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Sober March- Who's in??

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    Sober March- Who's in??

    Pav- great to hear you were able to get through the minor AL thoughts while enjoying your party weekend. Well done, you're doing fantastic

    Hi to Spirit and Free, and yes thank you all for the reminders of yoga, I need to make more of a priority for both yoga and morning meditation. I will do that today.

    Hope all you fellow Sober Marchists had a good weekend and Monday.


      Sober March- Who's in??

      Hi, All!

      March 26 - almost through the third month of the year!

      Yoga again today. Eventually I'll try meditation more consistently - my mind is a big chatterbox. It is so nice to focus on breathing, body and mind...

      Hope you are all well!



        Sober March- Who's in??

        Hi everyone. Today I'm off for a 4-day long out of town convention. I'm a little nervous but it should be fun... I am protecting my quit, though, so I know that I will be sober. That may make me feel a bit deprived/feeling "odd man out" during some of the dinners/evening events but I definitely will be feeling good each morning, which is more valuable to me!

        I'll still be checking in here every morning though. Hope everyone has a great AF weekend


          Sober March- Who's in??

          SBL, great to know you have a plan during this convention. You are right -- you will feel great every morning.

          Spent a hour with my dear husband doing yoga in the living room last night. Our dog insisted on being in the middle of every down dog -- too funny. Lovely way to spend an evening together.
          Free at Last
          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

          Highly recommend this video

          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


            Sober March- Who's in??

            free at last;1642388 wrote: SBL, great to know you have a plan during this convention. You are right -- you will feel great every morning.

            Spent a hour with my dear husband doing yoga in the living room last night. Our dog insisted on being in the middle of every down dog -- too funny. Lovely way to spend an evening together.
            Free -just had to comment. My Basset Hound can not stand for my wife and I to even pretend that we like each other in the same room. LOL. We both love yoga and my wife was trying to show me some new poses that she learned the other night. Flash would not allow this demonstration to occur.

            One thing is for sure, Flash can perform the best downward facing dog pose that I have ever seen. Especially right after he wakes up from one of his dour hour naps. LOL.


              Sober March- Who's in??

              There is a group of people who practice yoga with their canine buddies --doga. Check it out!
              Doga: Yoga for You and Your Dog | The Bark
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                Sober March- Who's in??

                Hi, Everyone:

                March 29 here, that makes two days until the end of a sober March. I hope you are all still around and just out enjoying your sober days. I look forward to seeing you in April!



                  Sober March- Who's in??

                  Hi all, happy to report another AF day and night for me. Will be traveling to West Africa tomorrow. May be offline for a few days, but will join you in April.
                  Free at Last
                  "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                  Highly recommend this video

                  July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                    Sober March- Who's in??

                    Hi all. It's March 31 here in OZ and nearly bedtime. A successful AF March!!!!!! Yahoo.


                      Sober March- Who's in??

                      I try to be sober today as day 1 and hope it works out so i can start a sober april.


                        Sober March- Who's in??

                        Almost there - this will be my first af calendar month since the end of 2011 - looking forward to moving onto April!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Sober March- Who's in??

                          Happy Sober March everyone! I am happy to post today. It is day 90 for me. Loving this sober life. I love waking up clear headed and happy, I love that all the bottles in the recycling are NOT MINE! I feel sorry for my roommate who went out and drank too much and has had a 3 day hangover. I love the money that is not going into booze. I love the freedom of not being tied to a bottle. I love my personality- I was a little afraid that I didn't have one without AL. I look forward to a sober April! See you next month!
                          :earth: Tree23


                            Sober March- Who's in??

                            Way to go, Tree! Amazing milestone. I'm happy you checked in. How goes the house hunt?

                            I hit 120 days today and feel quite happy about it if I do say so myself.

                            I had a funk of a day - in and out of anxiety, sadness, happiness, up and down all day. Weird and with no apparent cause. For sure, alcohol would have made it worse...

                            See you all tomorrow in April. Skull? We need you to kick it off for us! Hope you're around.



                              Sober March- Who's in??

                              Pavati;1643819 wrote:

                              See you all tomorrow in April. Skull? We need you to kick it off for us! Hope you're around.


