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    Grenouille ?
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



      Chers slip, je me demande pourquoi nous parlons tous fran?ais? Ai-je rat? quelque chose? J'esp?re sinc?rement que non ... Je vous souhaite ? tous une merveilleuse journ?e.

      Il est tr?s chaud et humide ici ? Brisbane aujourd'hui ... je dois mettre un ventilateur mon clacker ? garder au frais.



        With loving thanks to Mrs Google's cousin, Ms Google Translator...

        Heeeeelllo French to me??


          MARCH ON UNDIES.

          myhappyplace;1639267 wrote: With loving thanks to Mrs Google's cousin, Ms Google Translator...

          Heeeeelllo French to me??
          Bonjour Coquine
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            MARCH ON UNDIES.

            techie;1639268 wrote: Bonjour Coquine


              MARCH ON UNDIES.


              voo voo zappelay voo. Je maple Gregoire. onshontay love.

              Looks noice outside, and in.

              L8tr Yoplait!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                MARCH ON UNDIES.

                Guitarista;1639271 wrote: Bonjoowar,

                voo voo zappelay voo. Je maple Gregoire. onshontay love.

                Looks noice outside, and in.

                L8tr Yoplait!
                :H:H Congrats on the music Mr G.


                  MARCH ON UNDIES.

                  A Better Me;1639263 wrote: Missy, do you fly out on Saturday?
                  yes, and I have stopped counting days and am now counting hours

                  Glassy I may need some HR advice from you. I'll PM you. The work situation has been pretty intolerable this week. Boss has been performance managing someone (and in my view without adequate cause, but I'm not in his good books because I've been pointing out the flaws in his arguments about her performance) and she has now resigned. Me and my fellow manager are meeting with the union today, and my self-imposed deadline of 31 March making a decisions about resigning or not will happen at the end of my holdiay.
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    MARCH ON UNDIES.

                    Thanks Happs. You beewdy!

                    Struth Missy. I tell's ya, Glassy will be a tray excellentay sounding board and enthusiastic source of idea's to assist.

                    I was just thinking about fashion designer L'Wren Scott. I hear it was suicide, and her business was millions in debt. Don't know if the 2 are connected, but it strikes me that many folk just put far too much pressure on themselves to perform, be successful, to be at a certain ficticious standard or level in society, and are forever judging themselves against others or against a general 'standard' or level of accomplishment drummed into them as a youngster. After being on the planet for a little while now, i've come to the conclusion (as i did in my 20's), that it's okay. It's okay to take your time. It's okay if your business get's into hot water. It's ok if you are starting over again at the age of 40, 50, 60, 70, 80. No need to put pressure on ourselves. It is not real, all bulldust, and no-one really gives a stuff. I've learned that it's essential to learn/develop that skill of 'getting out of my own head' and it's little judgemental world and it's critical commentary. The ability to look at the bigger picture can be a lifesaver. Life is ours. We decide if today will be a beewdy or not. It is okay, and you will be alright.

                    Vale L'Wren. Vale to the countless other lost souls who have left us today and we won't hear of.

                    In other news.......Git a dog up ya!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      MARCH ON UNDIES.

                      Guitarista;1639286 wrote: In other news.......Git a dog up ya!
                      Or a fan...un ventilateur...

                      G - couldn't agree more. Was having this discussion with a friend only yesterday. We put so much pressure on ourselves and sometime that manifests and goes on to our families and who knows how people react to sometimes innocent comments you might make. It's worthwhile taking a moment and really being kind with your words. Just a "mum" thought there


                        MARCH ON UNDIES.

                        Indeed Happs.

                        Man sneezes into his trombone during church concert? | The Poke

                        Attending a not for profit set-up yer org legal structure webinar today. Have posed a question or 2. All about the legal structure to be able to accept/attract funding. Will be of interest ....

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          MARCH ON UNDIES.

                          myhappyplace;1639266 wrote: . je dois mettre un ventilateur mon clacker ? garder au frais.
                          "I need a ventilator for my clacker, that smells like strawberries"????
                          Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                            MARCH ON UNDIES.

                            A Better Me;1639364 wrote: "I need a ventilator for my clacker, that smells like strawberries"????
                            Oh. Em. Gee!

                            This would make a sailor blush!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              MARCH ON UNDIES.

                              And yes, very sad about L'Wren Scott. I'm thankful for a normal, same ole same ole kind of day. Chores to do, work to do, people to feed blah blah blah. Nothing of notability has happened in my life today, and I'm very grateful for that.
                              I learnt that when my sisters husband was horrific & a couple of days later a mate rang to say "we're having a barbie, come over" (not knowing what had happened yet) I remember wishing with all my heart that it was just a normal, boring Saturday. Normal, uneventful days have never been the same since...I love them.

                              Crikey...blabbing much?
                              Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                                MARCH ON UNDIES.

                                [QUOTE=Guitarista;1639367]Oh. Em. Gee!

                                This would make a sailor blush![/

                                I'm just the translator...
                                Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.

