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3rd day

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    3rd day

    Confusion, headaches especially in between my eyes are moderate, looking at a page of work studies I forget what I read about five minutes ago, irritation, agitation, difficulty to progress, the worst part is feeling the guilt set in and as usual blaming myself for keeping everything in and blasting people another bad part is that things that seems to be enjoyable no longer are enjoyable even the gym I consistently been using oddly enough spend usually six days at seems depressing. Any DMD, Phd's, JDs, MDs and others where your profession requires immense thought? I was always top of my class in education and professional life but for the past six months I have become confused and unable to retain like I used to does anyone know how long this may last?

    Thanks for all your help!! It is good to be around those who understand me.

    3rd day

    J, have you read the book? It will help you. If you have it read it again. If you are de-toxing you might want to contact someone you trust to come be with you. Going to a Dr. will get you the meds and attention you need to get past this. Believe me you will feel much better in a few days if you can stop drinking. Keep in touch with us

    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      3rd day

      ((Hugs)) Jforeman Day three always seems especially hard for me also.I know depression is normal in early sobriety so this all may ease up in time. One thing that helps me is to remember no emotion is permanent. Of course you can remind me of that in a couple of days when I hit day 3! Hang in there.

      AF 21, March 2010

      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


        3rd day

        Hang in there sweetie, it will get better. Do you HAVE to be at work right now?

        I have to be intelligent at work, I am a research analyst. I find that if I just can't consentrate there's no point being there. Take a break, step back and get some "me" time, then, when you go back you'll not only be sober but thinking better and wont' suffer the guilt of being there and not being productive.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          3rd day

          Oh, and stop putting so much pressure on yourself!!!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....

