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Sober March- Who's in??

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    Sober March- Who's in??

    Count me in. I began an AF journey on February 24, with a 3 month goal. And I'm feeling like a freight train. Look out March!


      Sober March- Who's in??

      Hi, Twitch:

      Also, try posting struggles on the Newbies Nest - there are more people around that thread to give you more support immediately.

      Try reading the Tool Box (under monthly moderation). There are all sorts of ideas about getting through urges.

      Stay strong!


        Sober March- Who's in??

        Me me meeeee... I was wondering where everyone went.... Duh


          Sober March- Who's in??

          Recommending five minutes of full breaths for anyone having thoughts of AL he/she can't push aside. Focus on the breath. Let us know if it is helpful.
          Free at Last
          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

          Highly recommend this video

          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


            Sober March- Who's in??

            Ok, March peeps:

            Thanks to you all I joined a local yoga studio - they were having a great deal on three months of unlimited yoga. I signed up and took a class yesterday and today. SO great to go through all that! Nevermind the fact that I can hardly lift my arms to this keyboard - I feel centered and satisfied. Thanks for the inspiration!

            Glad you found us, BK, I was wondering where you were.

            Thanks for the breathing rec, Free. I find that helps in many pinches, especially anger and anxiety.

            Hope all is well with you all. End of 3/3.


              Sober March- Who's in??

              Well I caved in yesterday and bought bottle of wine but poured half of it down the sink, went shopping this morning and managed not to buy any today.Yoga is great,very grounding I ma trying to do a little everyday as I am struggling with various health issues too.I think I have attached a pic of my son who has Downs doing his Yoga.

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/2284382=7737-attachment.jpg[/img]


                Sober March- Who's in??

                Twitch- very cool about your son and yoga Best of luck continuing sober March, don't give up, you can do it!

                Regarding breathing- I heard recently that nasal breathing (breathing fully both in and out of the nose, not the mouth) and breathing in to the belly (instead of the chest) are both helpful and centering/balancing, since it oxegynates the blood more fully. It really does seem to be true, and it also seemed to boost my workout considerably. I felt like a superhero during/after my workout yesterday.

                Day 4 of sober March. Luck and Love to all ya'all!


                  Sober March- Who's in??

                  Twitch,my sister has Downs too,she would'nt do yoga though,she just likes her movies,good for you pouring most down the drain,its where that crap belongs
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Sober March- Who's in??

                    I am in... Today is my Day 1...Feeling pretty awful....
                    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                      Sober March- Who's in??

                      Thanks Pav! I like sticking around.

                      Spiritgirl... Sorry you aren't feeling to good... I sincerely hate that feeling and it's what keeps me from drinking right now. Be good to yourself today.


                        Sober March- Who's in??

                        I agree, BK. The memory of that terrible feeling still works at keeping me from drinking.

                        You'll get through this SpiritGirl. Try a hot de-tox bath with Epsom salts.

                        Back tomorrow!


                          Sober March- Who's in??

                          Hi all, quick check in from me. Doing yoga from 6-8 every morning and again from 4-6pm is taking away any thoughts for AL. Figure it is time well spent for me. Dashing off to my instruction class. Keep focused.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            Sober March- Who's in??

                            Thanks for the supportive comments... It means a lot! I feel much better today.... I am so glad to be back at MWO...

                            Free, sounds like a great way to start and end your day.... I think I might give yoga a whirl... Ive been a few times but then the hangovers stopped me in my tracks... Ugh
                            God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                              Sober March- Who's in??

                              Good morning, Peeps, glad to see activity on this thread. I am not having trouble abstaining right now as I am spending time with my 83 year old Mom in her nursing residence and watching her go through her dry drunk pining for a beer. Doc finally told her to get off the sauce. When I offered to take her to dinner all she could think of was going to a place where she could have one.. "and you're not going to stop me!!" she snarled. I just said, "Mom, be reasonable and give me no reason to report you." In other words, have A beer but not 4. She is an adult and I really can't stop her.

                              But as for my following in her footsteps, sometimes things happen for a reason and spending time with the old doll has been the best medicine for curbing my cravings.

                              Stay strong, friends. We are 1/6th of the way through the month. I feel great, rested, flat-bellied despite all the carbs I am chowing down on and HAPPY..

                              Stay close too.. I will.
                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                                Sober March- Who's in??

                                Just checking in on Sober Marchers. Today was going to be the day of the rock show, in which I was having drinking thoughts about... I'd decided to just bail on the show and not get derailed and now that the day is here I'm so glad I did.

