Guitarista;1637045 wrote: Now Noicey.

              Aaahh Mr G - I missed this previously.

              I want to know more about your time with Randall. It appears from the time you posted, he was at your joint early this morning non?

              Yesm. He said between 7 and 7.30 but arrived at 7.43am.

              Did you offer him breakfast? What did he yap about? The cricket? Flight paths? Asylum seeker's? Music? Baking? Did he comment on the Peugot? Did he scratch it? Did he invite himself and his Missus over for a swim this weekend? What sort of look? jeans, shorts, tracky daks?

              I offered him nothing. I should have offered him a cup of tea but my manners weren't working. My bad.

              We mostly yapped about politics, solid business planning, consumerism, disposable mindset of society, controlling personalities tend to be high achievers, yep - flight paths and distance re fuel availability, knives, scissors and pinking shears, the AU$, health care systems world wide, America, jeans and TShirts. Not necessarily in that order.

              He did NOT scratch.

              No comment on my Peugeot - although, she was outta sight.

              He did not request admission to my pool for himself, nor his wife.

              Blokey look, shorts, longish TShirt (on account of his bel bel), with holes in the top left hand corner, oldish trainers with NO socks. Oh, plus a beard. Tidyish hair, will need cutting soon.

              But on reflection, none of this really matters, as long as he got the job done.

              Yes, he got the job done. Knives working well. Nice sharp points reinstated. He praised my care of the knives. Always hand washed and they have never seen the inside of a dishwasher.

              He did comment on my enormous, skinny flat screen Samsung home theatre set up, which is in the media room at the front of the house overlooking the streetscape.

              One more......Is he marching in March?

              I doubt he'll do much marching in March or any other month. He's built more for watching marches me thinks.

              Have a beaut evening y'all.
              I hope this information is suffice.
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                MARCH ON UNDIES.

                Miss Behaving;1637247 wrote: ... not taking any electronic devices with me to Bali.
                Wow Missy. You're very tough. I don't think I could do that. :upset:

                Undies, meant to tell you yesterday. There was a lovely moment when I was cruising around various sites and checked in on Reggie cam as I do when I want to see what the weather is like in Melb.. Well bugger me sideways, parked behind Reggie's boat was the gigantic Queen Mary2. So good to see.

                Apart from that, I've ground last season's rust off the pot belly stove in readiness for the first fire of autumn. Actually looking forward to that first ignition.


                  MARCH ON UNDIES.

                  Miss Behaving;1637247 wrote: didn't you know Bridge, that having one's brain removed is usually a condition of being offered a managerial job above a certain level?
                  Well I tell you what Frances Farmer, they got the knitting needle right up this one's nose and used it like a stick blender on his frontal lobe. When I resign I'm going to leave an application for Disability Support on his desk.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    MARCH ON UNDIES.

                    byebyebridgetjones;1637278 wrote: Well I tell you what Frances Farmer, they got the knitting needle right up this one's nose and used it like a stick blender on his frontal lobe. When I resign I'm going to leave an application for Disability Support on his desk.
                    He'll probably put it in with all the other hapless applications.

                    Missy, I tried the electronic free in Bali. It'd been easier if it was just me and the Lamp. The locusts on the other hand....

                    Now, can someone explain the attraction of the Jackass series of dvd's? I've got two locusts home, losing lungs with some sort of fluey thing and watching said Jackass...the sounds of laughter are pretty good to hear until you see what it is they're so convulsed with...its just dreadful....


                      MARCH ON UNDIES.

                      I just realised how old I sounded. "Dreadful" what a word. And I really don't care...


                        MARCH ON UNDIES.

                        Dreadful away Happs. Jackass is just awful. Not in the least bit funny, totally ridiculous and totze NOT amazeballs.
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          MARCH ON UNDIES.

                          I'm so old I don't even know who or what Jackass is.

                          AND I'm cranky about this new speak thingy that's doing the rounds where everybody is starting their sentences with "So".

                          And furthermore, I went for a quick half-hour power nap yesterday arvo at around 3pm. Woke up at fusking 7.15pm.

                          SO ... if you want to lay claim to the "old" title, get in the queue. And be orderly. And comb your hair.


                            MARCH ON UNDIES.

                            Yeah, but nah, like, no-one speaks proper no more.

                            So, anyway and anyhow. Do yous reckon I'm too old for lace up leopard print shoes?
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              MARCH ON UNDIES.

                              BTW - we get bat shit around the pool area. The fuskers sit in the fusking palm trees and eat the fruit then poop it e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e! That drives me batshit!!!

                              Thanks for the words Tawny. I had nothin' to say before you piped up!

                              So, Oscar sends much lurve and many licks.
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                MARCH ON UNDIES.

                                Here's one story about Jackass for you. They inserted a toy car in one of their bums and went to the doctor to "find out" what was wrong with their passage.

                                I reckon the doctor examined the wrong end. Surely, there is much wrong with one's head to do such a D.U.M.B thing, think it was funny then involve a medico to enhance the humour of the event. Had xrays done - the whole bit. S.T.U.P.I.D!!

                                Dreadfully, awful, D.U.M.B fuskwidiots!
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

