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    Revenge is starting later and later - quick Mrs Google and guess what I found?

    Fortunately, for minor cases of poor appetite, the kitchen is the best place to find home remedies to get the appetite back into gear.

    Home Remedies from the Refrigerator

    Bitter greens
    . Mama always told you to eat your greens. If she knew you weren't eating properly, she might add, eat your "bitter" greens. Bitter greens consist of arugula, radicchio, collards, kale, endives, escarole, mizuna, sorrel, dandelions, watercress, and red/green other words, all those leaves you find in fancy restaurant salads. Stimulating digestion is the name of the game with bitter greens.

    They prompt the body into making more digestive juices and digestive enzymes. Bitter foods also stimulate the gallbladder to contract and release bile, which helps break fatty foods into small enough particles that enzymes can easily finish breaking them apart for absorption. This is important because fats carry essential fatty acids, such as heart-healthy omega-3s, along with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotenoids such as beta-carotene.



      So....its kale, kale, kale Asp is on the money...



        Morning Undies,

        Had shit's own trouble trying to get on yesterday arvo/early evening.

        Anyway ... thanks Happs. Interesting thing. A couple of weeks ago a little bloke in the little town chased me and yelled out "Frog, Frog - I've got something for you". Beaming, he handed me a small bag of seeds. "What's this?" I say. He's ecstatic and tells me they're MANGELWURZEL seeds? I thank him profusely and think WTF until I have a chat with Old Mrs. G. Apparently the mangelwurzel is a close relative of KALE. Is this a message from the gods?


          MARCH ON UNDIES.

          Yes it is a message from the Dogs, Froglette.
          We had one knockdown/standup of a storm here last night, but an amazing misty sunrise as well.

          I tell you what, 'Revenge' is getting so bizarrely convoluted that I can barely keep up. Just as well I only watch it to take the piss.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            MARCH ON UNDIES.

            I watched it last night too many people jumping in and out of scenes it got terribly confusing and yep, good for a laugh...for being so elusive I give it a 4...


              MARCH ON UNDIES.

              So do we know who shot Emily? Or do we have a few more weeks of watching her fall off the boat in her lovely wedding frock?:H
              Tawny I beg of you, pls don't 'decease & desist'...
              I wonder what blissful things Missy is up to today...

              I'm off to walk the kiddies to school. You all make my day brighter - thank you.
              Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                MARCH ON UNDIES.

                Mangelwurzel grows like a weed btw...I laugh when I see people paying 6 bucks a bunch when we've been feeding ourselves, the chooks and all the grasshoppers in Brisbane for months.

                I'm interested that the bitter weeds stimulate digestion but now have to find TF something natural that will stimulate appetite. On it later today...


                  MARCH ON UNDIES.

                  [QUOTE=A Better Me;1641333]So do we know who shot Emily? QUOTE]

                  Yes but that's so yesterday now Cakes. NOW, we are up to WHERE is Emily? Frock is on the beach sans the heroine...

                  I hope Missy is having all sorts of blissful treatments...she might find Wi-Fi is really bad too. Couple of cafes up there have it, only chance I had to check anything.


                    MARCH ON UNDIES.

                    We do indeed know who shot Emily Cakes. Maybe a little 'tenplay' catchup if you feel passionate about it?

                    Yes this is an interesting topic this green intake thing. Froglette you might actually be better off smashing them up in a green smoothie Welcome to the gang.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      MARCH ON UNDIES.

                      hehe, I thought the greens was a political party.
                      morning all, weigh in time. 88.2 this am so defo getting there.
                      is Mangelwurzel juice worth happs?
                      AF since 10/26/2009

                      It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                        MARCH ON UNDIES.

                        [quote]myhappyplace;1641335 wrote:
                        Originally posted by A Better Me View Post
                        So do we know who shot Emily? QUOTE]
                        Frock and two bullet holes. I'd like to know how it's working out for Emily swimming around with the sharks in the nick smelling of blood.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          MARCH ON UNDIES.

                          aspman;1641343 wrote: hehe, I thought the greens was a political party.
                          morning all, weigh in time. 88.2 this am so defo getting there.
                          is Mangelwurzel juice worth happs?
                          I'm going to sow fields of Mangelwurzel Asp...just wait...I shall take over the Mangelwurzel world...mwahaha

                          Found this vid TF....its...umm...startling...

                [/video]]Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Loss Of Appetite - YouTube

                          general ayurvedic consensus is sweet and sour tastes

                          Diseases of the Digestive System (Annavahasrota Roga) ? Ayurveda in Nepal

                          I found the second link fascinating and could waste so much time in there...anyhow..

                          Don't forget a good bowl of kitchari...and staying with the guidelines of eating fresh for highest prana...

                          Packing up my bliss bombs and going now :H:h


                            MARCH ON UNDIES.

                            hope everyone's having a nice day


                              MARCH ON UNDIES.

                              I want to be a bliss bomb when I grow up............
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                MARCH ON UNDIES.

                                You too Happs!! It's almost time to go home. I've manipulated data so much it is now a.t.a.d instead!

                                My belly is bubbling away. Gloomp, gloomp, gloomp - music to my ears! Noice.
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

