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Sober March- Who's in??

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    Sober March- Who's in??

    Welcome New Dreams. Great name!! Let's make March ROCK !! Stay close and so will I.
    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


      Sober March- Who's in??

      Hey SS - will be sending you lots of strong thoughts tonight - you can do this! :l:l
      I am planning to get thru March - I have a few 30 days, and only one completely free month, so this will be a good spring (into action) step for me!
      Pav - well done on 90 days, so proud of you! :goodjob:
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Sober March- Who's in??

        I'm in. Coincidently, lent starts this Wednesday as well. SS, good luck on your going away party!


          Sober March- Who's in??

          Pavati - wow 90 days - so cool!!
          Sober Soul I will definitely send out positive vibes for you tonight!
          Welcome NewDreams! Usually the first day you are planning to go AF is considered day 1, at least that is the way I have always done it. I always felt like if I put it on the roll call then I was committing to being AF for that day and it helps keep me accountable. Also all I really have to worry about is not drinking today.
          Happy March to everyone!


            Sober March- Who's in??

            A lot of great inspirations happening on this thread.

            Glad you are on board Dreams. In my experience in attempts, I have always found day 1 to be the most meaningful of ALL the days. Somehow, day 1 is seldom ever forgotten by anyone who stopped drinking on that day.
            Congrats to the others as well. I think I counted a total of about 300 days sobriety - all combined. How awesome! As was said, it really comes back to one day at time -regardless.


              Sober March- Who's in??

              day 1 again for me ,need lots of support here, just cannot seem to get past day one.


                Sober March- Who's in??

                I'm up for an AF March.
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  Sober March- Who's in??

                  Count me in for AF March.

                  Twitch - how are you doing? I know you can make it to day 2. Just tell AL buh-bye for today. We'll deal with tomorrow when it comes. Keep posting and reading and know we all support you here.
                  Mary Lou

                  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                    Sober March- Who's in??

                    Hi Twitch, I hope you had a good first day! That is the most important day of all because they all build on it. The cravings are definitely the worst in the beginning and do you know what totally doesn't go with alcohol? Ice cream! I have had many times in the last few weeks when I have reached for ice cream instead of wine. It really seems to take my mind off having a drink. I'll worry about the calories later once I get this addiction under control. Good luck and I will be thinking of you!


                      Sober March- Who's in??

                      Bastet - Ice cream is my tool, too. As tools go, not a bad one in my book.

                      Twitch - lots of liquids, try a bath with Epsom salts - take care of yourself.

                      End of March 2, folks. Keep rocking on,



                        Sober March- Who's in??

                        And Hi, Mary Lou! 40 days today, right? Way to go!


                          Sober March- Who's in??

                          Thanks everyone, day 2 here,got to go shopping ,it will be so hard to ignore the voice inside telling me ",its ok you didn't drink last night so you can tonight!" I drink to blot out things, panic that I won't sleep, start thinking of all the things that worry me,I basically just go into a black hole whereas bed should be a sanctuary,some where safe to be
                          I have a lovely life, just finding it hard to cope with changes in the family setting.But I MUST stop drinking,I am putting on loads of weight and feel terrible and probably killing myself too.
                          Will be on here a lot today I think, Love and hugs Twitch x,


                            Sober March- Who's in??

                            Well I got through the shopping without buying any al, next stop Yoga this afternoon, have to go past an off licence,so hard!


                              Sober March- Who's in??



                                Sober March- Who's in??

                                Hi, Twitch

                                I'm sorry you are struggling but what you are going through now won't really hurt you and it will pass. Eat or take a walk or a bath... Just tough it out. It will pass and it will happen less and less as the AF days build up. You can do this.

                                All the best, NS

